• 先生试图一个水箱中养一些鳗鱼,它们撞到水箱两侧直到它们发作死亡

    Mr Prosek tried to keep some in a tank but they banged their heads against the sides until they had seizures and died.


  • 本人也承认,自己是个内向又爱瞎胡闹的孩子试过邻居家男孩证明外星人开始入侵地球或者玩具士兵撕烂。

    By his own admission, Burton was an introverted, destructive childhe would try to convince the boy next door that an alien invasion had begun or would tear the heads of his toy soldiers.


  • 阿斯卡察尔科行政区石油精炼厂1991年关闭了,炼油厂被估测排除污染物占墨西哥空气总污染物的7%,关闭之后,的大部分场地被开垦重建成公园

    The oil refinery in the borough of Azcapotzalco, which was said to belch out up to 7% of Mexico City’s air pollution, was shut in 1991. Some of its land was converted into a park.


  • 地基检测器尝试地球上探测引力,但至今尚未成功,而且只能检测频率相当的引力

    Ground based attempts to detect gravitational waves on Earth have so far been unsuccessful and can only look for gravitational waves with relatively high frequencies.


  • 作为纽约市西米亚先锋艺术中心地带,现在少有几个前卫音乐爱好者都市潮流先锋基地之一。

    The once bohemian and avant-garde ground zero of New York City is now one of the few bases for edgy music lovers and urban trendsetters.


  • 这种趋势发生古罗马17世纪中国明代18世纪的皇族,20世纪的大不列颠以及最近苏联的身上。

    That, he argues, was what happened to Ancient Rome, the Ming dynasty in 17th-century China, the Bourbons in 18th-century France, 20th-century Britain and, most recently, the Soviet Union.


  • 作为未来王后十分完美,她很优雅知道如何举止得宜。”今年早些时候米德尔顿身穿设计的白色裙子观看温布尔顿网球赛

    Perfect, perfect future Queen, she's elegant, she knows how to hold herself," said Alice Temperley, whose white dress Middleton wore to watch the tennis at Wimbledon earlier this year.


  • 克拉医生制定信条的时候,明确禁止安乐死而多数其他希腊医生思想家都不赞成这一禁令

    When Hippocrates formulated his oath for doctors, which explicitly rules out active killing, most other Greek doctors and thinkers disagreed with his ban.


  • 女士大致描写我们几乎已经完全遗忘了那些洛克·菲勒家族的品味有过影响人们。

    Ms Loebl sketches the influence that a generation of now almost forgotten men and women had on the Rockefellers' taste.


  • 英国达人”决赛中,苏格兰歌坛神话苏珊意外败给了一个年轻街舞组合。 之前凭借该选秀节目在全球走红

    Scottish singing sensation Susan Boyle was dealt an unexpected blow when she lost out to a group of young street dancers in the final of the British talent show that made her a global star.


  • 年轻时,哥哥一起一个名叫利姆·达西的女人

    As a young man he joined his elder brother's marriage to a woman named Prem Dasi.


  • 是的,”里先生答道,“一八一六1817年的时候亲眼见过这个我们地牢里去时,总得同去行。”

    "Yes," replied M. DE Boville; "I myself had occasion to see this man in 1816 or 1817, and we could only go into his dungeon with a file of soldiers."


  • 我们每个月CFO.com搜索信息:会计准则,技术层面上困难面对糟糕审计以及罗伯特那里来的金融策略

    Our monthly round-up from CFO.com: accounting standards, trouble at the tech-face, facing up to a poor audit, and a financial prescription from Robert Pozen


  • 所有语言版本公布早些时候微软公司表示把SP3各语言版本分为发送,现在合并成两发布

    All languages will now be released in two waves. Earlier, Microsoft said that languages support for Windows XP Service Pack 3 will be released in three waves.


  • 至少有1万4千于康克由管理臭名昭著监狱其中很多遭受酷刑。

    At least 14,000 people died, many after being tortured, at the notorious Tuol Sleng prison which he ran.


  • 英国首相戈登·布朗(Gordon Brown)的环保顾问乔纳森·利特(Jonathon Porritt)以及英国科学博物馆馆长克里斯·拉普利(ChrisRapley)也谈及遏制人口增长环境重要性

    Gordon Brown's green adviser Jonathon Porritt and Science Museum director Chris Rapley have also spoken of the environmental importance of tackling population growth.


  • 河床阿根廷最成功足球俱乐部赢得卅三次甲组联赛冠军卡队廿九次。

    River is Argentina’s most successful club, with 33 league titles to Boca’s 29.


  • 例如埃斯库罗斯作品中就谈到过忒拜议事会作了一个当时局势有决定意义的决定,即为伊托克利斯举行荣誉葬礼吕涅克斯的尸体出去吃掉。

    Thus in aeschylus the council of thebes makes what is in the circumstances the vital decision to give eteocles an honorable burial but to throw out the corpse of polynices to be devoured by dogs.


  • 该作者对光亚毫米激光系统深入地研究

    We have made a systematic study in optically pumped submillimeter wave laser.


  • 2000年就授予安利斯摩天大楼

    The Emporis Skyscraper Award has been given since 2000.


  • 埃杜于2001年1月加盟阿森纳,但过程一三折。持有葡萄牙护照而被英国拒签

    Edu joined Arsenal in January 2001 after the move was delayed when he was refused admission to the United Kingdom because he held a fake Portuguese passport.


  • 本人也承认,自己是个内向又爱瞎胡闹的孩子试过邻居家男孩证明外星人开始入侵地球或者玩具士兵撕烂。

    By his own admission , Burton was an introverted, destructive childhe would try to convince the boy next door that an alien invasion had begun or would tear the heads of his toy soldiers.


  • 一个朋友是个漂亮脾气又好的女孩子

    Zeng Qiao is one of my friends. She is a beautiful, outgoingand good-tempered girl.


  • 理查德·伊丽莎白·泰勒夫妇叱咤好莱坞十余载

    Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor were Hollywood's It couple for over a decade.


  • 几年我国钢铁业迎来过整合大潮诞生多个特大型钢铁企业

    A few years ago, China's steel industry have a wave in integration tide, born multiple oversize steel enterprise.


  • 以前文献从含有经典碰撞动力方程出发研究了驱动电流相对论效应

    Relativistic effects of wave - driven current in a plasma have been studied in earlier work employing the kinetic equation with a classical collisional term.


  • 出演哈利·系列电影的克蕾曼丝·西绯闻女孩四季客串一把。

    Harry Potter's Clemence Poesy is set to guest star on Gossip Girl's fourth season!


  • 出演哈利·系列电影的克蕾曼丝·西绯闻女孩四季客串一把。

    Harry Potter's Clemence Poesy is set to guest star on Gossip Girl's fourth season!


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