• 这些喷发包括夏威夷大火喷泉,斯伦伯利爆炸利尼安陨石火成岩

    These eruptions have included: Hawaiian fire-fountaining, Strombolian explosions, and Plinian falls and ignimbrite.


  • 比利分钟就解决了比赛,卡德维拉作为后卫率先攻入不久洛伦攻入锦上添花一球。

    The damage was done in four minutes with Joan Capdevila, who gets his fair share of goals for a fullback, opening the scoring and Jose Llorente adding another shortly after.


  • 路易斯··斯•玛就是其中员。

    Luis Prates Maia is one of them.


  • ·斯能够一些忙,这还远远不够

    Tiago Splitter should help, but he won't be enough.


  • 那里时天正下着小雨,有一辆巴士等着我们我们到了圣地哥坎拉。

    There, in the drizzle, the coach is waiting to take us to Santiago de Compostela.


  • ·斯能够平行防守,但是马刺需要的是一个7能够盖帽能够篮板。

    Tiago Splitter is excellent defending from side to side, but San Antonio lacks a 7-footer with long arms who can alter shots and go up and get rebounds.


  • 切斯广场位于伦敦贝尔格莱维前任首相玛格丽撒切尔。 现在排名下降第三,第二是伦敦北部德的英格拉姆大街

    The square, in London's Belgravia, which is home to former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, drops to third place behind Ingram Avenue in Hampstead, north London.


  • 卢迪德·林, 巴勃罗·毕加索,欧内斯海明威,保罗·高更, 塞缪尔·贝克,还有其他一些都曾在海外生活过好些

    Rudyard Kipling, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, Paul Gauguin, Samuel Beckett and others spent years dwelling abroad.


  • 许多女士卡梅隆先生最初优先候选人“重要名单”上,•詹姆士(MargotJames)、安德里·利萨姆(AndreaLeadsom)还有尔(Priti Patel)都已经选中取得稳操胜券的席位

    Many women on Mr Cameron's original "A-list" of favoured candidates, such as Margot James, Andrea Leadsom and Priti Patel, had already been chosen for winnable seats.


  • 多尔夫曼跟妻子还有五岁的儿子最近到了科罗拉多州克雷·斯德比维多利建筑的出租房里。他妻子斯蒂芬妮·赫尔森曾做过替身演员。

    He and his partner, Stephanie Holzen, a former stuntwoman, and their 5-month-old son, Shep, recently moved to a rental in a Victorian house in Crested Butte, Colo.


  • 在这个教程中,我们一个木头上的浮雕效果,在木头上做出几个子弹孔,最后做出冒烟的效果,就好像是怀亚特(译者注:怀亚特是美国西部片《执法悍将》中的主人公)刚刚走过去一样。

    We’re going to make an awesome wood emboss effect, put bullet holes into the wood, and finally smoke ‘em up to a gnarly Wyatt-Earp-just-walked-past look.


  • 澳大利人沙恩-威尔莫训练老鼠成为冲浪好手。 威尔莫想让这3只分别名为哈里、邦森斯蒂克斯的老鼠参与澳大利喜欢的冲浪运动中来。

    Shane Willmott trained his three mice -- Harry, Chopsticks and Bunsen -- to enjoy Australia's favourite sport with special mouse-size surf boards.


  • 这项新西兰奥塔哥大学伯雷大学以及南安大学进行研究,发表在《澳大利和新西兰公共卫生杂志》上。

    The study, carried out with the Universities of Otago and Canterbury in New Zealand and the University of Southampton, was published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.


  • 打球动脑子,得分能力强即使马刺承认斯科拉他们今年第一轮新秀提哥-斯(巴西人)有效率

    He's a smart, bullish scorer, and even the Spurs admit he's been more effective than Tiago Splitter, their first-round draft pick.


  • 当时是和圣地快船队交手·切克中场运球,发现快船-布莱恩(科比父亲)挡住了路线,他伸出他的左腿试图突破以避免发生冲突

    Facing the San Diego Clippers, Kupchak drove the middle, found Clipper Joe Bryant (Kobe's father) blocking his path, and planted his left leg in an attempt to pull up and avoid the charge.


  • 正在这个时候,分钟之前离开了房间的拉德尔带着太太重新出现了。尤赖在此之前注意到拉德尔。“?”愤愤地问道

    Just then Traddles, who had disappeared a few minutes before, reappeared with Mrs Heep. Uriah had not noticed Traddles before. ' Who are you? '; he demanded angrily.


  • 锡代利,司·乔开始了音乐创作生涯

    Scott Joplin began his music-writing career in Sedalia.


  • 詹姆斯”、“小子比利”、巴克抑或怀亚特·,都是西部名噪一时的人物。

    "James Gang", "Billy the Kid", and "Wyatt Earp" etc. were held in reputation at that time.


  • 城市塔兰托整个地区一个里程碑,”洛伦佐·尼卡斯地区环境部。

    "It is a milestone for the city of Taranto and for the whole region," said Lorenzo Nicastro, from Apulia region Ministry of Environment.


  • 大卫和歌利决战,但是这次大卫输了。”德国外层空间物理学院的贡尔·哈辛格

    "This is the ultimate David versus 6 Goliath battle, but here David loses," said Gunther Hasinger, of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany.


  • 然而全体育报声称索里将在下周飞往都灵试图雷泽盖带到球场。

    However, Tuttosport claims that Sorriano will fly to Turin next week to try and tempt the striker away from the Olimpico and towards the Camp Nou.


  • 英国伍尔福汉敦,14岁以上的孩子可以18中学提供的500门不同课程选择城市官员马克·怀亚特

    In Wolverhampton, England, students 14 and older can choose between 500 different courses pooled from 18 secondary schools, said city official Mark Wyatt.


  • 如果有人拿走你的财产,还下照片炫耀,你一定生气吧,然而纽约顿的罗·诺斯一家却欣然接受

    Most people must be upset about a stranger taking their property away and sending them pictures of it to show off. However, that was fine with the Troianos in the Hamptons, New York.


  • 英国《每日邮报23日报道,摄影师兹-利玛利日前在英国格洛斯郡的伯德利附近目击到了称作“彩虹”的光学现象记录在了自己的相机里。

    According to the Daily Mail of October 23, photographer Reyaz Limalia spotted an optical phenomenon known as "ice rainbow" near Birdlip, UK and stopped his car to register the moment.


  • 大卫和歌利决战,但是这次大卫输了。”德国外层空间物理学院的贡尔·哈辛格

    This is the ultimate David versus Goliath battle, but here David loses, "said Gunther Hasinger, of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany."


  • 大卫和歌利决战,但是这次大卫输了。”德国外层空间物理学院的贡尔·哈辛格

    This is the ultimate David versus Goliath battle, but here David loses, "said Gunther Hasinger, of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany."


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