• 王端明清两代众多才女中的佼佼者。

    During numerous talented women of Ming and Qing dynastic, Wang Duanshu was above the average.


  • 明清两代扬州职业家庭昆班同时兴盛

    During the Ming and Qing dynasties, professional kunqu opera troupes and family kunqu opera troupes flourished simultaneously in Yangzhou.


  • 漳州海防文物主要明清两代遗存

    Zhangzhou coastal defense cultural relics are mainly represented by the remains in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


  • 花园设计独特,具有明清南方建筑艺术风格

    Its unique design is characterized by the styles of both the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which features the ancient southern architectures.


  • 故宫中国明清两代的皇宫紫禁城位于北京城中心

    Thee palace Museum is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties in China, also called the Forbidden city, is located in the city center.


  • 屋宇还缀有精致夸刻木雕,具有明清两代南方建筑艺术风格

    Buildings in the garden are ornamented with fine brick designs and woodcarvings characteristic of the Southern architectural style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


  • 八股文明清两代重要科举考试文体并不等同于科举制度

    The Eight - part Essay was the most important article style for the imperial examination in Ming and Qing dynasties, but was not equal to the imperial examination system.


  • 豫园体现明清两代南方园林建筑艺术风格誉为江南第一园林

    As Yu Garden features the best elements of landscape architecture in south China, it was reputed to be the number-one garden in the Yangtze Delta.


  • 明清两代灯市灯谜与百戏歌舞之外增设了戏曲表演内容

    Ming and Qing dynasties of lights Shangyuan addition to riddles, singing and dancing outside the theater with the 100, but also added the contents of opera performances.


  • 故宫北京市,是明清两代皇宫,也是我国现存最大完整古群建筑

    Located in Beijing, this once imperial Palace of the Ming dynasty emperors is the largest and most complete complex of traditional Chinese architecture.


  • 明清近日一带均昆明主要商业中心,大批货物在这里集散

    Clear and pure two, recently building on take all is the main marketplace of Kunming, the goods of the large quantity gather to spread here.


  • 该镇主要建筑建于明清两代,有100多个传统庭院60砖雕的拱门沿用至今。

    The majority of the town's residences were built in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and nearly 100 traditional courtyards and 60 carved-brick archways are still in use.


  • 明清两代部以“孟子”为书名前冠的著作作者分别是黄宗羲戴震焦循康有为

    During the Ming and Qing Dynasties there were four works partly entitled Mencius, Written by Huang Zongxi, Dai Zhen, Jiao Xun, Kang Youwei.


  • 南山石刻位于大足县城东南,始南宋公元1127~1278年)时期,明清两代稍有增补

    The Stone Carvings of South Mountain lies in the southeast of Dazu County. It was first carved in South Song Dynasty (1127-1278 AD), with slight additions in Ming and Qing dynasties.


  • 可以游览万里长城——八达岭;明清两代天子栖身的地方——故宫清朝御花园——颐和园

    You may go and visit Badaling, one segment of the spectacular Great Wall, the Imperial Palace, residence of the Ming and Qing emperors, and Summer Palace, an imperial garden of the Qing Dynasty.


  • 自古崇文修德、尊师重教优良传统明清两代就有进士20文武举人115人,贡生396人。

    Chongwen Xiude since ancient times, the fine tradition of respecting teachers, only the Ming and Qing dynasties have Jinshi 20, 115 civil and military Juren, Gong Sheng 396 people.


  • 明清两代文献中,王慎中唐顺之归有光属于同一流派然而一流派的称谓,却没有明确的表述。

    In the literature of Ming and Qing dynasties, Wang Shenzhong, Tang Shunzhi and Gui Youguang belong to the same school. However, there is no explicit designation for this school.


  • 众所周知中国妇女社会地位极为低下她们生活空间极其有限尤其是礼教盛行明清两代

    As we all know, the ancient Chinese women's social status is very underground, their living space is extremely limited, especially in the propriety of the Ming and Qing dynasties prevailed.


  • 本文围绕明清两代中国犹太人开封修缮扩建犹太教堂历史进行分析对鲜为人知教堂内部设置进行阐释。

    This article analyses the special history which Chinese Jews repaired and extended the synagogue during the Ming and Qing Dynasties and explains the mysterious inside of the temple.


  • 吴承恩之后,对《西游记艺术修补进行,而在明清两代各种版本的《西游记》笺评西游证道书》艺术修补的成就最为突出

    Among the different editions of A journey to the West in the Ming and Qing dynasties, Wang Danyi s appraisal edition is the most prominent achievement of the art remedy.


  • 吴承恩之后,对《西游记艺术修补进行,而在明清两代各种版本的《西游记》笺评西游证道书》艺术修补的成就最为突出

    Among the different editions of A journey to the West in the Ming and Qing dynasties, Wang Danyi s appraisal edition is the most prominent achievement of the art remedy.


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