• 前提普通合同法缺乏使劳动者不受管理层随意行为影响的充分保障

    The premise was that the common law of contract lacked sufficient safeguards for workers against arbitrary conduct by management.


  • 中国正在实施普及社会保障体系,以解决普通民众后顾之忧,让人们可以子女教育、医疗等生活必需开支放心消费。

    This is a huge burden. China right now is implementing and popularizing the social security system so as to relieve the worries of the common people.


  • 首先其他人必须这些事情比如医疗保障体系买单,而那些也是一样需要支付帐单,需要养家糊口普通人。

    First of all, other people must pay for things like healthcare. Those people have bills to pay and families to support, just as you do.


  • 对于体重不足或者普通体重人群安全带中安置安全气囊同样保障效果

    For underweight and normal weight individuals, placing airbags within the seat belt also might be protective.


  • 保障供给一方面,普通议员吸引力

    Securing supplies, on the other hand, has more appeal among the backbenchers.


  • 其三论述普通中小学科学教育保障措施及其影响包括科学师资科学设备两个方面。

    The third is elaborating the safeguard measures and its influence of the ordinary elementary and middle schools, which include two aspects: scientific teachers and scientific equipment.


  • 普通公务员工作积极性影响因素包括制度因素、领导因素、保障因素、工作因素。

    Influence factor of working initiative include, system factor, leader factor, guarantee factor and working factor.


  • 男女通用的厕所隔间普通的隔间宽敞一些为了保障安全和隐私,新厕所内会有人照看,隔间之间的墙壁也会更高一些

    Thee stalls will be more spacious than regular ones. To guarantee safety and privacy, there will be attendants and higher partitions between stalls.


  • 是个普通又是个很错误想法就是商人投保了“水渍”,便以为足以保障其利益不受损失

    It is a very common but mistaken idea that a merchant has done everything that is required to protect him against loss es when he has taken out W. p.


  • 湖北省普通水平测试评分细则保障湖北省普通水平测试科学规范操作标准。

    The Detailed Grading Rules on Putonghua Test of Hubei is a standard which guarantees the scientific and normative operation of the test.


  • 为了保障普通老百姓消费牛肉安全性,并适应中国牛肉的外贸出口的需要设计构建网络化牛肉质量安全可追溯系统

    The traceability of beef safety system through the Internet was designed and developed for the security of the civilians' consumption of beef and the demands of the beef export.


  • 是个普通却是个错误的想法就是商人投保了“水渍险”,便以为足以保障其利益不受损失

    It is a very common but mistaken idea that a merchant has done everything that is required to protect himself against losses, when he has taken out W. P. A. insurance.


  • 农村政策性银行营运有别于普通商业性银行,需要运用专门法律进行规范并提供有效支持保障

    The operation of the policy Banks in the rural area is different from commercial Hanks. There shall be special laws and regulations to offer effective support and guarantee for the former.


  • 本文人才培养机制科研机制、服务机制、保障机制等几个方面来构建普通高校内部动力机制

    This paper will construct college's internal motive mechanism from aspects of mechanisms of talents training, scientific research, service and safeguard.


  • 提出小波函数普通函数内积数值计算的外加速算法给出外推加速算法可行性保障定理。结果表明此算法的收敛速度较快, 得到的近似值的逼近效果好。

    In this paper, we give an extrapolation method for integral with wavelet. Theorem can ensure it is possibility. The result show that the method converge quickly, and the approach effect is very good.


  • 作为普通法上诽谤罪,其主要为了保障公民名誉隐私相关权利

    But, as a provision of the common law, libel is mainly in order to safeguard the citizen's reputation, privacy and other related rights.


  • 我国死刑案件证明标准目前采用普通刑事案件相同证明标准,不利于被告人生命和自由的保障

    This article first analyzes the problems of proving standard for death penalty cases and then explains the current proving standard and suggests that the standard should be enhanced.


  • 实践中普通至上实现王在法”、确立议会主权以及维护臣民自由与权利前提保障

    In practice, the supremacy of common law was the prerequisite and guarantee of realizing the king under law, establishing the sovereign of parliament and maintaining the liberties of subjects.


  • 第二普通高校本科教学质量保障体系建设进行理论上分析

    The second chapter makes a theoretical analysis of the establishment of the undergraduate teaching quality guarantee system.


  • 美国退休制度来说,也是解决问题办法普通美国民众每年退休方面要浪费数十亿美元资金却不能自己未来的生活保障

    This is also good way to approach the problem of the American retirement system, in which average citizens waste billions of dollars every year without making their futures more secure.


  • 父母奋力还债,病患无力支付医疗开支学生们负担不起上涨的学费普通劳动者无法知晓自己退休之后还能不能尊严保障地活着。

    Parents are struggling to pay the bills. Patients can't afford care. Students can't keep pace with tuition. And workers don't know whether their retirement will be dignified and secure.


  • 本文我国96所本科普通高等学校内部质量保障体系文本进行了内容分析

    This paper analyzes internal quality assurance system texts of 96 higher education institutions in China.


  • 本文我国96所本科普通高等学校内部质量保障体系文本进行了内容分析

    This paper analyzes internal quality assurance system texts of 96 higher education institutions in China.


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