• 美国政治问题上的意见统一:73%的人希望有生之年看到一位总统

    Americans are less doubtful when it comes to politics: 73% expect to see a female president in their lifetime.


  • 那么到底什么样身份才是统一英国追寻的?

    So what identity might a more united Britain strive towards?


  • 预构建代码系统特性那么敏感因此统一可预测

    Pre-built code is less sensitive to system vagaries and thus more uniform and predictable.


  • 永远不会看到我们标识最终版本,只是统一的标识的一步

    By no means is the one you're seeing our favicon final; it was a first step to a more.


  • 战胜他们需要现在这些地方出现有能力有原则性统一反对势力

    Overcoming them will require more capable, more principled and more unifying opposition figures than those the region has seen so far.


  • 通过泛欧机构网络运营者密切的合作政策可能有助于形成一个统一对外能源政策。

    And the new policy may yet help to foster a more unified external energy policy through the new pan - European agency and increased co-operation among network operators.


  • 中文原译最近这些条例某种程度上进入和谐过程简化法规实施使它们统一

    Recently, these regulations have entered into an "harmonization process" in a way to simplify the enforcement of the regulations and to make them more homogeneous.


  • 然而这些凯尔特神话中,还是有可能发现共同性,也有可能隐含著一些现在被相信统一神。

    However, from what has survived of Celtic mythology, it is possible to discern commonalities which hint at a more unified pantheon than is often given credit.


  • 记者:提尔的死亡促使其他人制定统一抗议策略包括抵制公交车运动以及在南方展开便餐馆入座运动。

    REPORTER: Till's death pushed King and others to develop more unified strategies of protest. That included the bus boycotts and the lunch counter sit-ins across the south.


  • 他们新潮思想一致。他们说正是和传统科学分离,艺术还原统一功能——想象实物才和特殊力量联系在了一起。

    In keeping with New age thought, it is by dissociating with scientific tradition that the circle-makers return art to a more unified function, where images and objects are imbued with special powers.


  • 东方希腊文化根深蒂固统一罗马早期希腊帝国继承许多希腊近东城市

    The East also had a more deeply rooted unity in the Greek culture of the numerous Greek and Near Eastern cities that Rome had inherited from earlier Grecian empires.


  • 设计可以使用容易编程模型从而用户提供统一一致的体验

    You can use a more programmatic model in your design, that enables you to easily establish a uniform and consistent experience for your users.


  • 表现出来地球栅格统一生活的想法,允许接受伟大指导依此你内在建立统一和谐模式

    Your demonstration of this intention to live in Oneness with a new planetary grid, allows you to receive greater guidance and sets the patterns of Unity and Harmony within your being.


  • 坎昆他们可以作出明确决定设计出充分方法手段,使各国共同努力,在一线采取全球统一行动,”菲格雷斯女士

    At Cancun, they can take clear decisions to construct a set of better, bigger ways and means for countries to work together to take global action at the frontline, ” Ms. Figueres said.


  • 使用常规集合结果解析器能够一种自然统一方式处理大多数情况

    Using the more general collection and results resolver approach handles most cases in a natural and consistent way.


  • 另外这种整合使设计统一和谐因为他们宁愿增加单元而不是分割一个栏目

    Plus, such integration would force the designs to be more consistent because they are created as a single unit rather than by separate teams.


  • 即使有很多挑战这个鼓励饮用水进行频繁测试并且建立反馈系统,允许实地工作者一旦问题能够迅速发送。

    Despite the challenges, the system is encouraging more frequent testing of water, and creating a feedback system that allows the field workers to have problems addressed more quickly.


  • 虽然巴克莱仍然偏好统一银行业务模式此举使该行容易限制零售银行存款保险的资金用途

    Although Barclays still favours a universal banking model, this move would make it easier to ring-fence the retail bank and its insured depositors.


  • 对于热心统一派来说,策略一直尽可能制定伟大欧洲项目欧洲式的做法解决问题

    For ardent integrationists, the strategy has always been to make grand European projects a reality as quickly as possible, and then solve any problems that result with more Europe.


  • 统一这些策略一个公共原则解决通用问题解决比较特定的问题容易。

    One common principle that unifies several of these is that it can be easier to solve a general problem than a more specific one.


  • 绿色食品——这一的用法非常统一——支持者往往声称绿色食品其它食品安全,营养价值

    Advocates of organic foodsa term whose meaning varies greatlyfrequently proclaim that such products are safer and more nutritious than others.


  • 服务统一的版本控制策略管理时,它们可以保持原有标准互操作性并且能够容易客户端设计人员理解

    When services are versioned according to the same overarching strategy, they can retain their original standardization and interoperability and are more easily understood by consumer designers.


  • 使代码重用容易因为一个统一API

    Make code reuse easier because of a consistent API.


  • 实际上如果巴勒斯坦统一个独立国家的话,以色列的生存环境会安全一些,但只有极其少的以色列及其美国盟友会赞同观点

    In truth, Israel will be safer when a proper Palestinian state has been consolidated. That is a point that too few Israelis and their American supporters appreciate.


  • 人民党指责武力屈服,严重是,他危及西班牙国土统一

    The People's Party pilloried him for giving in to the gun and, more generally, risking the break-up of Spain.


  • 欧元应该一种用来交易统一货币交易有时会出现违约,情况复杂

    The euro is supposed to be a common currency in which people can do business. Sometimes, business involves default. It's not supposed to be any more complicated than that.


  • 欧元应该一种用来交易统一货币,交易有时会出现违约情况复杂

    Sometimes, business involves default. It's not supposed to be any more complicated than that.


  • 欧元应该一种用来交易统一货币,交易有时会出现违约,情况复杂

    The euro is supposed to be a common currency in which people can do business.Sometimes, business involves default.It's not supposed to be any more complicated than that.


  • 欧元应该一种用来交易统一货币,交易有时会出现违约,情况复杂

    The euro is supposed to be a common currency in which people can do business.Sometimes, business involves default.It's not supposed to be any more complicated than that.


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