• 可是最后女孩无理取闹,男孩使用暴力解决教育好有修养。

    But in the end, the girl's vexatious, the boy did not use violence to resolve, we have very good education, good.


  • 可能变得易于使用暴力解决矛盾,变得乐于攻击性掺合一起,最终自己的孩子

    She may become more likely to resolve conflict with violence, to become involved with people who are abusive, and eventually to hit her own children.


  • 创立一个妇女领导暴力解决冲突为基础项目,叫作世界妇女要世界和平”。

    S. Congress and has founded an initiative led by women, based on non-violent conflict resolution, called "A World of Women for World Peace.


  • 当冲突带来各种后果——人类伤亡,被迫流亡经济损失加上付出的环境方面的代价时,非暴力解决问题变得越来越具有吸引力

    Adding environmental costs to the long list of the negative consequences of conflicthuman casualties, refugees, economic losses — should make nonviolent solutions even more attractive.


  • 解决压迫穷人不平等种族主义其他形式结构性暴力推广药物一样重要

    Tackling the inequality, racism and other forms of "structural violence" which oppress the poor is as critical as extending the drugs.


  • 代表们试图解决暴力制裁问题

    Delegates wrestled with the problems of violence and sanctions.


  • 只有一个政治解决方式才能终止暴力

    Only a political solution could put an end to the violence.


  • 有些教堂正在谋求设立一个解决家庭暴力问题部门这其中包括芝加哥庇护五世教堂。

    Some churches are now finding ways to make confronting domestic violence a part of their ministry, including St. Pius V in Chicago.


  • 校内项目旨在帮助男生们暴力方式解决冲突

    This is a program within the school to help boys resolve conflict non-violently.


  • 研究带头人布拉德·布什曼说:“美国社会似乎认为自尊解决所有社会问题的良药,包括成绩不好青少年怀孕以及暴力行为等。”

    Study author Brad Bushman says "American society seems to believe that self-esteem is the cure all for every social ill, from bad grades to teen pregnancies to violence."


  • 以下这种小小的惊人暴力沟通将会解决

    That is the kind of small miracle that nonviolent communication will help you realize!


  • 最后通过非暴力形式解决争端

    In the end, the two men settled their dispute without violence.


  • 也是我们再次承诺暴力和平方式解决争端日子

    A day on which we reaffirm commitment to non-violence and the peaceful resolution of disputes.


  • 父母提供有关儿童发育暴力管束解决问题技能方面培训

    Providing training for parents on child development, non-violent discipline and problem-solving skills.


  • 但是在例如家庭暴力等另一些问题上,一个解决方法‘简单’会认为这个使用不当

    But to say a solution is' simple 'for a problem like domestic violence for instance, may lead people to think that the word was inappropriately used.


  • 目的家庭暴力成因干预进行哲学思考,有助于问题深入研究最终解决

    Ojective this study focuses on the philosophic thoughts about causes and interventions of domestic violence so as to further study and to eventually solve this problem.


  • 特金表示员工可以说服年轻人他们别人的矛盾并不值得暴力手段解决

    His workers, Slutkin said, could persuade young people that their problem with another person was not worth a violent response.


  • 几年里弗斯先生陪伴巴拉顿伦敦旅途中改进了关于解决帮派暴力犯罪观点

    A few years ago, Mr Rivers accompanied Mr Bratton on a trip to London where he promoted his ideas for tackling gangs and violent crime.


  • 但是我们希望呼吁他们不要使用暴力解决问题

    But we hope and call on them not to use violence to settle problems.


  • 很清楚争端与分歧现实中常有的事,但依然坚信可以寻求暴力解决方式

    Realistic enough to recognize dissention was a common element in life, he nonetheless believed in seeking out non-violent solutions.


  • 美国社会似乎认为自尊解决所有社会问题的良药,包括成绩糟糕青少年怀孕以及暴力行为等

    The American society seems to believe that self-esteem is the cure all for every social ill – from bad grades to teen pregnancies to violence.


  • 他们反对使用暴力相信和平思想表达方式所产生积极能量力量”,可以解决世界上的问题。

    They were opposed to violence and believed that the positive energy of peaceful thoughts and expressions, or 'flower power', could solve the problems of the world.


  • 三个问题也是美国内战重建时期要着力解决通过暴力手段得以解决的问题。

    The three problems were also the significant ones which had been tried to resolve during the American Civil War and the Reconstruction and did be resolved through violent means.


  • 分析高校校园暴力犯罪成因提出相应对策解决高校校园暴力犯罪问题前提

    An analysis of the reason for the violence crime and set forth the respective solution is the prerequisite to solve the issue of the violence crime on campus in colleges and universities.


  • 知道规矩……“不要”使用暴力解决问题。

    You know the rules...... DO NOT raise a hand against.


  • 问题提示可以暴力破解,还有聪明方法解决

    The question hints that this one can be brute forced, but that there is also a more clever way to solve it.


  • 我们国家能纳百家之言,但我们通过文明暴力方式解决内部冲突

    You invited yourself to the wrong forum. Our nation tolerates differences of opinions, because we have a civilized and non-violent way of resolving our conflicts.


  • 正确界定刑法学意义上暴力犯罪内涵和外延,有利于解决刑法学界关于无限防卫问题上的长期争论,对司法实践中假释的正确适用指导作用。

    Not all these crimes can be called violence crime. Defining properly the concept of violence crime will benefit solving the dispute on unlimited right of defense and correct application of parole.


  • 正确界定刑法学意义上暴力犯罪内涵和外延,有利于解决刑法学界关于无限防卫问题上的长期争论,对司法实践中假释的正确适用指导作用。

    Not all these crimes can be called violence crime. Defining properly the concept of violence crime will benefit solving the dispute on unlimited right of defense and correct application of parole.


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