• 可以使用旋转编辑制作灯座,利用曲线工具模拟悬挂着电线

    You can use a Lathe Modifier for the base of the Lamp and splines for simulating the hanging cables.


  • 然年轻一代更喜欢视觉上的交流,但是对于那些习惯于使用电子邮件等传统工具的人来说,这就像是一个学习曲线的过程。

    While the younger generations prefer to communicate visually, for those used to working with traditional tools like email, it may feel like a learning curve.


  • 对于这些工具学习曲线不寻常的,但是通过段时间我们已经能够舒服使用他们了。

    The learning curve for the tools had been nontrivial, but by this time we were quite comfortable with them.


  • 第二工具调整颜色曲线

    The second tool is Adjust Colour Curves.


  • 意味着不管选择哪项技术,学习曲线可以AOP工具转移另一个

    This means that whichever approach you choose, the learning curve from one AOP tool will be transferable to another.


  • 我们已经接近完工了下一步要制作弹出分离槽只需使用钢笔工具创建简单曲线

    We are almost done, next is the Eject Button Separator, create a very simple curved line using the Pen Tool.


  • 幸运是,日志对于性能影响很小大部分情况下甚至根本不会对性能产生任何影响,而且由于日志工具非常简单易用因此学习曲线非常平滑

    Fortunately, the impact of log statements on performance is minimal or nonexistent for most cases, and because the logging tools are easy to use, the learning curve is very small.


  • 任何时候遇到新的开发工具或者IDE时必须经历学习曲线才能达到具有一定生产率水平程度

    Any time you're faced with a new development tool, or IDE, you have to go through a learning curve just to get to the point where you can be productive.


  • 这些工具都有一个坚实学习曲线但是一旦我们掌握我们每个工具的使用方法,我们的集成与测试团队生产力将大大的提高

    These tools had a substantial learning curve, but once we sorted out the specifics of each tool, our team.s productivity significantly increased.


  • 我们到了一个需要优雅处理弯曲步骤,但是核心方法不过拷贝移动使用变形工具模仿曲线

    We have reached a delicate part which takes a lot of tweaking to get right, but the main idea is to use a copy of the volume, move it into place and then use the Warp Tool to simulate the curvature.


  • 通过提供全面解决方案构建组件IBMRational发布基本工具服务以及保持领先于遵从曲线商业经验

    Offering the "build" components of this complete solution, IBM Rational delivers the essential tools, services, and experience to keep businesses ahead of the compliance curve.


  • 最后良好集成文档将有助于缩短用户学习曲线EclipseUserAssistance项目也提供了帮助用户入门工具

    In the end, goodand integrateddocumentation can go a long way in reducing the learning curve of your users and the Eclipse user Assistance project provides the tools to get you started.


  • Data很多IBM客户喜欢使用工具因为拥有轻松学习曲线

    Net.Data is a favorite of many IBM customers because of its easy learning curve.


  • MODx个替代品,可以替代令人干呕博客工具其他需要经历该死而漫长的学习曲线工具并且能够改变现在为了适应软件而不得不调整工作流程,已不是“使用软件”的状况。

    MODx is the alternative to hacking blogging tools and other tools to death, extended learning curves, and changing your workflow to fit software that just doesn't quite "get it".


  • 平移工具形图标表示允许平移曲线中的数据向左向右移动。

    The pan tool is represented by the hand icon and allows you to pan through the data in the graph, moving left or right.


  • 一次钢笔工具规划),因为可能使曲线

    This time I used the Pen Tool (P) , because it has the possibility to make nice curves.


  • 可以了解如何使用所有性格制片厂工具4运动混合混合议案文件工作台调整双足函数曲线

    You'll also find out how to use all the new tools of character studio 4 such as the motion Mixer for mixing motion files, and the Workbench for adjusting biped function curves.


  • 复杂物质的轮廓跟踪曲线程序可以根据教学步骤或者CAD模式进入,加上适当的“添加工具

    Complex contour following programs can be set-up by a teach and learn procedure, or imported from CAD models, with suitable "addon" tools.


  • 首先利用曲线工具拟合机组煤耗特性曲线进行建模,使用优化工具箱进行负荷优化分配

    It first builds the model by using curve fitting toolbox to fit the unit input output curves, and then dispatch the load with the aid of optimization toolbox.


  • 演算牛顿莱布尼茨基于衍生工具积分曲线

    Calculus, developed by Newton and Leibniz, is based on derivatives and integrals of curves.


  • 菲利普斯曲线研究失业通胀问题提供直观实用的工具

    Phillips curve provides a useful and intuitive tool for us to study the problem of unemployment and inflation.


  • 采用多普勒激光振动测量系统获得了热超声倒装键合过程工具末端芯片振动速度曲线

    With the Doppler laser vibration measurement system, the vibration velocity curves of the flip chip and tool tip were obtained during thermo-sonic flip chip bonding.


  • 利用系统方便地进行曲线曲面造型,从而工业产品造型,各种图案设计模具设计制造提供有效工具

    It can carry out curve and surface modelling conveniently. An effective tool is provided for product modelling, all kinds of drawing and the design and manufacturing of moulds.


  • 为了构建狗的标牌使用一个样曲线间隔工具的帮助下,我放了一些球到曲线上。

    To model the dog tags, I've used a spline like guide and with the spacing tool, I distributed some spheres in the spline.


  • 电线皱纹曲线变形,它们既是雕刻影响的有用工具

    Wires and Wrinkles are curve deformers, which are useful as both sculpting and effects tools.


  • 生产可能性曲线收入预算线工具分析农户达到生产者均衡状态必要条件

    With the tools of production possibility curve and budget line, the paper analyzes the necessary factors of the producer equilibrium state realized by rural household.


  • 本文介绍了一种检定卧式油罐铁路罐车测量曲线半径专用工具

    A special tool is introduced here to measure the curved object radius of the horizontal oil tank and railroad tank car.


  • 运算曲线求解任意时刻短路电流有效工具

    Operational curve is an effective tool used to calculate fault current at anytime.


  • 包络曲线西方经济学中的基本概念之一,是长期成本分析工具之一。

    Containing Net Curve is one of the basic concepts in the Western Economics, and one of the tools of analyzing the Long Cost.


  • 本文利用无差异曲线理论分析工具,分析了经营者激励作用公司绩效条件

    This paper analyzes the conditions that manage rs motivation works on corporate performance based on un-differential curve theory.


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