• 一般行为规则所具有正义普遍利益追求,促进个人利用各自只是追求未知的个人目的。

    The general rules of conduct by the concept of justice is the pursuit of general interest, namely to promote their own personal use only of the personal pursuit of the unknown.


  • 公共领域理论强调三个核心因素公众普遍利益形成公众舆论讨论理性批判性平等性

    The public sphere theory focuses on three core elements: the public, the public opinions formed on common interests and the reason, criticalness and equality of discussion.


  • 普遍利益做过什么事情吗?那么好,我从自身得到奖赏心灵总是想到一点,决不停止这种

    Have I done something for the general interest? Well then I have had my reward. Let this always be present to thy mind, and never stop doing such good.


  • 并且即使是到了那时候追求普遍利益困难地方也会在于,怎样才能从各种互相敌对特殊利益之中求得妥协。

    And even then the most difficult part of the pursuit of the general interest would consist in arriving at compromises among mutually hostile special interests.


  • 文章认为,解决实践理性二重性关键不是证明利己主义完全错误的,而是创建正义社会制度辩证地处理好个人利益普遍利益的关系。

    The key for us to resolve dualism of practical reason is to construct the just social system and harmonize individual interest and universal interest, but not to illustrate that egoism is fully wrong.


  • 认为诚信分崩瓦解因为大众普遍接受社会分类机制应该利益市场这种观点。

    Integrity had collapsed, she argued, because of a collective acceptance that the only "sorting mechanism" in society should be profit and the market.


  • 普遍低价航空对于中美洲公司来说巨大的利益

    The benefit to Central American businesses of widespread cheap flights would be huge.


  • 一个普遍“亲犹”的国家代表犹太人利益也许AIPAC手中最大的王牌

    AIPAC's ace in the hole is the idea that it represents Jewish interests in a country that is generally philo-Semitic.


  • 符合国人民根本利益也是国际社会普遍期待

    It complies with the fundamental interest of the two peoples and represents the common expectation of the international community as well.


  • 强调继续推进和谈进程国际社会普遍愿望,也符合各方利益

    He stressed that to continue to promote the peace talk process is the common aspiration of the international community and conforms to the interests of all parties.


  • 单就一点已经达成了广泛的共识。即使对于批评者而言查韦斯的确委内瑞拉穷人带来切实利益,像这样的说法已经普遍了。

    The claim that chavez has brought tangible benefits to the Venezuelan poor has indeed by now become commonplace, even among his critics.


  • 会谈取得进展是与会各方利益所在,也是国际社会普遍期待。

    Making progress during the talks serves the fundamental interests of all the parties involved and represents the Shared aspirations of the international community.


  • 银行数量逐渐减少促使银行之间的利益冲突更为普遍

    Conflicts of interest for large Banks are also more common now that their ranks have thinned.


  • 银行系统大佬们意识到他们需要帮助方能前行当时人们普遍认为金融中介机构大批倒闭符合社会利益

    Leaders of the banking system realized they needed help moving forward, and there was general agreement that the widespread collapse of financial intermediaries was not in the broader social interest.


  • 这些方面普遍利益因为它们影响到标签反映认为葡萄酒质量起源文化差异

    These aspects are of more general interest because they affect labeling and reflect cultural differences in what are considered to be the origins of wine quality.


  • 无论是大陆法系还是英美法系各国,信赖利益得到普遍承认并施以不同程度的保护

    In both Continental Law Legal System and Anglo-American Law Legal System, reliant benefit has been well-acknowledged and protected to some extent.


  • 第三维护国际战略平衡稳定相互尊重和平对待各方合理安全利益基础上,实现各国普遍安全。

    Third, we should maintain international strategic balance and stability, and achieve security for all based on mutual respect and equal treatment of the legitimate security interests of all parties.


  • 离谱例子大藏省。连续经济不景气之后,人民普遍认为大藏省权利过大日本整体利益有害。

    A more outrageous example is the Ministry of Finance which in the wake of five years of recession is widely considered too powerful for Japan's own good.


  • 哄抬股价取得即时利益一种普遍做法

    Bidding up share prices is a common practice to make an instant gain.


  • 注册会计师出具不实鉴证报告损害第三利益已经司法实践十分普遍问题

    The Certified Public Accountants issued false reports damage the interests of third parties in judicial practice is a very common problem.


  • 纵观人类历史长河利益分化人类现实生活普遍存在社会现象

    Throughout human history, the benefit differentiation is in the human real life the universal existence social phenomenon.


  • 横向价格联盟目前我国经济生活普遍存在的现象不仅严重损害消费者利益而且一国的经济秩序造成了极大的危害。

    The sidelong price alliance is the widespread phenomenon in China's economic life. It is not only harmful to the consumer, but also to the competition order.


  • 当今患者红包医生现象越来越普遍不仅是对患者利益侵犯而且破坏了社会正常秩序

    Now in China, the phenomenon that patients give bonuses to doctors is becoming more and more common. It not only violates patients interests, but also destroys the normal social order.


  • 文化多元化经济利益多样化造成了实利主义价值观念局限和寻求具有普遍约束力的道德的困境

    Pluralism of culture and diversification of economy lead to localization of utilitarian values and moral dilemmas of pursuing universal restrict.


  • 虽然人们普遍共识是社会道德方面的最低工资好事,经济利益弊端争论多年

    Whilst there is general consensus that socially and morally the NMW is a good thing, the economic benefits versus drawbacks have been vigorously debated for years.


  • 股东查阅对于股东利益保护尤其是公司少数股东的保护所发挥重要作用也正是世界各国普遍股东查阅权制度加以规范的原因。

    The important role of shareholders 'inspection right in the protection of shareholders 'interests, especially for the minority shareholders, is why the countries in the world make this regulation.


  • 股东查阅对于股东利益保护尤其是公司少数股东的保护所发挥重要作用也正是世界各国普遍股东查阅权制度加以规范的原因。

    The important role of shareholders 'inspection right in the protection of shareholders 'interests, especially for the minority shareholders, is why the countries in the world make this regulation.


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