• 曲克芦丁胶束体系中的荧光性质进行了研究。

    The fluorescence characteristics of the troxerutin in micellar system were studied.


  • 目的建立曲克芦丁氯化钠注射液细菌内毒素检查方法

    Aim to establish a bacterial endotoxin testing method for Troxcrutin and Sodium Chloride Injection.


  • 目的制备三羟乙基芦丁对照品用于曲克芦丁HPLC含量测定

    OBJECTIVE To prepare trihydroxyethylrutin refience substance for the HPLC assay of troxerutin.


  • 曲克驾着650马力beast绕着椭圆轨道跑上几个小时,他们经过改装civic100码也没有什么不可以

    Maybe young fans figured that if Danica Patrick can maneuver a 650 horsepower beast around an oval track for a few hours, they should be able push their modified Civic to 100 MPH.


  • 那么氢原子不可避免地雷吗?不能有一个真正的舰长每时吃掉无限辐射能驱动引擎

    So are hydrogen atoms unavoidable space mines? Would a real-life Capt. Kirk eat an infinite amount of radiation every time someone engaged the warp drive?


  • 这里任何游客都会宾至如归感觉。 只要有兴趣,他可以放慢脚步,去慢慢享受一切美好事物一杯咖啡、一瓶美酒天籁般的音乐或者一片满奶油的萨大蛋糕。

    Any traveler with an interest in slowing down and experiencing the finer things -- a good cup of coffee, fine wine, heavenly music, or a Sacher torte with whipped cream -- will feel right at home.


  • 兔子四部,厄普代敏锐目光投向广阔了世界

    With the Rabbit quartet, he launched his keen, all-seeing eye into a still wider world.


  • 后来索福勒斯因改写悲剧《俄狄浦斯》而名声大噪,而这本失传已久的三部最初是埃斯库罗斯执笔的。

    In his later life, Sophocles would become famous for his adaptation of the tragedy of Oedipus, a lost trilogy initially written by Aeschylus.


  • 这本书是格拉西 ·吉苏格兰的书》三部中的第一本,伟大的苏格兰小说的语言音乐般美妙、抒情,就描述片土地一样美丽

    The first in Grassic Gibbon's A Scots Quair trilogy, this is the great Scottish novel, told in a lilting, lyrical tongue as beautiful as the land it describes.


  • 也为劳德·勒鲁什、··戈达尔、雅·德米拍摄的新浪潮电影创作主题

    He is the author of several themes for Nouvelle Vague movies made by Claude Lelouch, Jean-Luc Godard or Jacques Demy.


  • 帕特里演奏了陆军勇往直前》《天佑美国》,然后还特别献给父亲异典》。

    Patrick played “The Army Goes RollingAlong, ” “God Bless Americaand, especially for his father, “Amazing Grace.”


  • 罗伊··杰1984年电影写主题歌名,现在已经成为流行语如果需要管工或是电工家里维修的时候,可以说这句话。

    This was a music hit for Ray Parker Jr in 1984 and has since become a popular catchphrase especially if you need to call a plumber or electrician to fix something in the house.


  • 计划之一就是创造一个发疯欧比-万隆人,他成为《索龙三部》故事里的重要人物

    Among one of his plans was the creation of an insane clone of Obi-Wan that would figure prominently in the events of the Thrawn Trilogy.


  • 婚礼当中维特·施托身穿白色婚纱挽著父亲手臂,莫特的加冕弥撒演奏著

    In the wedding, Wittstock was dressed in a white gown, and held her father's arm while Mozart's Coronation Mass was playing.


  • 弗雷德里·肖邦没有交响,没有创作过歌剧,连一首弦乐四重奏作品也没有,只写过钢琴,那么,他算不算得上有史以来伟大古典家之一

    Can Frederic Chopin, who wrote no symphonies, no operas, and no string quartets, who wrote only for the piano, be considered one of the greatest classical composers of all time?


  • 一班哈兹·佐·杨扎所有阉人王国了几他们声音高亢甜美难以置信纯净

    A troupe of Yunkish castrati owned by Yurkhaz zo Yunzak sang them songs in the ancient tongue of the Old Empire, their voices high and sweet and impossibly pure.


  • ·哈密星球大战》三部中扮演在最早的两部国家公共广播剧中配音

    Mark Hamill played the role of Luke in the Star Wars trilogy, and provided the voice of Luke in the first two National Public Radio Dramatizations.


  • 没有谁真正沉醉本小说幅画制住不沉醉于贝多芬第九交响乐、巴脱钢琴二重奏鸣打击乐以及“硬壳虫”乐队白色唱片集呢?

    No one can get really drunk on a novel or a painting, but who can help getting drunk on Beethoven's Ninth, Bartok's Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion, or the Beatles' White Album?


  • 写给娜婕达··的信中说,担心自己已经“才思枯竭”,可是他依然个月内完成了第五交响

    He wrote to Nadezhda Von Meck expressing his fear that he was "written out", but he completed the fifth symphony within the space of three months.


  • 费列德里·佛索瓦·肖邦是波兰著名钢琴家,他一生创作了55部马祖卡13部波罗涅滋24首序27首练习194首叙事以及4部诙谐

    Frederic Francois Chopin, Polish-born composer and reed pianist, was the creator of 55 mazurkas. 13 polonaises. 24 preludes, 27 etudes. 19 nocturnes. 4 ballads, and 4 scherzos.


  • 体外试验显示康唑两性霉素B制霉菌高度敏感,酮康唑低度敏感,氟康唑耐药

    The drug sensitive test in vitro indicated that itraconazole, amphotericin B and nystatin were highly sensitive, ketoconazole and clotrimazole were low sensitive, fluconazole was resistant.


  • 约翰·厄普代美国当代文坛具有影响力作家之一,凭借兔子四部他声名鹊起,成为同代人中最富天赋严肃作家

    John Updike, one of the most influential writers in contemporary American Literature. With his famous Rabbit Tetralogy, he became the most gifted and serious writer among his contemporaries.


  • 约翰·厄普代美国当代文坛具有影响力作家之一,凭借兔子四部他声名鹊起,成为同代人中最富天赋严肃作家

    John Updike, one of the most influential writers in contemporary American Literature. With his famous Rabbit Tetralogy, he became the most gifted and serious writer among his contemporaries.


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