• 学生使用手机在一些国家已经是很普遍的做法。

    It's already common practice in some countries to limit students' use of mobile phones.


  • 中小学生使用手机已经是全世界的普遍做法。

    It's already common practice worldwide to limit students' use of mobile phones in primary and secondary schools.


  • 部分中将介绍认为可能遇到普遍限制类型

    In this section, I present what I consider the most common types of limitations we are likely to encounter.


  • 有效限制这种风险方法就是实行普遍预防措施意味着每个病人视为已感染者

    The most effective way for staff to limit this risk is to practise universal precautions, which means acting as though every patient is potentially infected.


  • 正如本文后面提供策略测试示例看到的,策略包含目前不是普遍支持的,限制这个原本很出色特性使用。

    As you'll see in the policy test examples supplied later in this article, policy inclusion is not universally supported at present. This limits the usefulness of this otherwise nice feature.


  • 一般说来这个限制并不经常人们具有负面影响因为附加文件一般覆盖的文件普遍

    In general, this limitation doesn't end up negatively impacting people very often, since file appends are generally much more common than file overwrites.


  • 人们普遍认为,女人控制生育延缓或者限制生孩子的进程

    It's now almost universally accepted that women will use birth control to delay, space out, or limit childbearing.


  • 普遍缺少护士国家公共卫生系统没有能力限制传播疾病控制传染病传播。

    In countries with widespread nurse shortages, the public health system does not have the capacity to contain a vector-borne illness or to control the spread of contagious diseases.


  • 维斯评论说,取决于企业家们生产人们愿意买单东西,能力受到普遍信心缺失限制这种能力依赖增长信誉试验

    Wes commented that it's up to entrepreneurs to "make things people are willing to pay for... your ability to rely on credit to grow or experiment is limited by a general lack of confidence."


  • 黑暗属性越的男人喜欢短期约会不受文化限制普遍规律,”施密特,“坏男人们喜欢尝试猎取伴侣,也会有更多的风流韵事。”

    "It is universal across cultures for high dark triad scorers to be more active in short-term mating, " Schmitt says. "They are more likely to try and poach other people's partners for a brief affair."


  • 非常具有普遍没有任何业务领域行业特定的限制

    It is very general, and doesn't have any business domain or industry specific limitations.


  • 人们普遍认为简历应该限制一张纸以内。但与此相反汤尼·贝什拉雇主调查却发现,95%的雇主阅读或者至少浏览份两页纸简历

    Contrary to the widespread belief that resumes should be limited to a single page, Tony Beshara's survey of employers found that 95% of them will read, or at least skim, a two-page resume.


  • 强调了关于有机农业一个普遍观点——即便是喷洒化肥或者采用基因物种加任何限制养活数十亿人口不易

    It also highlighted a common critique of organic farming: It's already hard to feed billions of people, even without rules against spraying chemicals or swapping genes.


  • 普遍认为碳价格上涨,导致了煤炭工厂成本增加。限制排放欧盟法会进一步约束煤炭工厂运营

    The carbon price is also expected to increase, adding to coal plants' costs. New European legislation to limit nitrogen emissions will further restrict their operation.


  • 一发现国际中国普遍看法形成鲜明对比许多人眼中,中国拥有效率低下、排放强度高的工业,而且要求限制排放的国际呼声持抵制态度。

    The finding contrasts sharply with the widespread image internationally of China as a country of inefficient, carbon-intensive industry that is resisting international calls to curb its emissions.


  • 这个时期主张限制丧偶妇女再嫁只是一般学说没有什么普遍约束力

    During this period, in favor of limiting widowed women remarrying only general theory, there is no universal binding.


  • 研究限制包括子群分析本质缺乏其他临床族群普遍

    Study limitations include those inherent in subgroup analysis, and lack of generalizability to other clinical populations.


  • 可预见规则作为限制违约损害赔偿范围重要的标准之一世界各国民法合同法中得到了普遍的承认。

    The rule of remoteness is provided in the civil laws or contract laws of many countries, as one of the most important tests for limitation on compensation of damages for breach of contract.


  • 国外有关电子商务安全技术虽然结构加密技术等不错受到外国密码政策限制因此强度普遍不够

    Abroad one-commerce security technology, although its structure or encryption technology is good, but is limited by the foreign password policy, so the strength of the common enough.


  • 国内贸易一般不会涉及到语言障碍关税限制商业法律制约,但是国际贸易中这些障碍就普遍存在了。

    Trade within a country is ordinarily free of the obstructions of strange language, customs, and commercial laws, but these obstructions may be greatly involved in international trade.


  • 摘要人工建筑行业使用越来越普遍,人工砂石含量超出规范要求限制使用范围

    Abstract: the artificial sand in construction industry use more and more general already, artificial sand powder content beyond specification limits the scope of its use.


  • 由于经济上的抑或技术条件限制只有石灰利用普遍

    Only lime was used widely owing to the economic and technical conditions limit.


  • 目前,我国农村建设用地使用权流转成为普遍现象,但法律对之采取限制甚至禁止的措施。

    At present, the use rights' circulation of construction field has become a common phenomenon, which was still limited and even forbidden by the law.


  • 题材形状选择没有多少限制可以动物花朵或者人物,甚至连复杂的戏曲情节民间传说相当普遍

    There are no limits to the choice of theme or shape: animal, flowers or people, and sets of cuts telling story of a play or a folk tale are all common.


  • 由于我国森林资源缺乏限制木材使用以致发达国家普遍建造的木结构住宅在我国是个盲点

    In China, since the shortage of the forest reserves limits the usage of wood, the blind spot of the housing is wooden-frame houses, which are used widely in other developed countries.


  • 建立存款保险制度普遍视为放开银行存款利率限制一步

    It's also is widely seen as a first step toward letting Banks compete on deposit rates, rather than the current practice in which the government sets it.


  • 模糊限制作为模糊语言领域中普遍、最典型现象广泛应用人类语言的各个层面。

    Hedges, as the most universal and the most typical phenomenon, are widely applied in every aspect of human language.


  • 模糊限制作为模糊语言领域中普遍、最典型现象广泛应用人类语言的各个层面。

    Hedges, as the most universal and the most typical phenomenon, are widely applied in every aspect of human language.


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