• 可能是因为更多的生活经验通常导致更明确的优先事项。

    This may be because more life experience usually leads to more defined priorities.


  • 或许这样一来每天不睡觉其余16-18个小时他们能够享受更多的生活乐趣。

    Then they might enjoy the rest of their 16 to 18 hours per day a bit more.


  • 如果一个侥幸没死、百折不挠病毒可能会(随病猪)流向市场。在那里这个病毒面对的是更多生活群落中的健康

    If it was a really lucky, plucky virus, it might make it to market - where it would come up against more healthy pigs living in small herds.


  • 同时,低收入者往往会更多生活压力对于工作抚养孩子问题的担忧可能不仅仅促使他们远离而且还会长期的压力而产生许多疾病

    And people of lower socioeconomic status have more life stressors - job and child-care worries that might not only keep them from the bottle but also cause stress-related illnesses over long periods.


  • 如果没有更多作家艺术家出现这个国家文化生活衰退

    The cultural life of the country will sink into atrophy unless more writers and artists emerge.


  • 发现日常生活创造更多运气

    You will find you create more luck in everyday life.


  • 如果人们了解更多关于音乐生活他们怎么联系呢?

    If people want to know more about your music and life, how could they contact you?


  • 作为一名家庭主妇感到厌倦沮丧希望更多地参与到家庭以外生活

    Jean also felt bored and frustrated in her role as a homemaker and wanted to be more involved in life outside her home.


  • 如果英国作家·奥斯汀兴趣,你可以简·奥斯汀中心了解更多关于她父亲巴思生活

    If you are interested in the English writer Jane Austen, you can go to Jane Austen Center to know more about her life with her father in Bath.


  • 一个人总是可以更多不管生活中的日程安排有多

    One can always manage to do more things, no matter how full sb.'s schedule is in life.


  • 例如为了生活带来更多快乐激情必须敞开心扉体验负面情绪

    For example, to bring more joy and passion into your life, you must be open to experiencing negative emotions.


  • 此外不识字的人更多生活农村地区邻居朋友联系少。

    In addition, non-readers are more likely to live in rural areas and have less contact with neighbours and friends.


  • 没有参与这项研究的研究人员表示,阅读文学小说可以提供练习社交技能的方式,并现实生活更多使用这些技能。

    Reading literary fiction could also offer a way to "practice" your social skills and use them more in real life, according to another researcher not involved in the study.


  • 如果现实生活一个大白这样机器人人们得到更多好处

    If there is a robot like Baymax in our real life, people will get more benefits.


  • 不管是商店还是回家或者楼梯而不是电梯记住因为”的想法是为生活增添更多精彩简单方法

    Whether it is to get to the store or get home, or if it is climbing the stairs instead of taking the lift, remembering a "Because I can" idea is an easy way to add more activities to your life.


  • 随着马丁逐渐透露更多关于生活的事情,以及他寄来的废纸信件凯特意识到马丁生活条件什么样子的。

    As Martin gradually revealed more about his life and his letters started arriving written on pieces of trash, Caitlin realized what the living conditions were like for Martin.


  • 工作这么长的时间,因此生活中的麻烦事更多

    My life is further complicated by having to work such long hours.


  • 这个村子好的社交生活希望第二机会更多地参与其中

    There is a good social life in the village, and I wish I had a second chance to be more involved.


  • 显然找到方法教室管理学硕士认识:除了金钱权力名誉私利生活还有更多这些重要的东西。

    I clearly had not found a way to help classes full of MBAs see that there is more to life than money, power, fame and self-interest.


  • 那么传统三段式生活可能演变包含两个三个甚至更多不同职业阶段生活

    It seems likely, then, that the traditional three-stage life will evolve into multiple stages containing two, three, or even more different careers.


  • 我们可以安排自己生活,让我们更多这样经历

    We can organize our lives so that we have more of those kinds of experiences.


  • 此外我们希望享受更好的生活环境更多公共设施

    Besides, we hope to enjoy a better living environment and more public facilities.


  • 亲爱的劳拉很快会再写信给你告诉更多关于法国生活

    Dear Laura, I'll write again soon and tell you more about my life in France.


  • 更多物质颗粒使得我们生活宇宙得以形成

    There were slightly more particles of matter which allowed the universe we all live in to form.


  • 乡下孩子新鲜空气可以呼吸生活环境不那么拥挤更多机会参加体育锻炼,所以他们通常城市中的孩子健康

    With fresh air to breathe, less crowded living conditions, and more chances to take part in physical exercise, children in the country are usually healthier than those in the city.


  • 身体每个细胞产生更多更强线粒体强大生活中的一切都有耐力!

    Your body creates more and stronger mitochondria in each of your cells, making you more powerful and giving you more endurance for everything in your life!


  • 大多数孩子认为应该现实生活中的交流更多空间这样可以促进诚实信任专注

    Most children believe that more space should be given to real-life communication, which could boost honesty, trust and concentration.


  • 最近一项研究似乎指出一个事实物质反物质最初创造出来的时候,更多物质粒子使得我们生活宇宙得以形成

    A recent study seems to point to the fact that when matter and anti-matter were first created, there were slightly more particles of matter, which allowed the universe we all live in to form.


  • 皮勒初二老师教给不仅仅是数学还有更多关于生活的东西。

    Pillar was one of my Junior 2 teachers, but she taught me so much more about life than only maths.


  • 对于赚到那么多更多来说,个性气质生活情况金钱能影响心情的畅快。

    For people who earn that much or more, individual temperament and life circumstances have much more sway over their lightness of heart than money.


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