• 普通车辆竞速而生产的、外部车轮框架结构的四轮单座赛车共同组织起来参加汽车越野赛。

    Autocross was organized with ordinary cars and also with buggies - single-seater cars with external wheels and frame structure created for such racing.


  • RWE公司高兹普罗姆公司的交流还是处于初步接触阶段承认可能会包括俄罗斯发行普通共同英国开发燃气电厂项目等内容

    RWE said talks with Gazprom were at a very early stage but it admitted it could include an equity stake being released to the Russians and combined gas projects in the UK.


  • 我们普通通的追求共同东西——我们知道我们的存在是重要的。

    We all are just regular people seeking the same thing — we all just want to know that we matter.


  • HTMLDITA很多共同元素因此HTML迁移普通的DITA主题相对容易一些。

    HTML and DITA have many elements in common, which makes it relatively easy to migrate from HTML into plain DITA topics.


  • 哈克尼(译注:伦敦的一个贫困郡),来自社会底层街头声援者了解那些闹事的孩子,本可以他们共同解决问题,但这些普通工人告知他们再也不到薪水。

    In Hackney, the street-level support workers who came from the estates and knew the kids, could work with them in their troubles have been told they will no longer be paid.


  • 互联网巨大架构电脑操作经验不足二十普通使用,由成千上万台机器共同连接组成的成千上万计算机网络

    The internet, agigantic lattice in which millions of computer networks link togetherhundreds of millions of machines, is a remarkable mesh that has beenused by ordinary people for less than 20 years.


  • 普通方式作为是“共同业主”。

    The most common way is as "joint proprietors".


  • 新款Camaro市场其他几十还有一个共同特点使得它们轮胎更昂贵大直径车轮,这种趋势最近已经蔓延到了普通汽车上。

    The new Camaro and dozens of other cars on the market share another trait that makes their tires costlier: large-diameter wheels, a trend that has recently spread to ordinary cars.


  • 形影不离”1月8广州开始普通英语拍摄共同主演的龚蓓苾饰演吴彦祖的妻子,一位调查记者

    "Inseparable" began shooting in Mandarin and English in Guangzhou on Jan. 8, co-starring Gong Beibei as Wu's investigative reporter wife.


  • 贯穿生涯一条主线、就是这样的观念:如果普通大众全身心投入我们的共同努力,那么这件就一定越来越好

    The running thread through my career has been the notion that when ordinary people get involved, get engaged, and come together in collective effort, things change for the better.


  • 普通诉求利化当下的社会大众乃至学界所共同追求一项目标

    To recognize ordinary claims as rights is a goal that the public and academia pursuits today.


  • 普通因素就是他们没有共同东西

    One of the most common factors is that they lack things in common.


  • 作者认为盗取本意共同盗窃只是普通团伙盗窃而已,并不一定非得具备相与功(攻)”这一条件

    The author believes that when the group intended to steal when referring to common theft, only a more than ordinary theft gang, does not necessarily have to have the "attack phase" of the conditions.


  • 实验设计普通高中生物课程标准(实验)》高考理科综合考试说明共同要求

    The experimental design is the same request of the Ordinary High school Biology Curriculum Standard and the college entrance examination science subject synthesis test.


  • 因为一直就是我们故事——普通民众一起经过艰苦、漫长有时令人沮丧始终保持自制努力实现共同目标的故事。

    Because that's always been our story - the story of ordinary people coming together in the hard, slow, sometimes frustrating, but always vital work of self-government.


  • 方言语言应用特征不仅方言有所体现而且普通共同写作会体现出来。

    The language practice features of dialect are not only reflected when people speak dialect, but also reflected when people speak mandarin and write in common language.


  • 采用已耐氧驯化两歧双歧杆菌普通乳酸菌共同发酵胡萝卜制得发酵饮料

    The fermented beverage was prepared through the fermentation of carrot juice by cooperation of common lactic acid bacteria and the oxygen-tolerant strain of bifidobacterium.


  • 租赁普通租赁、完全租赁、共同财产普通财产或者部分所有本身构成合伙,不论共有人是否分享使用该财产所产生的利益。

    Joint tenancy, tenancy in common, tenancy by the entireties, joint property, common property, or part ownership does not of itself establish a.


  • 汉民族共同普通中里用作量词的情况极少宁乡方言比较常见的量词。

    Lump being used as quantifier in standard spoken Chinese is extremely few, but it is a comparatively common in NingXiang dialect.


  • 普通现代民族共同语,临沧方言是现代汉语北方方言西南官话云南次方言的一个分支

    Mandarin is the common language of the Han people, while Lincang dialect is a branch of Yunnan sub-dialect in the southwest area of modern Chinese north dialect.


  • 采用已耐氧驯化两歧双歧杆菌,普通乳酸菌共同发酵含胡萝卜汁牛奶制品

    The product is prepared through the fermentation of milk added with carrot juice by cooperation of common lactic acid bacteria and the oxygen-tolerant strain of bifidobacterium.


  • 殊途同归集一个故事,聚焦生活中的普通,但共同点是他们故事均终结于法庭

    Each episode of Accused focuses on an ordinary person who ends up in court.


  • 仿真结果表明产生规则系统模拟驾驶行为可行通过模糊规则普通规则共同作用能方便进行扩展

    The results showed that it is feasible to describe drivers' behavior with production rule system, and it's easy to expand by the cooperation of fuzzy and ordinary rules.


  • 高级船员普通船员之间用共同语言有效沟通

    Officers and crew to speak a common language and communicate effectively with each other.


  • 完全有理由党的构想首先电视机成为共同普通中国家庭

    This was exactly the reason the party was conceived in the first place when TV sets became common in ordinary Chinese households.


  • 普通生活中显示勇气共同

    In ordinary life there are common things that also show a person's courage.


  • 之间信息超级路由节点来路由,内部的信息由普通路由节点超级节点共同来路由。

    The information among domains was transmitted by the super routing node, and the general routing node as well as super node would transmit the inner domain information.


  • 之间信息超级路由节点来路由,内部的信息由普通路由节点超级节点共同来路由。

    The information among domains was transmitted by the super routing node, and the general routing node as well as super node would transmit the inner domain information.


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