• 哲人说:“女士们先生们,先知认为晚上太阳有点不可理解白天月亮可以理解。”

    The Philosopher: "It is, ladies and gentlemen, an apriori law of the mind that it shall not perceive the sun by night, but may perceive the moon by day."


  • 白天来自太阳热量可以传导这些材料中储存起来,晚上释放

    During the day, heat from the Sun can be conducted into these materials and stored to be released at night.


  • 撒哈拉沙漠,我们白天要避开太阳晚上要找一个温暖安全的地方睡觉。

    In the Sahara, we should stay out of the sun during the day and find a warm and safe place to sleep at night.


  • 当然成本不是相当直接方法是,夏至时去北极圈旅行晚上时间(能在水缸里最好)地平线以上太阳

    For a cheaper, although not quite as direct, method, journey north of the Arctic circle around the summer solstice and spend a night (ideally in a hot tub) watching the sun circle above the horizon.


  • 因此为了取得真正成功太阳行业需要找到另一种方法保留能源晚上使用

    So to be really successful, the solar industry needs another way to keep power for use at night.


  • 可以提供传统太阳(晚上就没有了)达不到的基本电力负载。

    It can thus provide an electrical baseload in a way that traditional solar power (which goes off at night) cannot.


  • 人们料想它们应该晚上时候沿着蒙塔纳铁路边缘闲逛,等太阳升起,它们突然意识到自己所处的位置,吓得在那了。

    They are thought to have wandered onto the railroad ledge in southern Montana at night, then froze once the sun rose and they realised where they were.


  • 冰箱上的太阳不仅可以冰箱提供能源晚上用于照明可以支持健康教育课程视频的播放器。

    A solar panel provides power to the refrigerator and lighting at night, and it also runs video equipment for health education sessions.


  • 太阳落山后的周五晚上担心喝醉酒的司机横冲直撞。

    On Friday evenings, as the sun sets, she feels menaced by drunk drivers.


  • 架无人机白天时候获取太阳,并将其储存燃料电池中,晚上时候就用这些能量来工作。

    The plane will harvest solar energy throughout the day, storing energy inside fuel cells that will be drained overnight.


  • 太阳明耀地照着穿着袍子天使面前,就是那天晚上教堂门口看见那个天使。

    Then the sun shone so brightly, and right before her stood an angel of God in white robes; it was the same one whom she had seen that night at the church-door.


  • 由于晚上,四周是的,所以命令“要光亮”,太阳就升起了。

    Since it was nighttime in my dream world, it was dark, so I did my “let there be light” thing, and the sun came up.


  • 每天晚上Ra驾驭着太阳投入与Apep的战斗,直到黎明时分胜利出现地平线上,划过天空

    Every night, Ra sails his solar boat into combat with Apep and at dawn he emerges triumphant and cruises across the sky.


  • 时候感觉Kangol帽子镜像太阳酷,就开始那玩意儿。但是一直没胆量追一个女孩子所以每天晚上回家都是形单影只的。

    I started wearing Kangol hats and mirrored sunglasses, because I thought that was cool, but I never had the guts to approach girls, so I would come home alone every night.


  • 应该百万计的太阳提供照明支持这些晚上发光白天再次充电

    These should be backed up with millions of solar lanterns, which shine by night and recharge by day.


  • 本周取得成功建成太阳电池今天晚上我们

    Success of the week was the solar power tower - we should have electric lights by tonight.


  • 酒店伟大设计晚上闪耀出太阳光芒

    The great design of the hotel sparkles in evening sun beams.


  • 男孩个农场里,每天早上要在太阳升起之前开始家务活,稍作休息之后开始干晚上了。

    There was a small boy living on a farm.He needed to get up before sunrise every morning to start his chores and out again later to do the evening ones.


  • 确保太阳落山前回到田园生活去,然后晚上灯光表演就开始了,这个表演让人眼花缭乱,特别是那些城市人。

    Be sure to be back in your rural idyll for sunset and then the evening light show; it can be dazzling, especially for those who live in a city.


  • 这样冬天晚上看到星星正好就是夏天白天天空里一些,当然这时星星太阳光遮盖了,我们并不能看见。

    In winter, this means that we're looking at stars that during the summer were in our daytime sky, overwhelmed of course by the glare of the sun.


  • 当然太阳发电量全球发电总量0.375%,晚上太阳发电还有一些小问题

    Of course, solar power represents just 0.375 percent of all installed power generation worldwide and there's the little problem of producing electricity at night.


  • 太阳电池板能为手机或者晚上提供照明电池组充电

    The solar panel can charge a mobile phone or a pack of batteries capable of providing light all evening.


  • 工厂一旦建成成为美国最大太阳发电厂存储发电后续使用——甚至是晚上

    Once completed, this plant will be the first large-scale solar plant in the U.S. to actually store the energy it generates for later useeven at night.


  • 一系列图片当地时间23:50(晚上11:50)拍摄的,显示子夜太阳的样子。

    The series of photos was taken at 23:50 11:50 PM local time, showing the midnight sun. Upernavik pop.


  • 晚上回来时候,柳条丈夫妻子:“没有不会看到太阳水面升起,不会看到天上的云彩。”

    When she returned in the evening, the wicker husband looked at his wife, and said: 'Without you, I should never have seen the sun on the water, or the clouds in the sky.'


  • 晚上回来时候,柳条丈夫妻子:“没有不会看到太阳水面升起,不会看到天上的云彩。”

    When she returned in the evening, the wicker husband looked at his wife, and said: 'Without you, I should never have seen the sun on the water, or the clouds in the sky.'


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