• 这些命令涉及文件普通数据链路控制以及其他各种设备

    The commands cover files, streams, generic data link control, and various other devices.


  • 另外普通数据不同的是,还要安全存储设备保存机密数据

    Additionally, they also store confidential data on some secured storage as opposed to normal data.


  • 使用普通数据类型(varchar字符串)保留检索acl

    The ACL should be persisted and retrieved using ordinary database types, such as varchar or string.


  • 另外生产过程数据有着自身特点处理方法不同普通数据处理方法。

    Besides, the production process data has its own characteristics, the processing method of which is completely different from the one of ordinary data.


  • 普通数据分析方法已经比较成熟了,但是很少问津方向数据的聚类分析。

    The methodology of the cluster analysis of ordinary data has been well developed, but few people know the cluster analysis of directional data.


  • 具有属性如果尝试设置包含属性,它不会引发异常一点普通数据对象不同。

    It has properties, but if you try to set a property of it which is does not contain, it will not throw an exception like normal data objects.


  • 联机归档日志它们驻留数据日志目录(“online”)中、普通数据活动不再需要日志文件

    Online archived logs: These are the log files that reside in the database log directory (' online ') and are no longer needed for normal database activity.


  • 监控器数据收集应该包含一个时间框架期望段时间内发生普通数据活动(例如每个工作日9 a .m .到5 p. m.)。

    Your collection of monitor data should cover a time frame in which you would expect normal database activity (for example, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. during a workday).


  • 另外,应该提高安全性提供普通数据通过电子入口有关部门,这些数据包括20文件,文件中描述了运输,运输什么,从什么地方运输,运输哪里以及收货人

    It should also improve security, providing a common data set that gives the authorities electronic access to some 20 documents that describe who is shipping what, whence, whither and to whom.


  • 货物组件信用中,该包导入CRM(消费者关系管理)使用普通服务数据(消息)定义

    The Invoicer component will be in the credit package that imports the CRM (customer relationship management) package to use the common service data (message) definitions.


  • 测试产生一个非常普通数据类型缺陷通常质量度量方法来源

    A very common type of data produced by testing, one which is often a source for quality metrics, is defects.


  • 外部驻留底层操作系统中的数据文件提供一个普通界面

    External tables provide a normal table interface to data files that reside in the underlying operating system.


  • 不过使用方法时如果知道后续请求中将要实际需要哪些预提取数据我们仍然建议使用普通提取功能。

    With this approach, however, we still advice against general prefetching if it is not known what prefetched data is actually needed in subsequent requests.


  • 英国爱丁堡大学工程学院哈拉尔德·哈斯教授研发出技术通过普通灯泡就实现数据传输。

    Professor Harald Hass, of the school of engineering at Edinburgh University in the UK has developed a technology which can broadcast data through a normal lamp.


  • 但是途径更加普通罪犯新的大军会影响统计那些数据就可能发生变化

    But those figures may change as the approach becomes more common and new cohorts of offenders affect the statistics.


  • 普通模式一个主要优势就是特定服务提供商之外定义所有普通数据类型

    The common schema has one major advantage of having all common data types defined away from any specific service provider.


  • 普通数据包括文件名作者创建时间更新时间;不过对于某些情况普通的元数据不足以描述文件属性

    The common set of metadata includes file name, author, created time, and updated time; however, in some cases, the common metadata is not sufficient to describe the file properties.


  • 传输数据采用普通文本形式,因此可以具有许多不同格式比如XMLHTMLJSON仅仅是文本。

    This transmitted data is plain text and, therefore, can be in a number of different formats, such as XML, HTML, JSON, or just plain text.


  • 普通情况下数据绑定就是XML文档中的数据转换正在使用编程语言中的对象

    In the most generic case, data binding means that the data in an XML document is turned into an object in the programming language being used.


  • 如果使用普通文本这些数据发送服务器可以使用清单1代码

    If you were just using plain text to send this data to a server, you might use code that looks something like Listing 1.


  • 关键就是ExpressionHandle,ExpressionHandle使得模型中的对象可以正规的、普通的、常规.NET数据那样使用。

    The key to this is the ExpressionHandle, which makes the objects in the model available as regular, ordinary, conventional .NET data sets.


  • 由于rss提要一种普通受众公开数据进行分发标准格式所以要确保OmniFind索引内容不是机密的内容。

    Since RSS feeds is a standard format to distribute data that is open for the general audience, make sure the content indexed by OmniFind is not confidential.


  • 一旦采用普通数据绑定解决方案Sun 's JAXB,那么需要注意的底层xml语法将会更少

    Once you move to a more common data binding solution, like Sun's JAXB, you have even less underlying XML syntax to worry about.


  • 存储数据更为普通列表结构

    Storing data: a more generic list structure.


  • 稀疏普通查找概念阅读 查找 Teradata数据小节

    The concepts of the sparse and normal lookups are fully explained in the Look up Teradata data section.


  • 这些Feed可以发布rss、ATOM普通XML数据互联网或内联网上使用HTTPURL访问它们。

    These feeds can be published as RSS, ATOM, or plain XML data streams that are accessible over the Internet or Intranet using a HTTP URL.


  • 这些Feed可以发布rss、ATOM普通XML数据互联网或内联网上使用HTTPURL访问它们。

    These feeds can be published as RSS, ATOM, or plain XML data streams that are accessible over the Internet or Intranet using a HTTP URL.


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