• 皮迟先生个356mm美国星特望远镜,还有一个叫做Flea3的高速摄像机

    Mr Peach's home kit includes a 356mm reflecting telescope manufactured by Celestron USA, with a high-speed video camera called a Flea3.


  • 张照片是今年2月份,卡西尼号宇宙飞船卡里索普上方快速飞过拍摄到的。 卡里索普轨道第二提斯的后方,二者围绕旋转的轨道大致相同

    The Cassini spacecraft snapped this shot in February as it swooped past Calypso, which trails behind the larger moon Tethys in roughly the same orbit around Saturn.


  • 这样地方长大这里知道一个人都去过外太空,”加一个沉闷餐馆吃着牛肉卷心菜午餐

    "I grew up in a place like this, where everyone I knew went to space," Garriott tells me over a lunch of veal and cabbage at a dreary Star City cafeteria.


  • 加略哈利现在已经居民开玩笑

    Garriott and Halik can now joke around with the residents of Star City.


  • 牧师,不用一定要把案子闹到“室”去;纵二十个约翰斯塔夫爵士,他也不能欺侮到洛勃沙娄绅士

    Shallow: sir hugh, persuade me not; I will make a star-chamber matter of it; if he were twenty sir john falstaffs he shall not abuse robert shallow, esquire.


  • 高端市场时尚杂志《海洋出版商大久清彦说:"强尼·戴普、布拉德·大卫·贝克汉姆这些''们孩子。"

    "Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, David Beckham the cool guys, all have children," said Kiyohiko Okubo, publisher of Oceans, an up-market fashion magazine.


  • 但是好莱坞爹妈,朱莉小宝贝们就会发现要隐藏散落在自己身上的确不是件容易的事儿。

    But with two of Hollywood's biggest stars as mum and dad, the Jolie-Pitt youngsters might find it hard to avoid a sprinkling of stardust themselves.


  • 加略留着两个马尾辫保持发型20多年了有时候需要重新编一下辫子,他鼓起勇气城的理发店师傅帮忙

    Garriott wears two rattails, which he's been cultivating for more than 20 years. He has them rebraided occasionally and is working up the nerve to ask someone at the Star City barbershop for help.


  • 萨默塞查得农场大约1000万只瓢虫出现在农田“安营扎寨”。

    And in Chard in Somerset around 10 million ladybirds have descended on farmland and set up home.


  • 61日,先进发射反射辐射仪(ASTWER)捕捉到张堰塞湖伪色图像——这个现在16公里

    The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on the Terra satellite acquired this false-color image of the landslide lake on June 1, 2010 - now 16km (10 mi) long.


  • 对于来说可以Bada系统——一种较为低级的操作系统,亚洲取得了一定成功——推广欧洲其他地方

    For Samsung, it could mean making Bada, its low-level OS that's had some success in Asia, available in Europe and elsewhere, Sterling says.


  • 加略今年120抵达遇到同伴:澳洲的享乐者尼科·哈利克(NikHalik),39岁的凭借房地产股票成了百万富翁

    When he arrived at Star City on January 20, 2008, Garriott found a comrade: Aussie-born playboy Nik Halik, a 39-year-old fellow millionaire who made his money in real estate and stocks.


  • 2010年9月5日美国国家航空航天局拉”上搭载的先进发射反射辐射仪Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and ReflectionRadiometer,ASTER拍摄到一幅关于两个水体图片

    The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on NASA's Terra satellite captured this image of the two water bodies on September 5, 2010.


  • 英国石油公司建造了北极,北极位于阿拉斯加以北6英里波弗海上

    British Petroleum built Northstar Island in the Beaufort sea six miles north of the Alaskan coast to siphon off the Northstar Oil Pool, which resides about 12,500 feet below the seabed.


  • 上个月底,一位来自贝尔法斯北爱尔兰首府,最大海港,译者注)皇后大学天文学家的研究表明,在伊伯最大而奇怪天体,守护石Haumea,小行136108,这颗小行并没有官方的中文译名,这个译名是我参考其他用法拟的,不当之处请指正。 译者注)的表面存在

    Late last month, an astronomer from Queen’s University in Belfast reported the existence of a red spot on the surface of Haumea, one of the largest and weirdest objects in the Kuiper Belt.


  • 这些野蛮杀死了托瓦尼全家只有辛德尔在威克帮助下逃脱了。

    The brutish aliens killed all of the Towani family, except for Cindel, who escaped with the help of Wicket.


  • 士兵不留任何活口,他们区总督们开火杀死了所有试图逃跑的人。

    Fett and his soldiers took no prisoners, opening fire on the Moffs and killing any that tried to escape.


  • 海尔波普彗位于海王轨道上方出现,因太阳之间距离足够,所以并未出现。-约翰·报道

    Comet Hale-Bopp has been spotted beyond the orbit of Neptune, far enough from the sun to be without its dirty tail. John Matson reports.


  • 有些异族生物学家推测克雷传说中杜伊诺格伍退化后后裔。这种野兽另一个亲戚更矮壮的凯尔龙

    Some xenobiologists postulate that the krayt dragons are the degenerate descendents of the fabled Duinuogwuin Star Dragons. Another relative of the beasts is the stockier kell dragon.


  • 悲伤的是塔克主人一家现在搬走了。不过班内邻里当中还有许多其他小伙伴

    Sadly, Turk and his human family have now moved away, but Bennett said Kai has many other dog friends in the neighbourhood.


  • 在佛默斯·皮埃上将发自无畏舰“执行者”号指挥帝国舰队叛军发动进攻并企图毕其功于一役。

    Under the command of Admiral Firmus Piett from the Star Dreadnought Executor, the Imperial fleet engaged the Rebels in an effort to annihilate them once and for all.


  • 尽管吸食香料使取得了拉斯梅涅围攻的大胜避免了第二一同消失的命运,但过于频繁的吸食使他渐渐变得十分多疑

    Although it allowed him a great victory at Trasemene and prevented him from perishing aboard the Death Star II, frequent use caused him to become quite paranoid.


  • 巴卡自己的母非常不是在开玩笑根据衍生宇宙,卡西克兰多沙处于同一系。

    When Chewbacca says his home world is very close, he's not kidding. According to the Expanded Universe, Kashyyyk and Trandosha are in the same star system.


  • 巴卡自己的母非常不是在开玩笑根据衍生宇宙,卡西克兰多沙处于同一系。

    When Chewbacca says his home world is very close, he's not kidding. According to the Expanded Universe, Kashyyyk and Trandosha are in the same star system.


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