• 字体显示模糊更换电池

    When the typeface demonstrated blurs, please replace the battery.


  • 96dpi监视器中,96dpi照片显示醒目清晰更高更低分辨率都会导致显示模糊粗糙

    On a monitor with 96 dpi, a photograph with 96 dpi will appear sharp and clear, while a photograph with higher or lower resolutions may appear blurry or grainy.


  • 结果显示模糊pid复合控制模糊整定PID控制较好的动静态响应特性,其中模糊自整定PID控制的效果优。

    From these results, both fuzzy PID control and fuzzy tune PID control have good control characteristic. The control characteristic of fuzzy tune PID control is best.


  • 今年早些时候进行的一项调查显示类似工作类型趋同如何模糊阶级界限的。

    A survey conducted earlier this year shows how this convergence on similar types of work has blurred class boundaries.


  • 这些条纹交织显示不同技术之间相互作用在这里变得模糊

    The intertwining of bands is supposed to show the interaction between different technologies, but it gets fuzzy here.


  • 驾驶员视觉增强器采用红外成像显示技术帮助驾驶员昼夜视觉模糊条件下进行探测导航

    DVEs, which feature infrared imaging and display technologies, help users detect and navigate in either day or night under obscured visual conditions.


  • 几个非官方的军事相关网站发布了手机拍摄的模糊视频片段上面显示J-20沿着跑到加速尾部上装着降落伞

    Several unofficial defense-related websites published grainy mobile-phone video footage that they said showed the J-20 speeding along a runway and deploying parachutes from its rear.


  • 电脑屏幕显示文字分辨率细节清晰度方面都不如印刷体所以文字显得很模糊

    A computer screen displays text at a lower resolution, with less detail and sharpness than a printed page, so letters are fuzzier.


  • 现在,我们面临更高级别显示,它会“模糊隐藏内容

    Now, though, humans are faced with a higher-level presentation that "obscures" or hides this content.


  • 例如一些当前版本iPhone控制键放在屏幕一些游戏显示中使屏幕模糊了。

    For example, some games on the current versions of the iPhone place the controllers on the main display, obscuring some gameplay.


  • 今年早些时候Experian公司金融服务公司Liverpool Victoria所做调查显示这种工作类型趋同性对于模糊阶级界线所起的作用

    A survey conducted earlier this year by Experian for Liverpool Victoria, a financial-services firm, shows how this convergence on similar types of work has blurred class boundaries.


  • 剧照Rozin调查结果增加具体表达被在想之间使边界模糊一直显示认识种现象上的一个研究成长领域打电话给。

    Still, Rozin said, the findings add to a growing field of research on a phenomenon called embodied cognition, which has been revealing blurred boundaries between thinking and doing.


  • 注意,"uw"模糊变量 h_isBeingEdited,如果当前文档作为 ?EditDocument请求一部分显示,它将为真。

    Note that "uw" is the obfuscated variable h_isBeingEdited, which would be true if the current document is being displayed as part of a ?EditDocument request.


  • 其中一章展示各种静态特效比如模糊(用来在显示窗的时候弱化背景注意力的干扰)、阴影反光高光

    Various static effects are demonstrated, such as blurs (for making backgrounds less distracting when popups are visible), drop shadows, reflections and highlights.


  • 这些图像模糊缺乏细节令人印象深刻(例如,重绘的图像可能显示一个正在讲话,但无法认清讲话的人)。

    These re-created images are blurry and lack detail but are impressive nevertheless (for example, the reproduction might show a person speaking, but not identify the speaker).


  • 星云所以取得这个名称是因为它们光学图像显示尘埃一些星云发光气体模糊化地形成了使人联想到拱形特征

    The nebula gets its name because optical images show dust obscuring some of the nebula's glowing gas in a shape reminiscent of the arcade character.


  • 闭路电视记录下万豪酒店发生爆炸瞬间模糊不清画面显示爆炸发生之前名男子滚轮穿过酒店大厅。

    CCTV cameras recorded the moment of the Marriott blast; grainy images show a man pulling a bag on wheels across the lobby before the flash of the explosion.


  • 如果我们没有获得竞争力模糊价格,我们会显示可用最低公布价格组合,给予清晰地指明

    If we don't have a competitive opaque rate, we show the lowest set of published rates available instead, clearly noting them.


  • 实践显示导致模糊的产生。

    This practice has always shown that it leads to ambiguities.


  • 看着显示模糊标记意识到他们发现一些并非是自然创造的东西。

    Looking at the fuzzy mark on the monitor, he knew they had found something unnatural.


  • 照片中显示一些模糊小点位于圣克鲁斯加州大学天体物理学家加思·伊林沃思说:“像素非常微弱。”

    The images reveal blurry dots, "just a handful of pixels," says Garth Illingworth, a University of California, Santa Cruz, astrophysicist.


  • 施瓦兹和其他科学家一样着3 -D眼镜随着慢慢仪器探至头盖骨深处电脑显示出现了模糊的3 - D图像。

    Like the other scientists in the room, Schwarz was wearing 3-d glasses, and as he inched the instrument deeper inside the skull, a blurry 3-d image appeared on a computer monitor.


  • 另一个相似的情况Web开发者不想使页面信息变得模糊尤其是用户输入依赖显示全部页面内容的情况。

    Another similar scenario is when a Web developer does not want to obscure information on the page, particularly if the user input relies on being able to view the whole page content.


  • 注意术语模糊(obfuscation)”用于表示通过公共视图显示数据隐藏数据,通过使用hide - when公式来隐藏表单上的数据。

    Note: The term "obfuscation" is used to denote hiding data by not displaying it in public views or hiding data on a form by using hide-when formulas.


  • 清单1显示一个StrutsAction例子这个例子模糊模型控制器之间界线

    Listing 1 shows an example of a Struts Action that blurs the line between model and controller.


  • Office产品负责人ClearType显示的文字模糊不清,令看了头疼

    The head of Office products said it was fuzzy and gave him headaches.


  • 属性包含收件人显示模糊名称解析ANR搜索

    This property contains the ambiguous name resolution (ANR) search for the display name of the recipient.


  • 第一显示图像影响最小因此定义有点模糊

    The images on the top row show the minimum effect, and hence the definition of clouds is a little fuzzy.


  • 理论计算和计算机模拟实验结果显示模糊控制迭代算法迭代结果其振幅误差为0.69%,振幅不均匀度1.01%。

    Computer simulation experiment, as well as theoretical research show that the amplitude mean square error of the iterative output derived from IAFC is 0.69%, and the amplitude un-uniformity is 1.01%.


  • 的向阳面故意曝光过度显示模糊羽状物同时长的曝光时间提供了木卫一木星照亮极好景象

    Io's dayside was deliberately overexposed in this picture to image the faint plumes, and the long exposure also provided an excellent view of Io's night side, illuminated by Jupiter.


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