• 去年海关净化就是税收增长的部分原因目前海关受到更好训练职员管理。

    A purge last year of the customs service, now run by better-trained staff, is part of the reason.


  • 如果他们得到更好训练开始赢得比赛,他们很快就会改变主意

    If they got better training and started winning things, they'd soon change their minds.


  • 大量实验已经表明受过音乐训练的人能够更好地区分某些声音

    Lots of experiments have demonstrated that people with music training can better differentiate certain sounds.


  • 们比平时训练更刻苦,我们想做得更好

    We're training harder than usual, and we want to do better.


  • 更好地诠释这个角色,巩俐来到了队伍的训练现场,仔细观察郎平的言行。

    In order to play the role well, Gong came to the training site of the team, observing Lang's words and deeds carefully.


  • 实际上如果有一些女性生育表现更好原因可能是因为她们训练那么艰苦了。

    If some women athletes perform better after having babies, it may, in fact, be because they are not training quite so hard.


  • 雇主门需要考虑一系列可以使员工受到激励因素,其中包括提供更好技能训练确保办公室一个有趣工作地方。

    Employers need to consider a range of factors to keep staff stimulated from providing better skills training to ensuring the office is a fun place to work.


  • 这些类型训练能够下一代更好利用家庭慈善资产并且他们以后管理家庭财富提供了宝贵的教训

    These types of training can help the next generation make better use of the family's charitable assets and provide valuable lessons for managing family wealth.


  • 经历冥想训练辨认从计算机屏幕上短暂地而过的数字时更好

    People who had undergone meditation training were much better at identifying numbers that briefly flashed onto a computer screen.


  • 运动新手,跑鞋的时候,本地的跑鞋店主告诉我,在训练使用三种不同更好

    I'm new to the sport, and when I went to buy my running shoes, the local running-store owner explained that training in two or three different shoe models is better for your feet.


  • 博士由于计算机化图像处理系统正在识别艺术家风格更深一步的特征方面经受训练,因此伪作探测方面更好

    Computerised image-processing systems should get better at detecting forgeries as they are trained to recognise further aspects of artists' styles, says Dr Wang.


  • 两个方面的因素可以增加训练肌肉利用氧气量,第一你的心变得更强能输送更多的氧气,第二就是你腿部的肌肉能更好利用氧气。

    As you train, two things happen to improve your muscles' ability to use oxygen. First, your heart gets stronger and delivers more oxygen; and second, your leg muscles get better at using the oxygen.


  • 找到结合亲身经历实际操作考试专家视频指导作为完整训练课程书面参考资料更好

    Even better, find training that combines this hands-on experience with practice exams, expert video instruction, and written reference material for a complete training package.


  • 或者研究间隔性训练计下每时间强度练习中等练习更好

    Or investigate interval training, where you punch up the intensity for a short periods of time between more moderate exercising.


  • 冥想流感的侵袭表现更好免疫力,这表明冥想训练不仅影响人们精神健康,还会影响人们的身体健康

    The meditators also showed a healthier immune response to the flu shot, suggesting that the training affected the body's health as well as the mind's.


  • 因为训练之后,老鼠可以查出肺结核——而且技术传统技术更好

    Because rats can be trained to spot tuberculosis-and to do it better than conventional techniques. The finding is in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Alan Poling et al.


  • 苹果推荐多个改善地方包括佳的热线员工训练关怀中心顾问更好监管保证高效工作。”

    Apple said it recommended areas for improvement, including "better training of hotline staff and care center counselors and better monitoring to ensure effectiveness."


  • 通过低息贷款和培训,塔姆基希望能帮助一万九千名巴林低收入者胜任更好工作岗位比如训练前台接待员使之能完成数据输入工作

    It hopes to equip 19,000 lower-paid Bahrainis for better positions, training receptionists to also perform data-entry tasks, for example.


  • 很多受过KellyJohnson训练人,狂热的认同的说法,看起来漂亮的飞机并不更好

    All of us had been trained by Kelly Johnson and believed fanatically in his insistence that an airplane that looked beautiful would fly the same way.


  • 训练皇后直到他们全部更好

    I trained Queen until she was better than all of them.


  • 那些时刻脑科学揭示人类依赖训练经验本能就表现更好而不是他们头脑

    In those moments, brain science reveals that humans perform better when they rely on their training, experience, and instincts, not their head.


  • 表明音乐训练使大脑能够更好过滤语音

    Which suggests that musical training makes the brain better at filtering sound.


  • 至于常规足球训练僧人们更专注武术层面例如平衡腿部力量这些都将使他们成为更好球员

    As well as regular football training, the monks focus on aspects of the martial art, such as balance and leg strength, which will make them better footballers.


  • 该邦反纳萨尔警察受过更好训练待遇武器装备也比其他地方好。

    The state’s anti-Naxalite police have been better trained, paid and armed than forces elsewhere.


  • 受过不计其数的各种防卫训练劳拉比起任何男人更好进行防御,重要关头惧怕采取武力。

    Trained in numerous defence arts, Lara can fight better than any man and isn't scared to get physical when it matters.


  • 巴基斯坦天赋极佳队员但是比赛训练条件却跟不上;他们需要自己自己创造更好的板球条件。

    Pakistan have some immensely talented players, but they play in a vacuum; they are having to make it up for themselves as they go along.


  • 方框2描述我们可以预期,高强度OM冥想训练还可以提高类似摆脱厌恶情绪刺激能力从而表现为更好情绪灵活性

    From the description in Box 2, we anticipate a similar improvement in the capacity to disengage from aversive emotional stimuli following om training, enabling greater emotional flexibility.


  • 通过慢动作训练,将技术动作分解细微部分不断重复吃苦耐劳学员迫使大脑更好动作模式变成了内在本性。

    By practicing slowly, by breaking skills down into tiny parts and repeating, the strenuous student forces the brain to internalize a better pattern of performance.


  • 最近研究证实积极回复融合速度训练取得更好训练效果。

    And a recent study has confirmed that incorporating active recovery segments into your speed sessions will also help you get a better workout.


  • 最近研究证实积极回复融合速度训练取得更好训练效果。

    And a recent study has confirmed that incorporating active recovery segments into your speed sessions will also help you get a better workout.


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