• 我们一些1900年以前暴雨灾害数据派不用场

    We have some data on heavy rain events before 1900, but there's nothing useful.


  • 暴雨灾害世界性自然灾害同时也是个世界性的难题

    The rainstorm disaster is one kind of worldwide natural disasters, simultaneously it is also a worldwide difficult problem.


  • 结合常规气象资料,探索利用气象卫星遥感资料监测暴雨灾害方法

    The methods for using meteorological satellite data to detect rainstorm disaster are studied.


  • 有关官员土石发生,使得过去两个星期暴雨灾害人数超过500 人。

    Officials say the landslides have pushed the overall death toll from two weeks of devastating storms on the islands to more than 500.


  • 世界需要构筑能够抵抗海岸侵蚀、暴雨洪水海平面上升飓风等复杂灾害社区而不光专门针对海啸

    What the world needs are tsunami-resilient communities that plan ahead not for any particular tsunami but for a medley of coastal hazards, storm floods, sea-level rises, and hurricanes.


  • 73日,湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州遭受特大暴雨、大风灾害。截至目前,该州共有49个乡镇57.6万受灾,紧急转移安置受灾群众13461人,3人因灾死亡

    Torrential rains and strong gales battered the Miao and Tujia Autonomous Prefecture in Enshi, Hubei since July 3, leaving 3 dead, 13461 displaced and affecting a total of 576000 residents in 49 towns.


  • 越来越依赖玉米提供燃油供应的同时,美国许多可能破坏农作物风险变得敏感,(这些风险)范围干旱(农作物)灾害暴雨

    As America grows more reliant on corn for its fuel supply, it is becoming vulnerable to the many hazards that can damage crops, ranging from droughts to plagues to storms.


  • 而且如果就如我们所估计的,温室效应会带来更多暴雨火灾干旱洪涝灾害的话火山研究显得愈加重要

    And if, as seems likely, a warming world brings more storms, fires, droughts and floods, the research on the mountain will only grow in importance.


  • 上周六晚上发生暴雨,和几天巴基斯坦人流离失所洪涝灾害天气系统一定的关联。

    The torrential rainfall that fell last Saturday night on Zhouqu was part of the same weather system that has flooded millions of Pakistanis out of their homes in recent days.


  • 预计24小时内海南省北部将出现暴雨并有可能伴随发生地质灾害

    Torrential rains are forecast in northern Hainan Province within 24 hours, with the possibility of geological disasters.


  • 灾害主要原因特大暴雨激发所致。

    The main cause to the occurrence was the heavy rainstorm.


  • 暴雨径流普遍、最活跃、最敏感的致因子形成过程中易诱发灾害

    As one of the most active, pervasive and susceptible disaster-causing factors, storm runoff is prone to induce disaster chains in its formation process.


  • 近年来,由于落后排水系统日益增加极端天气已经导致许多城市经历暴雨洪涝灾害

    In recent years, poor drainage systems and a rise in the number of extreme weather incidents have resulted in many cities experiencing heavy rain and flooding.


  • 同时分别南平市暴雨洪水灾害成因进行较详细分析

    This chapter also gives detailed cause analysis of rainstorm, flood and disaster of Nanping respectively.


  • 暴雨台风影响,位于浙江41省道公路里程K54+92~K54+224处边坡发生地质灾害

    Effecting by typhoon and rainstorm, in K54+92~K54+224 milepost of No. 41 highway of Zhejiang occurred geological hazard.


  • 台风江淮梅雨暴雨我国非常典型气象灾害

    Typhoon and storm rainfall is two types of China's representative meteorological disasters.


  • 河北省山洪灾害发生频繁暴雨诱发山洪灾害主要因素

    Mountain torrent disaster occurs frequently in Hebei Province, and one of the most important reasons is rainstorm.


  • 灾害天气暴雨洪涝龙卷风等人们生命财产和国民经济建设带来重大损失

    Disaster weather, for instance, heavy rainfall, flood, tornado, will usually bring about grave loss to the life and property of people and the construction of national economy.


  • 基于灰色系统理论阐述了灰色聚类分析基本原理步骤,结合新疆“96.7”特大暴雨洪水典型地州市灾害等级划分实例,对其进行应用分析。

    In this paper, based on the Grey System Theory, the principle and method of Grey Clustering Analysis is introduced, and is also used to classify the flood disaster degree of Xinjiang "96. 7" floods.


  • 如何有效地削减暴雨径流减少根除城市水涝灾害保护好城市生态环境成为一个广受关注重大课题

    How to cut down the surface runoff, to exterminate or to reduce the disaster of urban water logging, protect the city's water ecosystem environment, have become an important topic concerned widely.


  • 提供及时准确灾害天气洪水成灾预报对于致洪暴雨预测预警信息发布系统研究开发非常重要

    And it is very important to provide timely and accurate forecast of disasters and floods for the research and develop the issue information system of floods produced by rainstorm.


  • 天地有狂风暴雨发生,造成灾害

    A single thought of evil can cause gales, deluges, and tragic disasters.


  • 黄河冰凌洪水突发性强、涨势猛持续时间,产生灾害有时甚于暴雨洪水。

    With the features of long duration, suddenly happening and rising, the ice flood in the Yellow River sometimes cause more intensive calamity than that of storm flood.


  • 暴雨滑坡灾害形成机理预测方法研究国内外仍是个难题和热点。

    The study of landslide disasters mechanics triggered by heavy rainfall and predicting methods are still face to some difficulty and hot problems.


  • 周一印度卡纳·塔卡安德·拉邦地区连日暴雨终于有所减弱,此前暴雨淹没数百村庄造成大面积灾害

    Days of torrential rains eased Monday in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh states, but not before they had submerged hundreds of villages and caused widespread havoc.


  • 周一印度卡纳·塔卡安德·拉邦地区连日暴雨终于有所减弱,此前暴雨淹没数百村庄造成大面积灾害

    Days of torrential rains eased Monday in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh states, but not before they had submerged hundreds of villages and caused widespread havoc.


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