• 纳米纤维素添加塑料中,科学家们必须发现有效纳米颗粒间的相互作用能够产生大强度达到特性

    As nanocellulose disperses within plastic, scientists must find the sweet spot: the right amount of nanoparticle-matrix interaction that yields the strongest, lightest property.


  • 尽管能用很多战略提高专注的能力但冥想做到有效方式

    Although you can use many strategies to develop your skill to focus, meditation is the most effective way to do this.


  • 达到有效办法就是假装已经你的人生中实现了

    The most effective way to achieve this is to pretend, that your desire has been already realized in your life.


  • 但是如果关心空间那么它不是有效序列化格式(只是xml好一)。

    If you're concerned with space, however, it is not the most efficient serialization format (only marginally better than XML).


  • 即使最有承认这一

    Even the most productive of people can't beat that.


  • 由于政客们有时易于表现出过于刚愎自用专横跋扈,因此,滑稽场面就成了有效的传播媒介,它可以把问题关注直接曝光普通公众

    With politicians tending to become too egotistical or overbearing at times, comedy has been the most effective vehicle that indirectly exposes issues and concerns to the general public.


  • 有效发射轨道应该在发射东边使卫星轨道倾度发射纬度相等

    The most efficient launch trajectory is due east from a launch site, which places the satellite into an orbital inclination equal to the latitude of the launch site.


  • 鼓励人们分享Teaser有效方式除了为他们预留一个特定位置外一些的效果也是最有效的方式之一。

    Probably the most effective way to make people share your teaser is to not just help them reserve a special spot, but also give something in return.


  • 每个应该覆盖至少一个网格交叉由于软件连接有效的是网格交叉上。

    Every pin should cover at least one grid intersection, because the software connects most efficiently to pins at grid intersections.


  • 如果找到一天最有时间应该富挑战性的工作安排那段时间。

    And if you figure out your most productive time of the day, you should probably schedule the more challenging tasks for that time period.


  • 航空煤油发动机尺寸经过优化设计,已经能够发动机的有效操作提供巡航动力进而从总体提高燃料效率

    Thepetrol engine is optimally sized to provide the cruise power at its most efficient operating point, resulting in an improved fuel efficiency overall.


  • 通常穿尽量鞋子是有优势的,这样才可以有效运用肌肉

    It's most often an advantage using as soft shoes as possible, since you this way get the most out of the muscles in your feet.


  • 即使善于别人作战告诉他们如何有效做到正如征服者将军所做的那样,不能算是文明

    Even being good at getting other people to fight for you and telling them how to do it most efficiently - this, after all, is what conquerors and generals have done - is not being civilized.


  • 一个最有效知道目标还有多远。

    There e's a sweet spot for how far away your goal should be.


  • 旅游纪念品旅游业一个重要组成部分,提高旅游购物收入有效环节,是旅游业中具潜力的新的增长

    Tourism souvenir, an important component of tourism, is the most effective link and the most potential growth point in tourism purchase income.


  • 需要认真评估自身优势,以及每一位团队成员的优势,才能确定有效切入

    This requires a careful assessment of my strengths and those of each of my team to determine where I can be most effective to "flex in."


  • 文章指出建立汉语检索语言必须基本放在汉语语法特征求得有效标引检索结果

    In order to establish Chinese retrieval language, it is necessary to put the basic point on the Chinese grammar characteristics, so as to achieve the most effective results for indexing and searching.


  • 将鼻子作为最有效渠道,通过鼻子,外部能量可帮助身体发现平衡。建议睡觉枕头香油提醒大家不同选择取决于个人品味

    He also suggested sprinkling a bit of fragrant oil onto one's pillow at bedtimebut reminded the crowd that such oils vary widely depending on one's particular taste.


  • 月球重力场探测了解月球内部结构构造有效手段之一也是未来登陆选择重要依据

    Lunar gravimetry is one of the most useful approaches to understanding the interior constitution and structure of the moon and also serves as a fundamental basis for choice of landing sites in future.


  • 发现最有的时间段晚上十十二之间,尽管十分怪异,来说段时间确是充满活力

    I discovered that my most productive time was between ten p. m. and midnight which is really weird but for me it's just this burst of energy right before the end.


  • 月球重力场探测了解月球内部结构构造有效手段之一,也是未来登陆选择重要依据。

    Lunar gravimetry is one of the most useful approaches to understand interior constitution and structure of the moon, a fundamental consideration for choice of landing sites in future.


  • 什么有效方法做到试图删除个,导致SQL错误违反约束的错误?

    What is the most efficient way of doing this short of trying to delete each one at a time and letting it cause SQL errors on the ones that violate constraints?


  • 研究表明中国企业全球化大潮中立于不败之地有效关键,即培育提升企业核心竞争力

    This research shows that if the Chinese enterprises want to win in the global economic tides, the most effective and crucial point is to build and promote the enterprise's core competence.


  • 研究表明中国企业全球化大潮中立于不败之地有效关键,即培育提升企业核心竞争力

    This research shows that if the Chinese enterprises want to win in the global economic tides, the most effective and crucial point is to build and promote the enterprise's core competence.


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