• 最新研究调查显示新生已经表现出压力很大了,该研究报告目前学生情绪健康水平处于1985年调查开始以来最低水平。

    Freshmen are showing up already stressed out, according to the latest research study that reported students' emotional health levels at their lowest since the survey started in 1985.


  • 舆观调查网(YouGov最新民意调查显示英国阶级的敏感程度令人惊讶——无论是自己的还是别人的。

    As a new YouGov poll shows, Britons are surprisingly alert to classboth their own and that of others.


  • 最新调查显示日本13 -14初中生中,46%的人手机,而16 -17高中生,则有96%的人有手机。

    A new survey shows around 46% of middle school students aged 13-14 and 96% of high school students aged 16-17 in Japan carry a mobile phone.


  • 欧盟27国家开展最新大型调查显示德国欧洲悲观国家。

    Germans are the gloomiest people in Europe according to a major new study of the 27 nations in the European Union.


  • 最新调查显示很多爸爸坦称自己一直努力寻求工作家庭生活之间平衡。

    With Father's Day fast approaching, many dads admit they are struggling with how to juggle long days at the office and quality time with their family, according to a new survey.


  • 最新研究显示6个月针灸治疗常规治疗能缓解后背疼痛

    Six months of acupuncture provides more relief for back pain than conventional treatments, according to a large new study.


  • 上周四公布的最新调查显示世界各地有五分之四消费者认为时装模特很多名人”。

    Female fashion models and many celebrities are "too thin, " say four in every five consumers from around the world, a new survey showed on Thursday.


  • 最新研究显示如果感到抑郁服用鱼油补剂可能会使你感觉好些

    If you're feeling depressed, you might feel better if you take fish oil supplements, a new study shows.


  • 最新调查显示半数英国女性经济危机感到害怕惊恐,45%的受访女性认为经济状况严重恶化

    A new survey finds almost half of UK women are frightened or scared by the recession, and 45 percent felt their financial situation had taken a hit.


  • 最新研究显示软饮料除了破坏体型损伤骨骼外,会损害我们皮肤是因为软饮料中含有磷酸盐加速衰老进程

    Aside from being damaging for our figure and our bones, it turns out that fizzy drinks are also bad for our skin, for they contain phosphate, which speeds up the aging process, a recent study cited.


  • 由欧盟资助最新报告显示消费者购买名牌产品的仿冒自己名牌产品的经营者好处的。

    A new EU-funded report has declared that it is OK to buy fake goods for both consumers and operators of top brands.


  • 美国科学家最新研究显示使鲨鱼具有第六它们能够检测电流信号的基因人类头部面部特征发育起著重要作用。

    The same genes that give sharks their sixth sense and allow them to detect electrical signals are also responsible for the development of head and facial features in humans, a new study suggests.


  • 最新研究显示病人处于心脏病危险中时,用恐吓策略设法病人改善饮食习惯行为必要的。

    Scare tactics may not be necessary when trying to get patients at risk of heart disease to change their diet or behaviour, a new study has found.


  • 最新研究显示家人爱人是我们最大的快乐之源,面对面的交流带来的快乐远超过网络社交

    Nothing makes us happier than our families and loved ones, a new study shows, with face-to-face socializing beating reaching out to people online hands down.


  • 盖洛普最新调查显示迷信巫术已经撒哈拉以南非洲随处可见超过半数受访者承认他们相信巫术

    A new Gallup poll found that belief in magic is widespread throughout sub-Saharan Africa, with over half of respondents saying they personally believe in witchcraft.


  • 最新研究显示,同样抽烟女性男性容易使患上心脏病

    Smoking is more likely to give women heart disease than men, a study has found.


  • 最新报告显示任何癌症男性死亡率要高于女性

    Men die at higher rates than women from almost every kind of cancer, a new study finds.


  • 最新研究显示法国体重不达标女性比例一直居欧洲之首,只有一半的女性认为自己

    France has by far the highest proportion of clinically underweight women in Europe, but only half of them think they are too thin, according to a new study.


  • 最新研究显示与矮个子相比高个子的人生活更加幸福。研究发现大多数生活不幸福的男性平均身高矮英寸

    Tall people lead happier lives than their more vertically challenged peers, according to a new study which found that most miserable men are almost an inch shorter than average.


  • 最新研究显示与矮个子相比高个子的人生活更加幸福。 研究发现大多数生活不幸福的男性平均身高矮英寸

    Tall people lead happier lives than their more vertically challenged peers, according to a new study which found that most miserable men are almost an inch shorter than average.


  • 最新研究显示孩子家里的长幼顺序可能影响智力发育人格形成

    Birth order within families might affect the child's personality and intelligence, a new study suggests.


  • 最新研究显示弹性工作制对于保持员工心情愉快高效工作以及公司忠诚度至关重要

    Job flexibility is the key to keeping workers happy, productive and loyal to the company, a new study shows.


  • 最新调查显示主演美国黑帮伟大辩手丹泽尔·华盛顿连续第二被评为美国受欢迎的电影明星

    Denzel Washington, the star of "American Gangster" and "the Great Debaters," topped the list for the second year in a row as America's favorite movie star in a new survey.


  • 最新研究显示,诸如“机场飞机”、“到达目的地”、甚至收拾行装”这样的更新,都可能引来潜在的窃贼。

    Updates about waiting for flights at the airport, arriving at destinations or even just packing suitcases can be enough to tempt opportunists.


  • 最新调查显示那些遭受过心理生理伤害单身女士男士存在孤独。

    A new survey out of China claims that all the single ladiesand menare subject to psychological and physical hazards as a result of their crippling loneliness.


  • 马耳他最新调查显示赞成者急速减少。

    Support for the Yes vote has fallen sharply according to a latest survey of Malta.


  • 最新调查显示首席财务美国经济他们自己公司前景日益感到乐观

    Chief financial officers are growing more optimistic about the U.S. economy and their own companies' prospects, according to a new survey.


  • 美国最新研究结果显示,每晚7小时利于健康

    Sleeping for 7 hours each night can help you stay healthy, according to new US research.


  • 美国最新研究结果显示,每晚7小时利于健康

    Sleeping for 7 hours each night can help you stay healthy, according to new US research.


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