• 世界其他央行不同,RBI没有明确控制通货膨胀失业要求相反规定了众多只有银行内部官员明白指标

    Unlike central banks around the world, the RBI doesn’t have a clear inflation or unemployment mandate; instead it targets multiple indicators that are known only to officials within the bank.


  • 我们明白无误地理解不同术语代表含义,给出了明确定义

    We also had clear and unambiguous definition of what the different terms mean.


  • 我们坚持前所未有的透明度严格监管清晰明确责权纳税人明白这笔怎么的,是否值得

    And we will insist on unprecedented transparency, rigorous oversight, and clear accountabilityso taxpayers know how their money is being spent and whether it is achieving results.


  • 他们需要明白一个明确有效PMO降低规划风险提高成功可能性重要机制

    They need to understand that a well-defined, effective PMO is a significant mechanism for reducing program risk and improving the likelihood of success.


  • 没有事实上没有影响,”明确回答,“明白肩负重的责任,也更多机会但是我仍然参加上届世界杯一样兴奋充满渴望。”

    "No, the fact is it doesn't," comes the unequivocal response. "I know I'm going to have more responsibility and more opportunities, but I'm just as excited and as keen as I was the last time."


  • 萨瑟兰说,乌拉圭回合经验明白,出台一个明确时间表各国首脑推向谈判桌最佳方式

    Mr Sutherland argues that his experience during the Uruguay round of trade talks taught him that having a firm timetable is the best way to knock heads together.


  • 如果明白模棱两可地方一定清楚他们尤其是有意思冲突的地方,越多明确越少明确更好

    If there is any chance of misunderstandings and ambiguious titles make sure to get rid of them or specifiy explicitly what is meant. Being more specific is usually better than being less specific.


  • 对于我来说根据那些南部非洲男人所做出的研究成果明确的,只要个人能够充分理解报告中的科学发现,那么他就会明白割礼人道决定

    For me, if one fully appreciates the scientific findings reported by these landmark studies with sub-Saharan African men, circumcision is the more humane decision.


  • 我们自己的Facebook页面毫无预警、没有任何解释以及明确申诉程序的情况下无法访问的时候,Ars星期四早上破费周折才弄明白这点。

    Ars found this out the hard way Thursday morning when our own Facebook page became inaccessible, with no warning, no explanation, and no clear appeal process.


  • developerWorks明白——术语细化——只是为了使其中交付的内容更加明确,即平台提供什么功能。

    DeveloperWorks: I seeso a refinement of termsjust more clarity about what is being delivered here, what's being offered in the platform then.


  • 每张地图还有配有“简短的、特别容易理解的、非常明确文字”,以帮助用户立即明白题意”,Pombo补充道。

    Each map also features "short, very simple but very powerful text," that helps users "get the story immediately," adds Pombo.


  • 我们已经明白常规标准操作规范(SOP),其他人使用记录要求明确记录每个执行步骤日志系统

    We have seen general SOPs, while others use a batch record or log sheet system that requires some type of specific documentation for performing each step.


  • 董事已经确定这个会议之前收到了相关通知并且明白会议议程明确表示不用再召集会议的通知。

    The directors confirmed that they have had due notice and knowledge of the agenda prior to this meeting and expressly waived the right to receive a convening notice.


  • 默克尔责任明确告诉他们德国的银行业也是源头,让他们明白目前德国面临选择是要么就瓦全要么就玉碎

    Mrs Merkel needs to explain clearly that it also includes Germany's own banks-and that Germany faces a choice between a costly solution and a ruinous one.


  • 如此明确我们明白事情,我们正在努力他们开发理论

    So clearly there are things that we don't understand, and we're trying to develop theories for them.


  • 虽然已在签约的时候心甘情愿的明确表示自己明白刚泰可能失去首发位置,自己来渣湖的目的就是做好替补,争取获得总冠军。

    Granted, he willingly signed up knowing Ron-Ron ain't getting bumped, and a shot at a ring is a nice trade off for a few extra minutes on the bench.


  • 目前最好明白明确目标多么重要

    The importance of definiteness of purpose had better be clear to you by now.


  • 第二明确资质太多信息你很不利(就是弄明白自己几斤几,愤青要付出代价的)。

    Lesson two: Be specific with your qualifications, but too much information can work against you.


  • 重要明确目标我们必须面对现实明白最好东西都是需要时间来获得的。

    It's important to have clear goals, but we must also be realistic and understand that the best things take time. Think about how you first learned your native language.


  • 这些明确时,人们可能会极力理解表现正常,甚至非常困难一个好的团队成员因为他们明白被叫什么?

    When this is not clear, people may engage in dysfunctional behavior even when trying very hard to be a good team player because they don't understand what they are being asked to do.


  • 我们彼此互相需要,彼此拥有并且相互支持明确知道到时候他们明白我们的一切。

    We need each other, to have and to hold. They'll see in time, I know.


  • 但是知道有数不清的东西超过了你们智力你们得到了比较明确的答案之后,不一定能够明白

    You must, however, understand that there are innumerable things beyond your intelligence, and before you can grasp them you must attain to riper reason.


  • 很多女性认为这样她们最终困惑明白,她们确信这样她们最后明确的知道继续自己婚姻还是离婚然后自己的情人在一起。

    Most think that eventually their confusion will disappear. They think they will eventually know with certainty whether they want to stay married or get divorced and be with their lovers.


  • 常规字符串匹配请求开始部分并且区分大小写明确的匹配将会使用(查看下文明白nginx怎么确定)。

    Conventional strings match the beginning portion of the query and are case-sensitive - the most specific match will be used (see below on how nginx determines this).


  • 常规字符串匹配请求开始部分并且区分大小写明确的匹配将会使用(查看下文明白nginx怎么确定)。

    Conventional strings match the beginning portion of the query and are case-sensitive - the most specific match will be used (see below on how nginx determines this).


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