• 一个极小进入视野的影像甚至模糊画面也被拍摄得很清晰

    A little fiddling with the incoming image and even the blurriest picture snaps right into focus.


  • 即便互联网繁荣时期,人们对思科的业务也仅限于模糊认知。

    Even at the height of the dotcom boom, people had only the vaguest grasp of Cisco’s business.


  • 者。类型认同感模糊却也是逻辑严谨一类人。

    This type is the most ambivalent of identity as well as the most logical of the subtypes. The pure debater.


  • 即使互联网繁荣巅峰时期,人们思科业务仅限于最模糊的认知。

    Even at the height of the dotcom boom, people had only the vaguest grasp of Cisco's business.


  • 就是为什么竞争激烈、产品瞬间问世互联网公司研究开发分界模糊的。

    That explains why the boundary between research and development is blurring most for web-based companies, where competition is fierce and the time to market can be instantaneous.


  • 李志远说,“两个类星体我们提供特殊实验室研究特大质量黑洞一些最模糊的一类增值。”

    These two 'anti-quasars' provide special laboratories for us to study some of the dimmest type of accretion even seen onto a supermassive black hole.


  • 至于他们做的是什么买卖,他们如何做买卖,他们的买卖有些什么结果,对这些问题只有一些最模糊概念

    What they dealt in, how they laboured, to what end it all came, she had only the vaguest conception.


  • 事情这样——关于一种作为“力量”的事物——一种天上非人格化力量就是用最模糊概念清楚。

    The thing is thisI don't have the foggiest idea of what it means to relate to something like 'the Force' — some impersonal power in the sky.


  • 这个突破不仅仅使找到重现过去成为可能,更重要给定模糊线索时,它也能够无数的可能性发掘出一些东西

    The breakthrough was not just being able to find or replay something from the past, but to find something in a vast hive of possibilities when only the vaguest clues are given.


  • 简单的方式就是应用模糊测试

    One of the easiest ways is to apply the "fuzzy" test.


  • 8光圈值使背景灌木啊如牛奶柔滑,不过同时也可能站在边上的大叔模糊了。

    An aperture of 2.8 might make the trees and shrubbery look silky smooth, but it might make Uncle Bob at the end of the line look fuzzy.


  • 美国欧洲研究人员利用哈勃太空望远镜拍取一个物体模糊红外线图像他们认为人类观测到的古老的星系。

    A team of U.S. and European researchers using the Hubble Space Telescope have captured infrared images of a blurry object they believe to be the oldest galaxy ever seen by man.


  • 经常标签上发现非常模糊'植物油'描述这意味着他们选择了那个时候可用便宜不饱和脂肪

    You will often find the very vague description 'vegetable fats' on the label, meaning they chose the cheapest unsaturated fat available at the time.


  • 伟大当代画家都无法这个主题赋予正义的时候,只能使模糊几乎消失殆尽才能感受到这场灾难的罪恶

    When the world’s greatest living painter can’t do justice to his theme, can only render it as blurred and almost unseeable, you get a sense of its enormity.


  • 能够保护程序抵御模糊攻击的简单的方法一个检验和添加数据中。

    The simplest thing you can do to protect against fuzzing is add a checksum to your data.


  • 2008年81日—对全世界众多贫困人口而言,其生活模糊

    August 1, 2008-for too many of the world's poorest people, life is just a blur.


  • 电影奇妙时刻年幼的1900(科里·巴克饰演)趴在彩色玻璃挡板上,注视着房间里模糊的舞池当中旋转盛装舞者的影像

    In the most magical moment, the young Nineteen Hundred (Cory Buck) presses his nose against a stained-glass partition to observe the blurred images of whirling, formally attired ballroom dancers.


  • 事实上一个聪明做法常常认识到模糊价值

    Often, indeed, the smartest thing a person can do is recognise the value of vagueness.


  • 模糊编辑广告编辑用户-许多盈利业务模式积极地之间界线变得模糊的编辑内容广告

    The Blurring of Editorial vs Ads & Editors vs Users - many of the most profitable business models aggressively blur the line between editorial content and advertising.


  • 明显区别运动模糊模糊仅仅一个方向

    The most obvious difference is that for motion blur, the blur is only in one direction.


  • 摄影师来说一个普遍问题但是艰难是怎样修复这些拍摄模糊的照片。

    It's one of the most common problems photographers have, but one of the hardest to correct after the photograph has been taken!


  • 每个人都秘密之间界限模糊不清,如何面对永久也是致命的后果呢?

    Everyone has secrets, but when the lines between right and wrong, good and bad, true and false, become blurred, how do you cope with the lasting and deadly consequences?


  • 2002年两个团队利用能够补偿大气模糊自适应光学镜头锐化了他们照片之后,关键的时刻到来

    The clincher came in 2002, when both teams sharpened their images using adaptive optics, technology that compensates for the atmosphere's blur.


  • 本文提出种新的拍卖模型——多属性网上拍卖,核心问题如何决定胜出者,提出了一种模糊粗糙方法解决多属性决策问题。

    This paper firstly presents a multi-attribute auction, and then solves the problem of winner determination which is the most key problem in multi-attribute auction based on fuzzy rough set.


  • 基于钢制容器静强度在苛刻压力试验条件下可靠分析,建立了统一确定钢制压力容器试验压力的模糊可靠性理论

    Based on the reliability analysis of steel pressure vessels under the harshest condition, the fuzzy reliability theory of determining the testing pressure of steel pressure vessels is established.


  • 地球人类所有事物其中它们外的边缘模糊遥远

    All the things of the earth and of man were in it, but they were at the extreme outer edges, dim and far off.


  • 然后在该类别里模糊贴近度公式选出台风相似历史样本。

    Then the history Typhoon which is the most similar to forecasting Typhoon can be selected by calculating fuzzy approximation finally.


  • 这部小说感人一个特征生动描述具有模糊多重身份神秘主人公宠儿病态人格

    The most impressive feature of novel is that it vividly exhibits the neurotic personality of Beloved, the mysterious protagonist with ambiguous multiple identities.


  • 句法上面体现出典型的述性,在语义上面具有动量的模糊上面则表现出了比较强主观性

    They embody the most typical predication on sentence structure, have a momentum that is fuzzy on semantic meaning, and demonstrate stronger subjectivity in the language using.


  • 模糊限制语作为模糊语言领域中普遍典型现象广泛应用人类语言的各个层面。

    Hedges, as the most universal and the most typical phenomenon, are widely applied in every aspect of human language.


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