• 集群可用关联映射提供了代理支持类似于传统边缘组件HTML请求的支持。

    Proxy support is provided for clustering, high availability, and affinity mapping, analogous to the traditional edge component support for HTML requests.


  • 客户平台工具根据工具生成wsdl来产生服务代理时,将进行另外一个映射

    When the tool on the client platform generates the service proxy from this tool-generated WSDL, another level of mapping occurs.


  • Ajax代理配置编辑器中,可以指定路径映射远程URL如图14所示。

    In the AJAX Proxy Configuration Editor, you specify paths that map to a URL on a remote domain, as shown in Figure 14.


  • 然后通常代理返回对象映射本地模型中所使用的对象。

    You then typically map the objects returned by proxies into objects used in the local model.


  • 每个代理绑定实例都构建维护一个目录,该目录负责映射实例提供服务

    Each Proxy binding instance builds and maintains a directory mapping services provided by instances.


  • 代理服务将描述如何创建一个服务主体映射服务用户

    The Broker service section below describes how to create a service principle name and map it to the service user.


  • 要想动态配置CXF需要使用这个隐含类型代理转换为bindingprovider然后通过类型转换访问请求上下文属性映射

    To configure CXF dynamically, you need to make use of this implied typing and cast the proxy to the BindingProvider class, then access the request context property map through that cast.


  • Sybasease中的createexistingtable命令允许代理映射远程位置一个表、视图或者过程

    The "create existing table" command in Sybase ase allows you to map the proxy table to a table, view, or procedure at a remote location.


  • 因为反向代理服务器具有不同主机所以必须更新WebSphereApplicationServer,以使插件能够入站请求正确映射应用服务器。

    Because the reverse proxy server has a different host name, you must update WebSphere application server so that the plug-in can correctly map the inbound request to your application server.


  • 首先通常具有一个映射对应数据库(代理)对象标识符

    First, you usually want to have a (surrogate) object identifier that maps to the primary key of the corresponding database table.


  • ConcatenateInitials函数存在于代理模式调用映射内部

    The ConcatenateInitials function exists inside a broker schema called map.


  • LotusNotes操作属性我们映射WSDL文件定义对应属性代理操作。

    In the properties box for the Lotus Notes action, we map it to the corresponding property broker action defined in the WSDL file.


  • 业务代理可能依赖dao对象后者依赖于一个数据库查询OR映射查询,这样可以对CD进行有效的查询。

    The business delegate may in turn rely on a DAO object that in turn relies on a database query or an or mapping query that sorts the CDs very efficiently.


  • 选择不同映射ant脚本文件生成代理名称将不同,先前三个ant脚本清单中那样。

    When you select the different mappings, the agent name generated in the Ant script file will also be different, as shown in the previous three Ant script listings.


  • 然后,使用字符串机器这个用户代理字符串映射一个名为agentsEnum

    Then you use string matching to map the user agent string to an Enum called Agents.


  • 这样可以使用可伸缩的设计了,这种设计中,新的用户代理映射可以作为设备添加门户portlet需要改变自己行为

    This allows for a scalable design in that new User-Agent mappings can be added to the portal as new devices become available, but portlets need not change their behavior.


  • 本体映射使用不同本体代理服务之间实现互操作的核心工作

    Ontology mapping is the core task in the interoperation among agents or services using different ontologies.


  • 类似第 3部分privateCatalog 第 3 部分清单3配置的受保护执行过代理bean映射上面 清单2托管 beancatalogprivateData属性

    Similarly, I'll map Part 3's privateCatalog (a secured proxied bean configured in Listing 3 of Part 3) to the privateData property of the catalog managed bean of Listing 2 above.


  • 符合规范用户代理必须可以正确地将ISO 10646映射它们识别字符编码(或者它们表现的至少看起来是正确的)。

    Conforming user agents must correctly map to ISO 10646 all characters in any character encodings that they recognize (or they must behave as if they did).


  • 工作区选项卡上,指定包含下载文件文件夹以及这些文件夹映射到生成代理上的本地文件夹的方式

    Workspace TAB, you specify the folders that contain the files that you want to download and how these folders should be mapped to local folders on the build agent.


  • 本文深入研究IEC 61850标准CORBA(公共对象请求代理架构),并在基础提出IEC 61850CORBA映射方法

    On the base of deeply study of IEC 61850 and CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), this paper present a way of mapping IEC 61850 to CORBA.


  • 为了帮助下载这些文件生成代理将创建一个版本控制工作区工作区会将服务器文件夹映射生成代理工作目录中的本地文件夹。

    To facilitate downloading these files, the build agent creates a version control workspace, which maps the folders on the server to the local folders in the working directory for the build agent.


  • 但是一方法映射路径断裂发生代理进行多次重写,造成响应速度滞后

    But this approach performs multiple reformulations on behalf, only when mapping path breakage occurs, resulting in the delayed response time.


  • 利用BLS签名构建一种改进的基于线性映射多重代理签名方案

    This paper proposes an improved multi-proxy signature scheme. The improved scheme is constructed from bilinear pairings using BLS short signatures.


  • 利用BLS签名构建一种改进的基于线性映射多重代理签名方案

    This paper proposes an improved multi-proxy signature scheme. The improved scheme is constructed from bilinear pairings using BLS short signatures.


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