• 美国国家老龄化研究所赞助一项研究显示,世界富裕国家居民可能此前预计寿命更长

    Citizens of the world's wealthiest countries may live longer than previously predicted, according to a study sponsored by the National Institute on Aging.


  • 最富裕国家贫穷国家之间期望寿命的差异超过40

    The difference in life expectancy between the richest and poorest countries exceeds 40 years.


  • 富裕国家穷困国家之间预期寿命差异现已高达40多岁。

    Differences in life expectancy between the richest and poorest countries are now greater than 40 years.


  • 富裕国家贫穷国家之间预期寿命方面的差距超过40

    Differences in life expectancy between the richest and poorest countries exceed 40 years.


  • 但是英国年轻人比起大部分富裕国家的同龄人来说,找到工作艰难。

    Yet youngsters in Britain struggle harder than their peers in most rich countries to secure what jobs are available.


  • 由此看来,世界富裕国家房价作为穷国中国还要不少

    Seen in this light, the world's most rich countries as poor countries than prices even lower in China, many.


  • 报告还中国去年全球富裕国家中排第7,预计10年后入三甲

    China took the 7th spot on the list of the world's richest countries, and may make to top 3 in 10 years, said the report.


  • 一项国际调查发现去年全球富裕国家大多出现初创企业数量下降趋势,但英国人却创业热情高涨。

    Enthusiasm for entrepreneurship last year helped the UK to buck the trend for falls in the number of start-ups in the world's richest countries, an international survey has found.


  • 研究人员分析了2000年2007年平均寿命变化发现80%的郡县落后富裕国家

    The group also looked at how life expectancies changed from 2000 to 2007, and found that 80 percent of counties were losing ground relative to the healthiest nations.


  • 举例来说,好几我们得知戈登布朗劝服这个最富裕国家免除贫穷国家债务方面发挥关键作用

    Several times, for instance, we were told that Gordon Brown had played a vital role in persuading the world's richest countries to forgive debt to the world's poorest countries.


  • 一项国际调查发现去年全球最富裕国家大多出现初创企业数量下降趋势,但英国人创业热情高涨。

    Enthusiasm for entrepreneurship last year helped the UK to buck the trend for falls in the number of start-ups in the worlds richest countries, an international survey has found.


  • 一项国际调查发现,去年全球富裕国家大多出现初创企业数量下降趋势,但英国人却创业热情高涨

    Enthusiasm for entrepreneurship last year helped the UK to buck the trend for falls in the number of start-ups in the world's richest countries...


  • 一项国际调查发现,去年全球富裕国家大多出现了初创企业数量下降趋势,但英国人却创业热情高涨

    Enthusiasm for entrepreneurship last year helped the UK to buck the trend for falls in the number of start-ups in the world's riches...


  • 1980年,占全球人口10%富裕国家国民总收入是占全球人口10%的国家的国民总收入60

    In 1980, the richest countries with 10% of the population had a gross national income 60 times that of the poorest countries with 10% of the world's population.


  • 目前儿童基本疫苗覆盖率达到历史高水平——86%,并且最富裕国家贫穷国家之间差距历史低水平

    Coverage for the basic package of childhood vaccines is now the highest it's ever been, at 86 percent. And the gap between the richest and the poorest countries is the lowest it's ever been.


  • 世界上富裕国家领导人奢华度假胜地商讨如何解决这些问题的时候他们的夫人们学习如何穿戴日本传统和服

    While leaders of the world's rich nations negotiated in a luxury resort over how to resolve the world's woes, their wives will learn how to fold a traditional Japanese kimono.


  • 上月一项专家研究结论指出,目前即便富裕国家,其癌症治疗支出也是不可持续的。

    Just last month, an expert study concluded that the costs of treating cancer are now unsustainable in even the richest nations.


  • 尽管名列非洲富裕国家也是世界唯一城市脊髓灰质炎病例的。

    Although among Africa's richest countries, it is the only one in the world with cases of urban polio.


  • 与此形成对比的是,某些富裕国家几乎人人都金融账户

    By contrast, nearly everyone has a financial account in some of the richest countries.


  • 这里另一个统计数据:世界富裕国家浪费食物总和与撒哈拉以南非洲生产的食物量等同

    Here's another statistic: all the food that the world's richest countries waste is about equal to all the food that sub-Saharan Africa produces.


  • 拉美国家一样,也许只要几十年日本就世界上富裕国家之一沦落为贬低的对象。

    Like the Latin American country, it might go from being one of the richest countries in the world to becoming sadly diminished only a few decades later.


  • 如今这个国家富裕地区,拥有价值数十万美元华丽而宏伟高楼大宅

    Today it is the wealthiest enclave in the country, with gaudy, grandiose mansions that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.


  • 种种线索汇总起来,7月6 - 8日世界最富裕八个工业化国家领导人苏格兰的格伦·伊格尔斯召开年度首脑会议。

    These various strands are coming together on July 6-8 when leaders of the eight richest industrialized countries meet for their annual summit in Gleneagles, Scotland.


  • 若不采取紧急行动这些疾病所带来日益增长财政经济损失终将达到即便是世界富裕国家无力承受的程度

    In the absence of urgent action, the rising financial and economic costs of these diseases will reach levels that are beyond the coping capacity of even the wealthiest countries in the world.


  • 若不采取紧急行动这些疾病所带来日益增长财政经济损失终将达到即便是世界富裕国家无力承受的程度

    In the absence of urgent action, the rising financial and economic costs of these diseases will reach levels that are beyond the coping capacity of even the wealthiest countries in the world.


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