• 去年迈克·博蒙特用了19417骑车环游世界18,297英里是个许多人认为无法打破难以置信的记录

    Last year, Mark Beaumont cycled 18, 297 miles around the world in just 194 days and 17 hours - an incredible record that many thought was unbreakable.


  • 骑车拐弯失去平衡摔了下来

    She cycled round the corner, lost her balance and fell off.


  • 布拉德利妹妹早上出去骑车发现自行车我们位于澳大利亚坎贝尔敦的后院偷走了。

    Bradley had discovered that his bicycle had been stolen from our backyard in Campbelltown, South Australia when he and his sister went outside for a morning ride.


  • 骑车不要忘记红绿灯。

    While you are cycling, don't forget the traffic lights.


  • 骑车冒失穿过车流汽车喇叭响个不停

    Car horns toot as cyclists dart precariously through the traffic.


  • 骑车没戴帽子

    I rode bareheaded.


  • 通过去健身房,和自行车小组一起骑车,徒步旅行,上班不坐电梯而是走楼梯来增加了自己的活动量。

    She increased her activities by going to the gym, riding with a biking group, hiking and taking the stairs instead of the lift at work.


  • 我们骑车为了看到许多只有海滨小路上才能看到纪念碑并且亲身感受一下1944年6月6日联军登陆地形遭遇到的困难

    To travel by bicycle was to see many memorials only visible from the coastal path and to get a real feel for the terrain and the difficulties that faced the Allies on June 6, 1944.


  • 比如说喜欢开车吸烟那么就开始周之内骑车上学或者走路或者公交

    For example, if you smoke when you drive, get a ride to school, walk, or take the bus for a few weeks.


  • 骑车速度较快(大多数情况下),每人保持各自街道上行进方向规则正确行驶。

    When the bike rider is faster (which will be most of the time), each person should maintain their own sides of the street, traveling the correct way according to the rules.


  • 斯托达德补充道设计能让骑手坐得,这样他们骑车视野更好

    Stoddard adds that the design causes riders to sit more upright, giving them better visibility in traffic.


  • 其实即使骑车打算使用GPS手机音乐播放器另外一个良好的使用简单分离哪怕是有阻碍的事件。

    Actually, even if you don't plan to use a GPS, phone or music player while you ride, another good use is simply as an easily detachable, weather-resistant case.


  • 外国人骑车往往有些迟疑,骑得很慢本地人就到外国人的前面,”

    "The locals rush past the foreigners, who are often uncertain on their bikes and going slowly," she said.


  • 遇见一对夫妇,他们的女儿萨拉骑车外出醉酒驾车司机撞倒当场毙命

    I once met a couple whose daughter, Sarah, had been hit and killed by a drunk driver when she'd been out on her bike. She died instantly.


  • 但是那天上午骑车离开维也纳了路,变得一点没有情绪

    But I wasn't in the mood, not after repeatedly getting lost while trying to cycle out of Vienna earlier that day.


  • 勤俭亿万富翁们比如说约翰·考德韦尔戴维·切瑞顿查克·费尼,他们在市区逛喜欢走路骑车或者是乘坐公共交通

    Thrifty billionaires including John Caudwell, David Cheriton and Chuck Feeney prefer to walk, bike or use public transportation when getting around town.


  • 兰达自行车学会骑车那条长长的车道上,她觉得这里骑自行车理想的地方

    Her bike to the long driveway. Brenda learned to ride on this driveway when she was six and thought it would be the perfect place for Ada to learn.


  • 3月22日太阳落山斯洛伐克男孩骑车穿过靠近利普托夫斯基·米库拉什中心城市冰冷的利普托夫斯卡·马拉水库大坝

    Slovakian boys ride through the frozen Liptovska Mara dam as the sun sets near the central town of Liptovsky Mikulas, on March 22.


  • 骑车控制得很甚至还会来180度大转弯,一点看不出是个帕金森病患者。

    He rode, even making a U-turn, and was in perfect control, all his Parkinson's symptoms gone.


  • 还是生日辆自行车并且每天晚上练习骑车

    But he bought a bicycle for his birthday and practiced riding every evening.


  • 必须天气做好准备这是每天的必要准备,因此,我穿骑车服装到达目的地衣服。

    I have to prepare for bad weather on a daily basis, so I wear biking clothes and change when I get to my destination.


  • 今年早些骑车外出新的自行车骑车路线踩点差点辆高速行驶载货卡车撞个正着

    Earlier this year, he was nearly hit by a speeding lorry while out on his bicycle scouting for locations for new cycle routes.


  • 年后,即1991年,沿着台湾东海岸骑车遇到一位日本自行车骑士,那位骑士加入自行车环游世界之旅

    Two years later, in 1991, while riding along the island's east coast, she met a Japanese cyclist, who invited her to join him on a world cycling tour.


  • 学期开头开始骑车,我发现自己不能再昂贵的会员资格花钱了。

    And when I took up cycling at the beginning of the academic year, I found myself unable to take out that expensive membership.


  • 年轻自学航海陶艺制作玩具曾经骑车跨越尼泊尔新西兰遭遇过沉船美国被引渡回国

    In her younger days, she cycled across Nepal, was shipwrecked off New Zealand and extradited from America. She was also a self-taught sailor, potter and toy maker.


  • 年轻自学航海、陶艺、制作玩具曾经骑车跨越尼泊尔新西兰遭遇过沉船,美国被引渡回国

    In her younger days, she cycled across Nepal, was shipwrecked off New Zealand and extradited from America.She was also a self-taught sailor, potter and toy maker.


  • 是在市区骑车人们需要花一点间来适应

    But this is urban biking, and it takes some getting used to.


  • 一个晴朗午后高兴骑车回家,我听到(有人喊)“救命

    One sunny afternoon, when I was merrily riding home, I heard "Help!


  • 一个晴朗午后高兴骑车回家,我听到(有人喊)“救命

    One sunny afternoon, when I was merrily riding home, I heard "Help!


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