• 现在随着最后村庄被摧毁,在希腊没有部落敢我们面前说谎

    Now, with the last village destroyed, all the tribes of Hellas lie humbled before us!


  • 即使辛普森这样名字也可能属于最后一类不是一类,如果这个家族曾经同名古老村庄自己的话。

    Even such a name as Simpson may belong to this last group, and not to the first, had the family once had its home in the ancient village of that name.


  • 后来纳特·塞耶(NateThayer)回到村庄,纳特·塞耶是最后一个采访波尔布特的西方记者

    Later, I returned to the village with Nate Thayer - the last western journalist to have interviewed Pol Pot.


  • 最后幸存下来淘金者到达道森,道森市在没有发现金矿之前还只是村庄,在发现金矿后很短时间内它就成了一座大城市,店铺和旅馆很快就建起来了,物价飞涨。

    At last, the remaining gold seekers reached the city of Dawson. Dawson had been a small village before the discovery of gold.


  • 最后三分之一村庄混合采用两种方法

    The final third of the villages employed a hybrid of both methods.


  • 杰克·洛·葛伦在第二次世界大战期间担任轰炸机领航员,1944年德国上空执行任务时,与敌军开火交战,结果为国捐驱,遗体最后长眠于德国乡间一个村庄田野之中。

    Jack Harold Glenn was a World War II bomber navigator who was killed during a firefight as he flew a mission over Germany in 1944, his body coming to rest in a field in a rural village.


  • 比如印度比哈尔受淹西河大片地区我们计划免疫工作队可能多达七个小时才能接触到远处村庄最后名儿童

    For example, in the vast, flooded Kosi River Area of Bihar State in India, our vaccination teams can travel for up to seven hours to reach the last child in the furthest village.


  • 这座名叫兰普尔村庄位于印度拉贾斯坦邦首府斋浦尔南部340公里处,该村村委会最后决定法律掌控在自己手中

    The council, or panchayat, of Ranpur village, 340 km (210 miles) south of state capital Jaipur, then decided to take the law into its own hands.


  • 最后我们发现村庄当时外相议员JackStraw用作第二故乡

    In the end we found out that the village was being used by then foreign secretary and member of parliament Jack Straw as a place for his second home.


  • 最后几页,那姆痛打了两个人挫败了一个追求者斧头砍了灶台,然后在母亲后面石头砸过来情势下,逃离了村庄

    By the final pages of the book, Namu has beaten two people bloody, devastated a suitor, demolished a kitchen with an axe and fled her village with her mother flinging stones at her back.


  • 成千村庄开弦一样,事实上已经入侵者破坏,然而它们废墟中,内部冲突巨大耗费的斗争最后必将终止

    It is true that thousands of villages have already, like Kaihsienkung, been destroyed by the invaders, but in their ruin our internal conflicts and follies should find their last resting-place.


  • 最后关头一些技术故障活动受到限制。另外有报告说村庄一些营地物品储备不够充分。

    Several last-minute technical problems restricted the mobility and articulation of the dragon. Some of the camping areas (outside the village) were reported as inadequately provisioned.


  • 河流遥远高山上流下来经过许多村庄森林最后来到处沙漠

    A little stream flowed down from a high mountain far, far away through many villages and forests, until it reached a desert.


  • 最后男孩仍然走出了这个村庄去了一个大城市想法付诸实践。

    Finally, the boy still went out of this small village to a big city to put his thoughts into practice.


  • 最后想起母亲诅咒克莱门走进村庄一路

    Finally, remembering her mother's curse, Clemencia went into the village, crying all the way.


  • 最后我们依据两个村庄各类职业比例分析各自职业分层结构对职业流动提出了相应建议。

    At last, we analyzed the two countries' class structure, and gave some advices by their occupation proportion.


  • 最后到了读到美丽村庄洛伦索我们继续住了几天酒店

    I had read about the pretty village of San Lorenzo ten minutes out of the city so we continued on and checked into a hotel.


  • 最后到了读到美丽村庄洛伦索我们继续住了几天酒店

    I had read about the pretty village of San Lorenzo ten minutes out of the city so we continued on and checked into a hotel.


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