• 黑洞最新照片

    This is the bright new picture of black holes.


  • 可以昼夜工作,还能发送来自地震地区的最新照片

    It can work day and night, and is also able to send the latest pictures from the quake area.


  • 这里我们最新照片

    Here are some of our latest pictures.


  • 建立面向最新照片上方最古老底部这些检查进展情况

    During the build, this section is oriented with the most recent photo at the top and the oldest at the bottom for those checking on the progress.


  • 对于Flickr也是一样刚好提供指向最新照片的Atom提要一个链接

    The same would occur for Flickr, which happens to also provide a link to an Atom feed of your most recent photos.


  • 人们可以任何时间、任何地点上网更新个人上传自己最新照片

    People can use phones to surf the Internet, update their personal micro blog, and upload their latest pictures at any place, anytime.


  • 所以,现在地址簿好友动态更新最新照片生日他们的公司电子邮件地址

    So now your address book is dynamically updated with your friends' latest photo, birthday, their company and email address.


  • 如果外星人登陆地球,那么最新照片似乎可以证明他们首个着陆点将会俄罗斯

    If the aliens really are landing, this latest picture seems to confirm that their first port of call on Earth will be Russia.


  • 如果外星人登陆地球那么最新照片似乎可以证明他们首个著陆点将俄罗斯

    If the aliens really are landing, this latest picture seems to confirm that their first port of callon Earth will be Russia.


  • 这里收集来自北部地区最新照片在那里冬天已经造成了一定影响,以及人们动物正在采取一些方法应对变化季节

    Collected here are recent photos from northern areas where winter weather has made an impact, and some of the ways the people and animals are dealing with the changing seasons.


  • 天文学家使用安装2.2米望远镜广域相机(WFI)拍摄最新照片,该望远镜德国马普 /ESO 共有的,位于智利北部斯拉天文台

    The picture was taken by the Wide Field Imager attached to the MPG/ESO 2.2-meter telescope at ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile.


  • 如果看起来最新时尚照片里的人,你也不必感到沮丧

    You need never feel depressed if you don't look like the latest fashion photo.


  • 一个最新项目呼吁人们来自地的照片加上标签确认那些地震失踪者的身份。

    One recent project asked people to tag photos from Haiti in an effort to identify missing people.


  • 通过以上两手机应用美国人可以直接白宫提前获得通知察看相应的照片视频并且阅读博客或者简报中的最新新闻

    With both of these mobile apps, Americans can get alerts directly from the White House, check out behind-the-scenes photos and videos, and read the latest news from the blog or the Briefing Room.


  • 布列松胶卷同一个镜头没有闪光灯同样快门——需要最新数码设备可以照片

    Cartier-Bresson used film camera, same lens, no flash, same shutter speed - he didn't need the newest digital equipment to take great photos.


  • 照片,采用巨大悬臂杂乱堆叠安特卫普最新博物馆看似令人担忧的风头主义。

    In PHOTOGRAPHS, Antwerp's newest museum, with its helter-skelter stack of enormous cantilevered boxes, looks worryingly exhibitionistic.


  • 来自哈伯太空望远镜最新发布照片一个恒星搅动星云充满着闪烁鲜艳光彩的新星。

    A roiling interstellar cloud and filled with newborn stars shines in vivid colors in a newly released snapshot from the Hubble Space Telescope.


  • 就在今年包括iPhone3g照片以及iPod Nano最新产品组合等一系列苹果产品的详尽资料都互联网上被泄漏出来。

    This year, advance details about a number of Apple products spilled onto the web, including photos of the iPhone 3g and the latest lineup of iPod nanos.


  • 土桑市亚利桑那大学近日发布了过去几个月运用HiRISE拍摄最新火星表面照片

    The University of Arizona, Tucson, which operates HiRISE, has just released a new batch of these photos taken in the last several months.


  • 科学家现在可以最新照片相对比,最近四十是否变化

    Scientists will now compare those pictures with the latest images to see if anything has changed in the past 40 years.


  • 例如可以使用We b主页显示流行最新文章链接下载照片

    For example, you could use a Web box to display the most popular or newest articles, links, downloads, or photos on the home page.


  • iPhone编辑处理照片或者从中获取乐趣已不再是个梦想因为最新的iPhone3g S手机配备了自动调焦,可以拍摄3兆的图片

    Editing, enhancing or having fun with photos in your iPhone is not a dream anymore as the latest 3gs iPhone is now furnished with an auto-focus mechanism taking 3 megapixel images.


  • 今天世界卫生组织(世卫组织)发表了“远大期望照片系列最新一章6个月时再次访问了6个国家的这6位母亲及其婴儿

    Today, the World Health Organization (WHO), launches the newest chapter in the Great expectations photo series - which re-visits the six mothers and their babies in six countries, at six months.


  • Google辆拥有特种装备雪橇车,车上载有最新GPS摄像器材摄制倾斜-水平照片街景视图服务添砖加瓦。

    It sent a specially equipped snowmobile up the mountain, kitted out with the latest GPS and photographic equipment, to take slope-level pictures as part of its Street View mapping service.


  • 比如说主页的“最新消息”(What' sNew)显示用户尚未看见网站更新内容但是上传视频文件在这里就没有显示出来加的照片评论也是一样。

    For example, a 'What's new' list on the home page should display recent site changes yet unseen by the user, but a video that I posted didn't show up here, nor did new comments about photos.


  • 比如说主页的“最新消息”(What' sNew)显示用户尚未看见网站更新内容但是上传视频文件在这里就没有显示出来加的照片评论也是一样。

    For example, a 'What's new' list on the home page should display recent site changes yet unseen by the user, but a video that I posted didn't show up here, nor did new comments about photos.


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