• 对于商务旅客游客而言,最佳政策莫过于一个更为宽松签证制度

    But the best policy, for business travellers and tourists alike, is a less-restrictive visa regime.


  • 这两位研究者认为植物净化空气作用有助于创造一个更为宽松环境

    Both researchers agree that the air purifying action of plants helped to create a more relaxed environment;


  • 萨科齐也作出了一些无关痛痒的让步诸如产假期间的妇女将采取更为宽松条例

    Mr Sarkozy has already made some concessions on the margin, such as allowing more generous rules for women who take time out for maternity leave.


  • 成为一流的高科技中心英国需要适应网络时代法律——也就是更为宽松法律。

    To become a proper high-tech hub, the country needed laws "fit for the internet age"—that is, looser ones.


  • 作为交换条件,欧盟启动一个更为宽松签证系统,使俄方的能源公司西进变得更加容易

    In return the EU would offer a laxer visa regime and let Russian energy companies expand westwards more easily.


  • 对于CMT选用一种更为宽松定义依赖项方法,即将信息包含comments列中

    For my CMT, I chose to take a looser approach to defining the dependencies by including this information in a Comments column.


  • 市场似乎原本期待份基调更为宽松声明,所以一开始反应是大规模抛出风险很快改变了这种做法

    Markets initially responded to the announcement with a sharp sell off in risk as though they were expecting a more accommodative statement, but soon reversed to move significantly higher.


  • 1580年代,水手一直还穿着更为宽松适合工作裤子因为允许他们裤腿起来以便涉水上岸或者攀爬桅索

    Sailors had been wearing the looser fit work trousers since the 1580s since they allowed them to roll up the legs for wading ashore or climbing rigging.


  • 德意志银行不会放过如此机会,其上月宣布开始使用更为宽松规则,将减少第三季度8.45亿欧元的资产减记

    Never one to miss a trick, Deutsche Bank last month said that it too had started to use the less stringent rules, which allowed it to avoid write-downs of about euro845m in the third quarter.


  • 基于GPL授权单一编译器GCC不同LLVM工具更为模块化而且得益于更为宽松的BSD授权,LLVM可以嵌入商业工具中。

    Unlike GCC, which is a monolithic compiler released under the GPL, the LLVM family of tools are more modular - and thanks to a more permissive BSD license, can be embedded in commercial tools.


  • 华盛顿消息:昨天美国金融调控机构明确表示,近几个他们发出如下信号为了降低美国银行巨头造成风险营造更为宽松经济环境,他们必须采取更多行动

    WASHINGTONFinancial regulators on Tuesday stated explicitly what they have been signaling for months: More action is needed to reduce risks posed by the nation's largest banks to the broader economy.


  • 短期形势可谓喜忧参半没有足够证据表明,必须超级宽松的政策立场调整得更为宽松

    With the short-term picture so mixed, there is insufficient evidence that an ultra-loose stance needs to be made even looser.


  • 印度这种没有先例宽松很难使已经进行了一些浓缩的巴西那样的国家接受更为严厉核查

    Such unprecedented laxity in India will make it hard to get others—for example, Brazil, which already does some uranium enriching of its own—to accept the tougher inspections.


  • 其他发达世界年轻人一样,德国的年轻人分享网络数据方面的态度他们长辈们要更为宽松

    Young Germans, like their counterparts elsewhere in the developed world, are more relaxed about sharing data online than their elders.


  • 越来越年轻女性热衷穿着男性化风格女装宽松裤子,留短发并用低沉的声音说话当地媒体那些思想更为传统的当地居民对此十分心烦

    The local press says that more tradition-minded locals are upset by the growing number of young women affecting a masculine style of dress, baggy trousers, short hair and deep voices.


  • 指出该国先前带薪产假计划已经拉美普遍规定更为宽松提供更多休息时间似乎不能帮助到那些低薪母亲群体。

    It noted that the country's current scheme is already generous by Latin American standards, and that offering more time off was unlikely to help poorer mothers.


  • 托雷斯博士改进这种材料,制造出更为宽松点的衣服来,因为并不是所有人都喜欢这种异常贴身曲线毕露的衣服。

    Dr Torres is working on ways to create more forgiving shapes as not everyone likes their clothes clinging to every curve.


  • 次量化宽松政策的这些意外后果更多身上造成伯南克所曾预料更为危险残忍的影响。

    The unintended consequences of QE2 will be more dastardly on more people than Ben Bernanke ever figured on.


  • 包括迪恩在内的一半参与者指示如何保持严格控制血糖另一半的人则控制更为宽松

    Half the participants, including Dineen, were instructed on how to maintain tight control of their blood sugar. The other half controlled their sugar more loosely.


  • 更为直言不讳批评第二量化宽松政策其中一名联储官员。

    He was one of the more outspoken critics of the second round of quantitative easing.


  • 这样做为了有助于使金融条件广义更为宽松,”而这一目标正是这个美国央行没有做到的。

    The aim also was "to help make broader financial conditions more accommodative, " which the U. S. central bank missed by a mile.


  • 这些问题困扰过以前核电项目。宽松市场条件下,核电厂风险更为显著,因为它们不能保证一定有客户购买产出电力

    The risks are all the more pronounced in liberalised markets, where power plants cannot be sure that there will be customers for the electricity they generate.


  • 最终央行宁可选择更为谨慎举措,将利率4.75%消减4.50%,会议纪要表示:央行并不急于跟进进一步量化宽松行动

    In the end the central bank chose to err on the side of caution and cut rates from 4.75% to 4.50%, but these minutes suggests they are in no rush to follow up that action with further easing.


  • 2010年四季度成长前景更为强劲以及通胀压力持续散,或不足以促使央行加息当然将降低今年晚些时候推出更多量化宽松几率

    The prospect of stronger growth in Q4 2010 and continued inflation pressures might not warrant a rate hike but certainly reduces the likelihood of more QE later in the year.


  • 2010年四季度成长前景更为强劲以及通胀压力持续散,或不足以促使央行加息当然将降低今年晚些时候推出更多量化宽松几率

    The prospect of stronger growth in Q4 2010 and continued inflation pressures might not warrant a rate hike but certainly reduces the likelihood of more QE later in the year.


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