• 尽管惠普宣称公司将来不会再生WebOS相关硬件产品,最近还是发布次针对WebOS客户更新补丁。

    HP also recently issued a software update to its webOS customers - despite expressing that the company would no longer continue producing webOS-powered hardware in the future.


  • 尽管惠普宣称公司将来不会再生WebOS相关硬件产品,最近还是发布了一次针对WebOS客户更新补丁。

    HP also recently issued a software update to its webOS customers -despite expressing that the company would no longer continue producing webOS-powered hardware in the future.


  • 有些应用最新出炉,有一些则是一些经典工具再生版,另外一些就是现有应用的更新加强版。

    Some of the applications are brand new, some are reincarnations of older tools, and some are updates and enhancements to existing applications.


  • 美国必须考虑更新增加核电厂使用公共土地建造新型再生能源电厂特别是太阳能

    The US will also have to decide on the renewal and expansion of its nuclear power plants, and on the use of public lands to build new renewable energy plants, especially using solar power.


  • 第一加热融合系统,会调整让身体为了再生更新生物体而加热

    The first is a hot fusion system that regulates light that heats up the body for the regeneration or renewal of the biology.


  • 所以说,Kevin找到的这些,不是最初东西;原先的工具本身,已经产了但是它们的理念,还是不断地更新传承。

    So what Kevin found is not exactly what I asked him to find; the original tool is no longer being made, but the idea, the concept, lives on in new, adaptive forms.


  • 已知这些卫星细胞很重要再生肌肉组织但是第一展示自我更新单细胞

    It's been known that these satellite cells are crucial for the regeneration of muscle tissue, but this is the first demonstration of self-renewal of a single cell.


  • 本文德国鲁尔区整治重点范例分析文化再生理念主导各国城市更新的理念实践

    With Germany Ruhr Region as the key example, this article analyzes the concept and practice of urban renewal under the guide of cultural regeneration concept.


  • 划分街区街巷等级,分别采用不同更新手段方法,终极到达街区整体的物质空间再生功能结构完善。

    Dividing streets into different Levels, respectively, using different means and methods of renewed means, finally, the overall block achieve space regeneration and function well-structured.


  • 不过所表现狂欢很大程度上被弱化了失去乐观更新再生力量

    However, the carnivalization presented by Poe is greatly weakened in that it loses its optimism and the power of renew and regeneration.


  • 最终有助于珊瑚礁再生更新失去栖息地增加氧气进入海洋

    This will eventually helps the coral reefs regeneration, renewing the lost habitat and adding oxygen into the oceans.


  • 角膜缘部上皮底层干细胞具有细胞更新组织再生功能眼部表面疾病则是干细胞缺乏结果

    The stem cells of the basal layer of the limbal epithelium have function of cell renewal and tissue regeneration, and ocular surface disorders result from lack of the stem cells.


  • 两大困境突破之在于通过有机更新实现城市文脉延续、文化传承文化再生城市复兴

    The way out is through organized renovation to achieve the extension of cultural context, inheritance and regeneration of culture, and urban revival.


  • 研究结果显示单位面积单位时间的可更新水资源表述水资源天然可再生能力具有突出优点

    The results show that it has many advantages to use refresh water resource per area per time as reproducible ability of water resource.


  • 有机更新就是物质更新生活改善文化再生社会活化一体的综合性更新

    Organized renovation is one that features with updated material, elevated living standards, cultural regeneration and social activation.


  • 细胞更新肝脏再生中的早期研究表明薄壁组织细胞,肝细胞涉及组织再生主要唯一的细胞。

    Early studies in hepatocyte turnover and liver regeneration showed that the parenchymal cell, the hepatocyte, was the primary and only cell involved in tissue renewal.


  • 阐述了水资源再生天然再生能力表示方法,探讨了水资源天然可再生能力水资源更新速率之间关系

    The reproducibility and its ability of natural water resource are introduced in this paper, the relationship between reproducible ability and refresh rate of water resource is discussed.


  • 多能干细胞因为具有无限自我更新能力分化潜力,是再生医学重要研究对象。

    Pluripotent stem cells hold significant promise in regenerative medicine due to their unlimited capacity for self-renewal, and potential to differentiate into any cell type of the body.


  • 基本再生指导通过提高病毒系统预装减弱机器更新带来负面影响,并能有效抑制蠕虫的传播。

    Under the guidance of basic reproduction number, the negative effect can be alleviated and worms can be terminated by introducing a anti-virus system of high initial installation rate.


  • 济南老城更新传统风貌保留再生本次设计探讨的重点

    The keeping and revitalizing of traditional features in the rejuvenation of the old town of Jinan is the focus of the design.


  • 济南老城更新传统风貌保留再生本次设计探讨的重点

    The keeping and revitalizing of traditional features in the rejuvenation of the old town of Jinan is the focus of the design.


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