• 其他社会可能不那么明显西方社会中“自我所有权之间联系童年一个显著特征

    Although it may be less marked in other societies, the link between the sense of "self" and of "ownership" is a notable feature of childhood in Western societies.


  • 当然具体输出取决于特定情况立即加载明显导致显著性能改善

    Of course, the exact outcome depends on your particular situation, but eager loading can clearly lead to significant performance gains.


  • 研究表明:“与未经任何治疗对照组老鼠相比肿瘤体积显著缩小.......而且老鼠存活时间明显延长。”

    The study said: "Tumour volume was significantly reduced... compared to untreated control mice and survival was significantly prolonged.


  • 饮用绿茶以后受试者出现了明显动脉变宽(扩张),显著的极大的增高30分钟

    After drinking green tea, the subjects experienced significantly increased artery widening (dilation), with the highest increase noted at 30 minutes.


  • 因此既有显著冷却功效明显暖化效果——那么两者之中到底温室环境中更胜一筹呢?

    Clouds can thus have a marked cooling effect and also a marked warming effect. Which will grow more in a greenhouse world?


  • 梅德韦杰夫是个显著例外没有明显克格勃背景

    Medvedev is a notable exception, having no apparent KGB background.


  • 明显这样显著案件只不过昂贵笔记本电脑丢失事件被公开冰山一角而已

    Clearly, such headline cases are merely the well-publicised tip of an iceberg of pricey portables that disappear.


  • 亚当苹果大小不一,有些明显有些人的又那么显著有时候女性也有比较突出的“亚当的苹果”。

    The size of an Adam's apple can vary widely; some are extremely prominent, while others are less pronounced, and they even appear enlarged on some women as well as men.


  • 明显就是此次危机体现信贷泛滥所带来的恶果还在继续预计的信贷损失在不断上升商业资产方面尤为显著

    Most obviously it shows that the fallout from the credit binge continues: estimates of credit losses are still rising, notably in commercial property.


  • Humanity图标更新了,但是变化明显显著改变新的home图标以及后退/前进/向上 图标: (新的home 后退/前进/向上 Humanity 图标)

    The Humanity icons got an update but the changes are not very noticeable, the most significant changes being a new "home" icon and new back/forward/up icons


  • 大概3个明显特征显示是否最近价格下跌显著的。

    There are probably three key signs that will indicate whether the recent sell-off is becoming more significant.


  • 白藜芦醇具有明显延长寿命作用持怀疑态度德克萨斯大学老年病学家Steven Austad这一结果特别显著”。

    Steven Austad, a University of Texas gerontologist who has been skeptical about resveratrol’s apparent longevity-enhancing effects, called the resultsparticularly significant.”


  • 研究小组发现伴侣怀孕期间父亲睾丸水平出现明显下降,并且母亲睾丸素水平呈显著的正相关

    The team found that fathers showed significant declines in testosterone while the pregnancy progressed, and a significant positive correlation with the mother's testosterone levels.


  • 革新成功它们足以掩盖明显缺点显著优点吸引住了

    The innovations attracted him by their success and by the conspicuous merits which veiled their conspicuous defects.


  • 指出研究结果表明患者一个子集可能表现出显著的效应。无进展生存(PFS)的结果中能明显地看出来。

    The findings also suggest that a subset of patients may be achieving a more significant benefit. This is apparent in the results of PFS, he pointed out.


  • 这项种族间的研究显示ami结局显著差异南亚人ami后的远期死亡率明显更低

    The ethnic groups studied have striking differences in outcomes after AMI, with South Asian patients having significantly lower long-term mortality after AMI.


  • 针对口罩的防霾功效,14.8%受访者认为口罩作用显著,58.5%受访者认为口罩的功效并不明显,18.1%受访者表示戴口罩更多一种心理安慰

    For effectiveness, 14.8 percent think masks work remarkably well, 58.5 percent say the impact is not noticeable and 18.1 percent think they are more of a psychological solace.


  • 加工品质上,遮光使直优质品种辽粳294精米明显高于遮光的处理,对其它类型品种则无显著影响。

    The integral polished rice rate of the high rice quality erect panicle type Liaojing 294 was higher than not shading treatment in process quality.


  • 证明明显组织机构中的关键重要部门担任职务。

    Evidence of employment in a critical or essential capacity for organizations and establishments that have a distinguished reputation.


  • 饲养试验表明多糖抗生素对健康的促生长作用明显感染具有显著的抗病促生长作用。

    Experiments showed that polysaccharides has no significant effects on growth performance in normal flocks but has significantly enhanced growth and health in infected chickens.


  • 结果超重肥胖血流介导动脉内径变化的百分率对照组明显降低,男女之间显著性差异

    Results Flow-mediated dilatation was significantly impaired in the groups of overweight and obesity compared with that of normal weight group, and no difference was seen in male and female.


  • 经济驱动力首先表现为由农业向以工业为主的第二产业转变,很快第三产业的驱动作用比较显著,并且空间上有明显的区位现象

    The economic drive in Haidian district firstly changes from agriculture to the second industry, secondly to third industry, and there is notable space deposition phenomenon.


  • 结果表明普洱茶中没食子含量显著增高,而氨酸含量则明显降低

    The results showed that the contents of gallic acid significantly enhanced and theanine distinctly reduced in Pu-Er tea.


  • 结论四方煎剂治疗慢性顽固性腹泻临床疗效显著,对肠道菌群的消长调节作用明显重建宿主的生态平衡

    Conclusion Shensifang Decoction has obvious therapeutic effect on chronic refractory diarrhea. It can regulate intestinal flora and reestablish micro-ecological balance.


  • 高职生职业倾向类型存在显著性别差异,年级差异明显

    To the tendency of occupation, there is obvious difference between male and female, but not between grades.


  • 结果运动频率明显差异,老年组错误率显著高于青年组。

    Results There was no significant difference between the two groups with regard to motor frequency, but the rate of mistake in the old group was significantly higher than that in the young group.


  • 结论吡格列酮明显减少早期糖尿病肾病患者UAER显著降低血糖作用

    Conclusion Pioglitazone can obviously decrease UAER of patients with early DN, and have the function of lowering the blood sugar.


  • 结论吡格列酮明显减少早期糖尿病肾病患者UAER显著降低血糖作用

    Conclusion Pioglitazone can obviously decrease UAER of patients with early DN, and have the function of lowering the blood sugar.


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