• 妈妈可以让晚上灯亮着吗?

    Mommy.will you leave the night light on?


  • 你好可以一个明天晚上餐桌吗?

    Hello, Can I book a table for tomorrow evening?


  • 晚上,建筑物的正面泛光灯照明

    In the evening the facade is floodlit.


  • 加入小型徒步旅行团一个晚上探索华盛顿中心

    Join a small group hike tour for an evening of exploration in the heart of Washington.


  • 每个参与者这个部门两个晚上,研究人员技术他们大脑活动进行了仔细监测

    The participants each slept in the department for two nights and were carefully monitored with techniques that looked at the activity of their brains.


  • 每到星期一有八个仆人包括一个额外的园丁硬毛刷锤子花园剪刀干了一整天修补前一天晚上破坏。

    On Mondays, eight servants, including an extra gardener, toiled all day with scrubbing-brushes and hammer and garden-shears, repairing the ravages of the night before.


  • Narasimhan,这项显示技术研究是从开发一个可以晚上下雨天驾驶用的LED汽车前灯系统努力中衍生来的。

    Narasimhan said work on the display technology was born out of efforts to develop an LED automobile headlight system for driving in rain at night.


  • 晚上一个碎玻璃瓶子弄的。

    I tried it with a broken bottle one night.


  • 晚上这种担心成了现实司机被人9毫米顶住脑袋,结果了。

    One night the fears were realised when his driver had a 9mm gun put to his head and his car stolen.


  • 平时的睡姿也毫不奏效。这么一晚上黑暗中着,脑子转的飞快。

    The usual side position does not help; I'm just awake, my mind working actively in the dark all night long.


  • 因此避免晚上开着睡觉,避免晚上电视睡觉,另外,一个黑色窗帘阻挡路灯灯光是个办法

    So, avoiding sleeping with a night-light, not falling asleep with the bedroom TV on all night long, and perhaps using dark curtains to block out street light might be a good idea.


  • 晚上打开窗户或者风扇空气保持对流,让凉快晚风能够穿过房子

    In the evening, open windows and use fans to create a cross-breeze, circulating cooler evening/night air through the rooms.


  • 如果分类清楚的话,几个电视晚上一下整理吧。

    If you want to sort them first, use a few nights of TV watching to do just that.


  • 第二晚上开始冻伤并且肿胀,座车库过了一夜被扔掉的圣诞树毯子取暖。

    By the following night, his feet were cold and swollen. He slept next to a garage, using an unwanted Christmas tree as a blanket.


  • 周末晚上,五个孩子要在他们家住的话,他们就打开所有,然后挑选队员塑料手枪手电筒游戏

    And on weekend nights, when the group slept over, they turned out all the lights, picked teams, and played a game with plastic pistols and flashlights.


  • 一方面,那些早晨富含碳水化合物食物晚上含有脂肪食物喂养的老鼠体重会增长很多,它们同时还表现出新陈代谢综合症症状

    On the other hand, those rats, which were given a high carb meal in the morning and a high fat meal at night, put on much more weight.They also displayed symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome.


  • 虽然已经死了,然而实在不想它。 因此我们花了整个晚上来熏烤、腌它补充我们贫乏补给

    Now that it was dead, however, I was jolly well going to eat it — so we spent all evening smoking and salting the meat to supplement our meagre supplies.


  • 那天晚上,迪勒手中拿着萨尔包裹公斤回到一言不发地把肉递给凯蒂

    Dil, showed up that night at his house with a kilo of meat wrapped in sal leaves. He handed it to Kanchi without a word.


  • 朋友的。”接受采访的那个晚上一边把玩那护身符般的钥匙,一边自信英语侃侃而谈。

    "My friends tell me I'm quite handsome," he said in confident English one recent evening, fingering his car keys as if they were a talisman.


  • 遗憾我们只有一些东拼西凑的食物可以但是每天晚上都会花上几个小时变戏法似的烹饪那些有限原料

    It was sad that we had only a desultory array of groceries to work with, but each night I would spend hours conjuring magic from a limited universe of ingredients.


  • 喜欢这种语言不像匈牙利语,罗马尼亚熟悉发音晚上再见对不起

    I enjoy tuning in to a language that, unlike Hungarian, has familiar sounds: "buna seara" (good evening); "la revedere" (goodbye); "scuze" (excuse me).


  • 这里的晚上充满着噪声故事。传说中蛇妖保护黄金淘金者和虔诚的试图巫术和祷告来驱除妖魔。

    Like the legend of the snake-shaped genie who protects the gold from prospectors and holy men trying to exorcise it with tricks and prayers.


  • 除了周日晚上四重奏五重奏外,真想不到还有什么带给如此快乐(,就让快乐一吧)。

    I can think of almost nothing that gives me so much - OK, I'm going to use the word - joy as our Sunday evenings of quartets and quintets.


  • 那天晚上我们决定加巧克力蜜饯三明治犒劳自己,同时考虑了一下后面旅程。一个星期以来我们第一洗了澡或许也是第一次到了热汤热水的饭菜。

    We decided to celebrate with Nutella and marshmallow sandwiches that night, and pondered what the road ahead might hold for us: perhaps our first shower in a week, or maybe even a hot meal.


  • 比方说,某餐馆出售只能星期二使这样就能使原本生意冷清周二晚上爆满。

    For example, a restaurant might sell vouchers that are redeemable only on Tuesdays, thus filling tables on a quiet night.


  • 有些发射井距离基地50多英里远,因此一般情况下我们都是基地过来锡箔纸包裹的食物,晚上和衣发射井的钢质平台上。

    Some of the sites were up to 50 miles from the base so normally I would eat the foil packs they sent out to the site and slept in my parka on the steel-plated decks of the silo.


  • 多少俊男靓女早上家人朋友共进早餐,晚上已经他们祖先一起晚餐了。

    How many spirited young men and pretty women ate in the morning with their family and friends, and by evening were supping with their forefathers.


  • 不要流水解冻冷冻食物最好食物放在冰箱里一个晚上的时间来解冻。

    Don't use running water to defrost frozen food. Ideally place food in refrigerator to defrost overnight.


  • 不要流水解冻冷冻食物最好食物放在冰箱里一个晚上的时间来解冻。

    Don't use running water to defrost frozen food. Ideally place food in refrigerator to defrost overnight.


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