• 星期三发表所谓SCOUT研究最终数据西布曲增加心脏病患者的心脏病发作中风风险

    Final data from the so-called SCOUT study, published on Wednesday, showed Meridia increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes in patients who already have heart disease.


  • 怀着对发现孤独感传播奥秘渴望,芝加哥大学的卡西·奥普同事研究开始弗雷汉的数据

    Keen to shed some light on the mystery, John Cacioppo of the University of Chicago and his colleagues turned to the Framingham data.


  • 一边重庆大足县养蜂户西(音译)蜂箱旁边,一边躲着蜜蜂,一边心无旁骛查看手机短信。

    On the other side of the village, in Chongqing's Dazu County, beekeeper Long Ximing is too engrossed in his honeycombs - and avoiding being stung - to check on his phone's shrill alert.


  • 然而,鉴于后果严重FDA要求制造商西药品标签上加上新的禁忌症。”药品监督网如是说。

    "However, based on the serious nature of the review findings, the FDA requested and the manufacturer agreed to add a new contraindication to the sibutramine drug label," the Medwatch alert stated.


  • 这些问题结束其他学校的诸多提议的同时,一些公立中学,包括尼阿波利斯西因的学校已经采用了延迟上课时间的做法。

    While these issues have killed many proposals elsewhere, some public high schools including those in Minneapolis and West Des Moines have adopted later starting times.


  • 除了华尔街纽约剧院而闻名因此音乐剧莎·奈利以及流行音乐剧《泽西男孩剧组也有幸敲过

    In addition to Wall Street, New York is also famous for theater, so musical theater stars like Liza Minnelli and the cast of the hit musical "Jersey Boys" have also had the honor of ringing the bell.


  • 我们今天目的地威尔顿。这个地方不错,是个有个性城市,有鹅卵石铺地的街道,波西米亚店铺,还有风格粗犷酒吧精美的餐馆

    Our destination was Wilmington, which proved a delight, it was town of character defined by its cobbled streets, bohemian shops, rugged bars and sophisticated restaurants.


  • 尽管作品已经数以千计,但生活在西·塞德郡伯肯黑德地区的麦克休先生并不认为自己一个达安·斯特。

    Despite his thousands of creations Mr McHugh, of Birkenhead, Merseyside, refuses to think of himself as the next Damien Hirst.


  • 同样,这种自杀行为风险差异未表现在SSRIs药物之间西酞普兰、氟伏沙帕罗西舍曲林西

    Nor were there significant differences in the risk of suicidal ACTS within the SSRI drug class in the comparisons among citalopram, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline, and fluoxetine.


  • 2008年12月FDA消费者发出一份警示点名27作为减肥营养品出售产品非法含有不确定量的西布曲

    In December 2008, the FDA issued an alert to consumers naming 27 products marketed as dietary supplements for weight loss that illegally contained undisclosed amounts of sibutramine.


  • ·塞西莉亚(Saint Cecilia)多我修女会(The Dominican Sisters)是一个教职类修道会,位于田纳西纳什维尔市的一家修道院内。

    The Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia are mainly a teaching order. They are based at a convent in Nashville, Tennessee.


  • 10月25日印尼西苏门答腊省打威群岛附近海域发生强烈地震引发海啸造成重大人员伤亡财产损失

    A: on October 25, a major earthquake and ensuing tsunami struck off the Indonesian island of Sumatra, causing heavy casualties and property loss.


  • 准备奥克兰郊区出发————也许西布卢姆菲尔德(West Bloomfield),也许是南菲尔德(Southfield山(Farmington Hills)——去市中心

    You are preparing to head downtown from an Oakland county suburbWest Bloomfield, maybe, Southfield or Farmington Hills.


  • 目的评价西治疗单纯性肥胖病临床疗效安全性比较西布曲和安慰剂静息代谢影响

    Objective to evaluate the clinical therapeutic efficacy and safety of sibutramine to simple obesity and compare the effects of sibutramine and placebo on resting metabolic rate.


  • 研究,与接受安慰剂患者相比,接受西患者例如心脏病发作中风等心脏问题风险增加16%。

    Patients given Meridia had a 16 percent increased risk of heart problems such as heart attack or stroke compared to those given a placebo, the study showed.


  • 方法通过荧光吸收光谱法确定了盐酸西血清白蛋白荧光猝灭机制

    Methods the quenching mechanism of the fluorescence of bovine serum albumin by sibutramine hydrochloride was studied with the fluorescence and the absorption spectroscopy.


  • 官方宣称不够大的固定导致尼阿波利斯I -35西断裂主要因素

    The government says undersized gusset plates were the critical factor in Minneapolis' I -35 West Bridge collapse.


  • 加拿大卫生部2008年8月18发布份报告中显示,减肥药中的甲状腺激素西引发患者癫痫病症。

    According to health Canada on August 18, 2008 issued a report that the medicine reducing weight, thyroid hormone and sibutramine can cause of disease.


  • 西开发区气层系第三系化镇馆陶组。

    Gas-bearing series of Gangxi Developing Area is Minghuazhen and Guantao Group of upper Tertiary.


  • 开封市汴西新区位于区腹地,至护大堤西至中牟边界至310国道至连霍高速公路

    The new area of Kaifeng named "Bianxi" locates in Jinming District, west to the city dike, east to Zhongmu boundary, north to 310 national highway and south to Lianluo highway.


  • 抗抑郁药物常用的,包括多虑平阿米替林西氯米帕

    Antidepressants are most commonly used, including doxepin, amitriptyline, fluoxetine, and clomipramine.


  • 寻找着艺术家生活职业转折点特雷西舞蹈比赛中受到前恋人的辱骂;

    He looks for turning points in lives and careers (Tracey Emin being abused by her ex-lovers during a dance competition;


  • 静脉注射恩丹西胃复安可减少呕吐住院茶苯栓剂则减少呕吐持续时间。

    Intravenous ondansetron and metoclopramide reduced the number of episodes of vomiting and hospital admission, and dimenhydrinate as a suppository reduced the duration of vomiting.


  • 当选的西佛吉尼亚治安官辞职法庭上承认甲安菲他上瘾。

    A newly-elected West Virginia sheriff resigned from his job and admitted in court that he is a meth addict.


  • 采用这种设计工程有:横跨梅西海峡连接意大利西西大桥,横跨日本石海峡的大桥和英国的汉伯港口大桥。

    Three such projects are the bridges crossing the Messina Straits between Italy and Sicily, the Awash Straits in Japan and the Humber Estuary in the U. K.


  • 方法采用高效液相色谱测定中药保健品中掺入盐酸西含量并用薄层色谱、高效液相色谱、红外光谱以及质谱技术进行定性鉴别

    METHODS an HPLC method was established to determine the contents of the organic extract of TCM preparations. Sibutramine hydrochloride was also identified by TLC, HPLC, IR and MS.


  • 方法采用高效液相色谱测定中药保健品中掺入盐酸西含量并用薄层色谱、高效液相色谱、红外光谱以及质谱技术进行定性鉴别

    METHODS an HPLC method was established to determine the contents of the organic extract of TCM preparations. Sibutramine hydrochloride was also identified by TLC, HPLC, IR and MS.


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