• 告诉则声称这是由于显微所致,因而调试确切的说是为他自己调试,再次观看看见牛乳

    This, he claimed, was the result of my not having adjusted the microscope properly, so he would readjust it for me, or rather, for himself. And I would look again and see milk.


  • 确凿答案还要等到一代强大的天文望远完成——它或许处于建造中或许设计阶段

    A firmer answer will have to await a new generation of powerful telescopes that are under construction or still on the drawing board.


  • 没有什么在还是一个小男孩所做机械发明这个传说引人入胜的了,那里创造了自己望远光学实验

    Nothing can be more charming than the, tales of his mechanical contrivances when he was a boy. There are his telescopes and his optical experiments.


  • 使用月球生产的天文望远,在太阳系遥远地点建立起了天文台,它们提供反应宇宙间诸多天体面貌分辨率图像

    Telescopes made on the Moon will enable observatories to be established at distant points in the solar system to provide high-resolution images of objects throughout the universe.


  • 放大一刻帮助清楚但是它们看起来仍然很小

    A magnifying glass can help you to see them more clearly, but they will still look tiny.


  • 光学显微穿透式电子显微要求材料切成的片,仔细观察将其控制在玻璃下。

    Light microscopes and transmission electron microscopes require that materials be sliced thinly, or trapped under glass before being examined.


  • (有时候”)焦比望远确实能够底片上呈现图像因此需要曝光时间可以

    Telescopes with small (sometimes called "fast") focal ratios do, however, produce brighter images of extended objects on film, and thus require shorter exposure times.


  • 放大图标,周围有一个虚线方框缩放区域工具允许放大图表获取详细数据视图

    This is the magnifying glass icon with an dotted box around it; the zoom region tool allows you to zoom in on the chart to get more detailed view of the data.


  • 但是假如地球细菌大小,放在高倍显微观察,病毒奇怪吗?

    But if Earth is reduced to the size of a bacteria, and inspected under high-powered optics, would it seem stranger than a virus?


  • 射电天文学里,比如粒子物理学里面,大的配套元件好- - -一个望远可以收集到较微弱信号产生清晰图像

    In radio astronomy, as in particle physics, bigger kit is better-a larger telescope can gather fainter signals and produce sharper images.


  • 早期,名叫CFBDSIRJ1458+1013B亮的伴星一直使矮星不能被清楚地观测直到天文学家用先进的望远分辨出

    A warmer and brighter companion originally obscured the brown dwarf, named CFBDSIR J1458+1013B, until astronomers used telescopes powerful enough to discern it.


  • 哈勃望远所拍摄一些其它图像帮助科学家们准确地估算出宇宙年龄,并揭开了一种名为能量”的反引力的神秘面纱

    Other Hubble images have helped scientists better estimate the age of the universe and shed light on a mysterious antigravity force called "dark energy."


  • 9月24日发布斯皮策空间望远短红外波图像里,星光黑暗云中(中间图片)闪耀开来,这片星云处在巨大的星云,该星云被称作L183

    Starlight bounces off a normally dark, interstellar core cloud (center) inside a larger cloud called L183 in a short-infrared-wavelength Spitzer Space Telescope image released on September 24.


  • 相关内容:“研究表明聪明,富想象力”一文

    Related: “Dreams Make You Smarter, More Creative, Studies Suggest.”


  • 看到你们文章,中国接受救助时表现迅速不要戴着太阳报道我们了,我们救助震区民众表现迅速!

    I also read an article "China react quickly to receive aid", PLS don't report us wearing sunglasses, we act more quickly to save the people in the epicenter!


  • 为了能清楚地观看景色船长好心借给我们最好的望远

    The captain has kindly lent us excellent binoculars to see the sight more clearly.


  • 类似使用染料腹腔手术,给出详细图片繁殖器官

    This is similar to the use of dye in laparoscopy, but gives a more detailed picture of the reproductive organs.


  • 分辩率荧光显微我们的年度技术。由于的巨大潜力,使得人们可以真实地理解细胞生物学

    With its tremendous potential for understanding cellular biology now poised to become a reality, super-resolution fluorescence microscopy is our choice for Method of the Year.


  • 我们需要敏感易操作时间的技术鉴别具有高危胃腺癌风险人群,以便早期干预化学药物预防

    We need more sensitive, user-friendly, and less time-intense techniques to identify those at greatest risk of gastric adenocarcinoma for early endoscopic intervention or chemoprevention.


  • 峰峦雄伟华山,我爱水平如西湖;我还爱秀丽无比的变幻莫测的大海

    I love the mountainous majesty of Huashan, I love West Lake, I love the darker; more beautiful thousand mountain cave. But I love the sea change unpredictably.


  • 对于女性来讲,结肠检查痛苦难以耐受可能与其焦虑程度较高有关

    Colonoscopy is less tolerable and more painful for women and this is probably related to a higher degree of anxiety.


  • 结论多层螺旋CT仿真椎管立体、直观、全面展示椎管形态改变,临床治疗提供充分信息

    Conclusion Multi-slice CTVEVC can display bony vertebral canal directly, stereoscopically and more comprehensively, which can offer more useful information for clinical treatment.


  • 随后再进行一个认知测试,结果表明男性拍摄女性相比起那些由同性执拍摄的女性,容易些智力错误

    A cognitive test followed, revealing that the women being filmed by men were more likely to make intellectual errors than their peers being watched by women.


  • 博士哈勃望远感谢过去二十立下的功劳,祝你再接再厉,创佳绩。

    Dr. J. : Thanks for the past twenty years, Hubble, and here's to many more.


  • 就是说主视来看望远照相机取景器和钥匙孔——那样自然方便

    It means that you should use your dominant eye when peering through a telescope, camera viewfinder or keyhole - it will feel much more natural and easier to see that way.


  • 激光屏幕显示光学扫描机理工作特性曲线出发,探讨了获得逼真、清晰、复杂图像途径

    This paper had discussed the mechanism and the work curve character of optical vibrating mirror, and explored the way of developing the picture quality in large screen show by laser.


  • 激光屏幕显示光学扫描机理工作特性曲线出发,探讨了获得逼真、清晰、复杂图像途径

    This paper had discussed the mechanism and the work curve character of optical vibrating mirror, and explored the way of developing the picture quality in large screen show by laser.


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