• 实际上NBA利益造成最大损害他们的残酷,令人窒息的,使人疲劳至极赛程

    In fact, the thing that runs contrary to the best interests of the NBA is its own cruel, Unrelenting, Back-Breaking of the Schedule.


  • 报告指出这种地球迅速黯淡前景下——如果采取行动会更糟——最贫困国家已经面临着极端天气事件带来最大损害

    As the planet rapidly warms towards this grim scenario-and beyond it, if no action is taken-the poorest countries are already facing the largest damages from extreme weather events, the report notes.


  • 作者提出最大担忧太空碎片环绕地球垃圾”碎片,如果它们包括国际空间站在内的运行体相撞,将可能造成严重损害

    The greatest concern the authors raise is space debris—pieces of "junk" that orbit the earth, with the potential to cause serious damage if they collide with operational units, including the ISS.


  • 两位作者提出最大担忧太空垃圾——环绕地球运行的“垃圾”碎片,如果它们包括国际空间站在内的运行单位相撞可能造成严重损害

    The greatest concern the authors raise is space debris-pieces of "junk" that orbit the earth, with the potential to cause serious damage if they collide with operational units, including the ISS.


  • 为了使全球福利最大每个国家定价不仅反映碳排放本国造成的损害应反映外国造成损害

    In order to maximize global welfare, every country's carbon pricing should reflect not only the purely domestic damage from emissions, but also the damage to foreign.


  • 为了使全球福利最大每个国家定价不仅反映碳排放本国造成的损害应反映外国造成损害

    In order to maximize global welfare, every country's carbon pricing should reflect not only the purely domestic damage from emissions, but also the damage to foreign countries.


  • 克林顿先生克林顿女士最大损害在于宣称作为一个有效首席执行官的承诺。

    The biggest damage is to Mrs Clinton's claim that she will be an effective chief executive.


  • 由于一系列损害品牌品质声誉汽车召回事件美国这一丰田最大市场造成的影响尤为恶劣,丰田章男先生受到了美国国会议员们的连番质询。

    Toyoda was grilled by U.S. lawmakers for a series of recalls that have tarnished the carmaker's brand and reputation for quality, particularly in the United States, its largest market.


  • 由于一系列损害品牌品质声誉汽车召回事件,美国这一丰田最大市场造成的影响尤为恶劣,丰田章男先生受到了美国国会议员们的连番质询。

    Toyoda was grilled by U.S. lawmakers for a series of recalls that havetarnished the carmaker's brand and reputation for quality, particularly in the United States, its largest market.


  • 提出了一个强有力的一揽子税收计划,主要是提高吨位卡车的税收,因为大吨位卡车道路的损害最大小汽车牌照费也有增加。

    I proposed a hefty tax package featuring large increases for heavy trucks, which did most of the damage, and substantial ones for cars.


  • 这种延迟效应公司信誉损害最大

    The damage to their credibility will be all the greater for the delayed effect.


  • 他们抱怨这个行业严重损害身体健康时间工作激烈竞争某些超过300雇员)最大律师行中个性被磨灭

    The disgruntled complained about cripplingly long hours, intense competition and the impersonality of the biggest firms (some with more than 3,000 lawyers).


  • 他们抱怨这个行业严重损害身体健康时间工作激烈竞争某些超过300雇员)最大律师行中个性被磨灭

    The disgruntled complained about cripplingly long hours, intense competition and the impersonality of the biggest firms (some with more than 3, 000 lawyers).


  • 这项迄今为止规模最大老年痴呆症基因研究发现许多患有老年痴呆症病人保护大脑免受损害并且确保神经元正常工作基因受到了损害

    Three genes that protect the brain from damage and ensure neurons work properly were found to be impaired in many patients with the disease, in the largest genetic study of the condition yet.


  • 欧盟官员减少拍卖许可重视并不损害一揽子计划带来好处减排执行来源于最大允许量的控制。

    Eurocrats say a reduced emphasis on auctioning permits won't undermine the benefits of the package; carbon-cutting discipline still comes from the ceiling on the number of allowances issued.


  • 然而吸收地震摇晃冲击力最大部分后,这些损害建筑物必须拆毁。

    After absorbing the brunt of seismic shaking however the compromised structures often must be demolished.


  • 然而吸收地震摇晃冲击力最大部分后,这些损害建筑物必须拆毁。

    After absorbing the brunt of seismic shaking, however, the compromised structures often must be demolished.


  • 需要解决法律问题确保公司因为追求利润股东收益最大损害社会任务

    Legal issues will need to be addressed to ensure that companies are not bound to maximise profits and shareholder returns to the detriment of their social mission.


  • 顽固地损害子孙后代生活质量以便最大限度地提高自己的生活质量。

    For insisting on eroding their grandchildren and great-grandchildren's quality of life in order to maximize their own quality of life.


  • 弹头设定正好目标上方引爆获得损害最大值。

    The warhead is set to detonate just above the target to maximise the damage.


  • 即使他们多元化,行事也必须尽可能隐秘——否则其它人随之动,使中国作为美国国债最大持有者受到损害

    But if they want to diversified it, they have to do it secretly, otherwise the others wil influenced by it and China will suffered damage as the biggest holder of US TBS.


  • 精神损害赔偿问题中,精神损害赔偿数额如何确定争议最大

    Among the problems of spiritual damage compensation, the most controversial is how to decide on the amount of the compensation.


  • 面对温室效应造成自然灾害沿江可以最大限度地减少损害后果

    Natural disaster which creates facing the greenhouse effect, may maximum limit reduce the harm consequence along the river.


  • 关于科技有意思一点损害环境,同时它也是避免修补这种损害最大希望

    An interesting fact about technology is that it can both hurt the environment and be our best hope for preventing or repairing such damage.


  • 获奖原因:顽固地损害子孙后代生活质量以便最大限度地提高自己生活质量。

    For insisting on eroding their grandchildren and great-grandchildren's quality of life in order to maximize their own quality of life.


  • 其中医疗过错认定标准以及医疗过错程序性设计显得更加重要二者对医疗损害赔偿责任的影响最大

    In these problems, the standards of medical mistakes recognized and the procedure of medical mistakes identified is even more important, they have the greatest impact on medical liability for damage.


  • 他们创建计算机扫描模型废墟损害程度提供精确记录确定危害程度最大的因素,含盐地下水首当其冲

    It has created computer scans to provide precise records of the damage to the ruins and identified the most pernicious threats, starting with erosion caused by salty groundwater.


  • 他们创建计算机扫描模型废墟损害程度提供精确记录确定危害程度最大的因素,含盐地下水首当其冲

    It has created computer scans to provide precise records of the damage to the ruins and identified the most pernicious threats, starting with erosion caused by salty groundwater.


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