• 广义的指标包括那些放弃寻找工作非自愿从事兼职工作的工人显示六个人中就有一个半人失业。

    A broader gauge, which includes those who have given up searching for a job and involuntary part-time workers, suggests more than one in six workers is underemployed.


  • 旁边的图表显示六个国家中各年龄组劳动力组成中的比例

    The accompanying charts show the work force participation levels by age group for six countries.


  • 回应格雷厄姆论文声明里,葛兰素史克公司认为,2007年已经完成的所有六个临床试验结果并没有显示该药增加心脏病发作中风死亡风险。

    In a statement issued in response to both Nissen's and Graham's papers, GSK maintains that six clinical trials completed since 2007, taken together, show no increase in heart attack, stroke or death.


  • 表格1 - 6显示RUPCMMI成熟度级别2六个过程领域覆盖

    Tables 1-6 show RUP coverage for six of the CMMI Maturity Level 2 process areas.


  • 自从2007年,调查显示鸡蛋价格了40%——花八个鸡蛋六个——面包鸡肉牛肉涨了20%。

    Since 2007, it says the price of eggs has risen by 40% - that's six eggs for the price of eight - and that of bread, chicken and beef by over 20%.


  • 第一帧画面显示Tomlinson身处至少六个拿着盾牌警棍防暴警察面前,在皇家交易所街道上向行走

    The first frame shows Tomlinson in front of at least six riot officers with shields and batons walking south down Royal Exchange Passage.


  • 美国官方统计数据显示,6月份美国零售业销售下滑,致使美国股市消费板块整体走低,标准普尔500指数连续六个交易日走高

    U.S. stocks retreated after six straight gains for the Standard &Poor’s 500 Index, amid declines in consumer shares after a government report showed retail sales fell in June.


  • 少于月会显示一些问题,全面

    Less than six months will give you some insight, but not clearest picture.


  • 图表显示销售数字过去的增长情况。

    The chart shows how our sales figures have improved over the last six months .


  • 家里财政状况显示苏利曼家庭为了照顾那六个孩子早已入不敷出了,无法承担八个新生儿负担。

    Details of the family's finances suggest that the Sulemans are already struggling with the load of looking after six children and are ill-prepared for the arrival of eight more.


  • 上周三正式上线,同时,对大约2,700名人事经理进行的调查显示未来月内,约有23%的公司计划招聘高层人才。

    Was officially unveiled on Wednesday along with a survey of just under 2, 700 hiring managers showing that 23% expect to hire senior level workers in the next six months.


  • 注意输出结果显示六个用户需要app _ groupGID改变改变主要组。

    Note that the output shows that six users need to have their primary group changed after the GID changes for the app_group group.


  • 研究显示,百分之四儿童百分之十二的一岁儿童出现缺乏

    Studies have shown that 4 percent of 6 month olds, and 12 percent of 12 month olds are iron deficient.


  • 根据今年夏末的一项职业者调查报告显示10雇员之中就4个声称他们工作压力最近六个月来一直成直线上升趋势,同样,10个之中就有2个声称自己已经感到精疲力竭了。

    Four in 10 employees say their work stress level has increased in the last six months, according to a CareerBuilder survey from late this summer. Two in 10 feel burned out.


  • 不久后赛季开了生产商试图添加个子字符显示

    Shortly after the sixth season opened, the producers attempted to add a child character to the show.


  • 文件显示幼儿园里,一个夏天内有六个孩子溺水三人食物中毒,其中一人死亡。

    At one preschool, the document said, six children drowned in one summer and three got food poisoning, with one dying.


  • 调查显示以后,走出农村城市居住超过人口增长了85%,达到1.45亿。

    Surveys suggest that since then the number of people who have moved out of the countryside and taken up urban residence for more than six months has grown by 85%, to 145m.


  • 经济的不景气这种情况变得糟,研究显示七分之一男性过去月中工作而意志更为消沉

    The recession could make the situation much worse, with research showing one in seven men develop depression within six months of losing their jobs.


  • 要命是,本周项民意调查显示萨科奇支持率又下滑六个百分点,而位居受欢迎程度榜首不是别人正是他的前任雅克希拉克

    More crushing still, a poll this week that showed Mr Sarkozy shedding six further points placed at the top of its popularity list none other than Mr Sarkozy's predecessor, Jacques Chirac.


  • 长达有规律有氧运动、高强度间歇运动肌肉力量练习中,研究对象的血液检测显示一种衰老过程触发帮助修复衰老DNA

    Blood tests taken during six months of regular aerobic exercise, high-intensity interval training and strength training showed that an anti-ageing process had been triggered and helped repair old DNA.


  • 软件开发时,软件工程学模块化思想指导,将系统划分图像采集提取、图像数据处理、图像显示六个模块

    With the guidance of the modularization idea, the software system is divided into six modules: image collecting and taking module, image processing module, image displaying module, and so on.


  • 研究结果显示消费者关于高新技术产品的知觉风险分为六个构面,分别功能风险、价值风险、时间风险、习惯性风险、社会风险服务风险;

    The results shows: the consumers' perceived risk can divide into six facets: the function risk, the value risk, the time risk , the habitual risk, the social risk and the service risk.


  • 6显示来自六个国家裁判给以体操选手的分数

    Table 6 shows the scores given to a gymnast by the judges from six countries.


  • 统计分析显示调查问卷六个因素强烈支持工作特征模型具有新的特点

    Statistical analysis showed that the six factors of the questionnaire strongly support the work characteristic model, but with new features.


  • 然后,已婚很大的排场显示六个女儿的。

    Then he married them with great pomp and display to his six eldest daughters.


  • 最新的民调显示奥巴马该州有六个百分点的领先优势。

    The most recent poll shows Obama opens six-point lead in the state.


  • 研究显示大多数儿童时候能识别本地语言中的一些常见声音了。

    Research shows that most children recognize the general sounds of their native language by six months of age.


  • 这项每周一调查显示月内衡量绩效的指标稳步上升。这三个指标分别工作质量、工作量,以及同事互动质量

    But within four to six months, all three measures of performance-quality and quantity of work, and quality of interactions with colleagues-rose steadily, according to weekly surveys of participants.


  • 这项每周一调查显示月内衡量绩效的指标稳步上升。这三个指标分别工作质量、工作量,以及同事互动质量

    But within four to six months, all three measures of performance-quality and quantity of work, and quality of interactions with colleagues-rose steadily, according to weekly surveys of participants.


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