• 批评家知识训练确切地说,一种认知情感能力准备,这是艺术作品自身独有品质作出适当的个人反馈所必需

    The critic's knowledge and training are, rather, a preparation of the cognitive and emotional abilities needed for an adequate personal response to an artwork's own particular qualities.


  • 女人男人哭得频繁激烈尤其面对情感类事件的时候。

    Women cry more frequently and intensely than men, especially when exposed to emotional events.


  • 如果不能怎么样,你实际上已经处于情感顶峰

    If you could not be something more, then you are really at your peak feeling.


  • 神经传递素差异也许可以解释为何有些别人容易情感场景下哭泣

    Differences in the neurotransmitter might explain why some people are more prone to crying in emotional situations than others.


  • 毫不夸张一对负面影响的父母可能伤害孩子大脑别提情感上的伤害了。

    It is no stretch, then, to say that having a toxic parent may be harmful to a child's brain, let alone his feelings.


  • 大脑活动测量支持一观点,测量显示,在睡觉,大脑连接情感记忆巩固的区域比清醒活跃周期性。

    Measurements of brain activity support this notion, revealing that brain regions linked with emotion and memory consolidation are periodically more active during sleep then when awake.


  • 有一身体语言非语言交流艺术指出女人期待富于表现力男人认为他们情感内在化

    An article entitled "Body Language: the art of Nonverbal Communication" found that women are expected to be more expressive, while men are supposed to "internalize" their emotions.


  • 情感经历敏锐,这样的经历也确定

    The more acute the emotional experience, the more validating it is.


  • 下面这一点是众所周知的:相对其他类型的谎言人们容易撒有关情感方面的谎。

    This is a well-known finding: people are often found to lie more about their feelings than anything else.


  • 经历无数次手术现正逐步康复逐渐适应了他的容貌,”贝基。相对泰的外貌而言关心的情感福祉

    "He went through so many stages of healing that I just grew into how he looked," says Becky, who says she was more concerned with Ty's emotional well-being than his physical appearance.


  • 女性经常反映自己对压力生理症状情感状况。

    They are also much more likely than men to report physical and emotional symptoms of stress.


  • 关于语言沟通艺术发现女人应该善于表达男人认为愿意把情感在心底。

    An article entitled Body Language: the art of Nonverbal Communication found that women are expected to be more expressive, while men are supposed to "internalize" their emotions.


  • 是的冥想我们开心因为改变我们情感温度

    Yes, meditation can make us happier because it can change the set point of our emotional thermostat.


  • 没有什么情感珍贵试图忘掉情感

    Nothing dearer than feelings, but, I'm trying to forget my feelings of love.


  • 冬季新生幼仔夜晚相对活跃季节情感紊乱症患者相似这意味着他们生物钟设定在白天

    The winter pups were also more active at night, similar to patients with SAD, suggesting their clocks were not as well aligned to the time of day.


  • 如果有意识情感加入观点传达中,听众容易乐意接受这些观点

    If you intentionally connect those emotions with your idea, the audience will accept your perspective more readily.


  • 诺亚蟋蟀叫声还有叶子沙沙响的声音,想着自然声音真实汽车飞机的声音能唤醒人情感

    Noah listened to the crickets and the rustling leaves, thinking that the sound of nature was more real and aroused more emotion than things like cars and planes.


  • 有点灿烂的时候,你可能希望到户外或你周围世界里去探险

    Yet, when you're feeling a bit sunnier, you might be more likely to venture out and explore the world around you.


  • 洗个热水澡舒服些不仅温水缓和我们,而且还能战胜寂寞根据发表情感杂志上的研究表明。

    Take a hot bath, you'll fee better. Not only does warm water soothe us, it can combat loneliness. According to research published in the journal Emotion.


  • 这些发现注意情感障碍需要完善的分类

    The findings also draw attention to the need for a better classification of bipolar disorder.


  • 而那些收入较少他们交谈对象有眼神交流,也会频繁点头示意他们对谈论的事情感兴趣。

    Those on lower income made eye contact with the person they were talking with and nod their heads more frequently signaling they were interested in what was being said.


  • 奥特一如既往赤脚上阵,轻盈而又柔和诠释着这些微妙情感这种演奏方式容易让人联想细腻的室内音乐还有独奏表演

    Ms Ott, who always plays in bare feet, marked these nuances with an unusual lightness and a tenderness that is more often associated with the intimacy of chamber music or solo performances.


  • 这些方法你和别人亲近或者情感浓厚吗?

    Will you use them to draw you closer to others or more deeply within yourself?


  • 每个人都经历正常的心理起伏不同情感障碍症状严重。

    Different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through, the symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe.


  • 然而机器人开始意识尽管他们自身情感、无背景、无思想”,但他们人类聪明强壮。

    However, the robots come to realize that even though they have "no passion, no history, no soul," they are stronger and smarter than humans.


  • 女性倾向带有情感交流,把交流列为首选不是表现男性气质的一面

    Women will tend to communicate more affection and prioritize communication more than the masculine side of the equation.


  • 另外他们都嫉妒顽固不同金牛希望拥有一件贵重物品一样占有者爱人天蝎注重情感诉求。

    On the other hand both are very jealous and stubborn. The difference between these two is that Taurus wants to own a lover, like a valuable object, and Scorpio tries to possess in an emotional sense.


  • 另外他们都嫉妒顽固不同金牛希望拥有一件贵重物品一样占有者爱人天蝎注重情感诉求。

    On the other hand both are very jealous and stubborn. The difference between these two is that Taurus wants to own a lover, like a valuable object, and Scorpio tries to possess in an emotional sense.


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