• 现在可以预览传入短信看看什么发出了发送邮件到达没有一个单一点击

    Now you can instantly preview incoming SMS messages to see what is sent and who has sent it when the message arrives without a single click.


  • 列表中突出显示列表中的聊天记录聊天记录预览显示窗口中(参见5)。

    As you highlight each of the chats in the list, a preview of the chat is displayed in that window (see figure 5).


  • 同一个表示模板预览发布重复使用。

    The same one can be reused for both preview and publishing.


  • 如果这样,则限制数据预览报表不会返回数据。

    If not, no data will be returned in the reports when previewing with limited data.


  • 限制数据预览,设计人员注意到空白摘要

    When previewing with limited data, authors will notice blank summaries.


  • 运行sql语句,将考虑所使用全部主机变量参数预览结果自动执行sql语句导致副作用

    Taking into account any host variables and parameters used, to preview result sets, and to auto-rollback any side effects that the execution of SQL statements may cause.


  • 预览表单检查计算可以看到SubtotalTotalPrice输入字段包含字母NaN表示这个字段不是数字

    When you preview the form to check the calculations, you see that the input fields for Subtotal and Total Price contain the letters NaN, which stand for Not a Number.


  • 预览LotusDomino会在计算机启动一个miniserver

    For preview, Lotus Domino starts a miniserver on your computer.


  • 这个coach还是预览看到的样子。

    The coach looks just as it did when you previewed it. However this time, it is running.


  • B使用清晰度图像打印预览消耗大量资源某些情况下甚至因为性能太低内存溢出而无法使用。

    B: When using high resolution images, the Print Preview will consume large resources and in some cases it will not even be usable because of low performance and memory overflow.


  • 不同应用程序服务器供应商预览这个规范他们发现不是表示关系的最方法

    When the specification was previewed by different application server vendors, they discovered that this wasn't an optimal way to represent relationships.


  • 在以前要重构一个元素(重命名或者移动),您可以预览更改自己选择应该更新资源

    Previously, when you refactored an element (renamed or moved), you could preview the changes and individually choosing the resources that should be updated.


  • 按照这种方式可以页面打印预览效果令人满意进行实际打印。

    At least this way, you can do so only when you think the page looks good in the preview.


  • 鼠标悬停在一个链接之上,你可以事先预览内容,而不用离开当前站点。另外你也可以结果页面上非常方便的分享任何链接。

    When you hover over a link, for example, you can 'peek' at the results without leaving the site, for example, and you can easily share any link right from the results page as well.


  • 预览教程文章将精力集中内容上,不要担心版式或样式方面

    When you preview your tutorial or article, focus on the content and don't worry about the presentation or style issues.


  • 选择主题,将显示预览如图20 所示。

    When you select the theme, a preview is displayed, as shown in Figure 20.


  • 鼠标停留缩略图上播放视频预览

    When you hover over a thumbnail, a preview of the video will begin playing.


  • 搜索结果Facebook页面Bing显示用户照片,你可以这个预览窗口里查看该用户的关系网发送消息好友邀请

    When a Facebook page appears in the search results, Bing will now show the person's picture and users can see their networks and send a message or friend request from the preview box.


  • InternetExplorer9平台预览第三发布版本将会在之前的版本安装安装第三版本无需卸载早先构建版本

    This third release of the Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview will install over the prior versions. There is no need to uninstall the earlier builds before installing the third.


  • 使用Registry预览第二注意事项决定怎样设置语言环境

    The second consideration when using the Registry Preview is deciding how to set the locale.


  • Rational Software ArchitectV7.5中执行重构(包括创建吸收片断),您会看到一个列有所有受影响资源粒度预览

    In Rational Software Architect V7.5, when you perform a refactoring (including creating and absorbing fragments), you are presented with a granular preview that lists all of the affected resources.


  • 预览表单必填字段输入然后单击Submit按钮

    When you preview the form, enter values for mandatory fields, and then click the Submit button.


  • 用户在工作表界面上指点江山,这项改进使我们有能力用户展示他们能够调用对话框的预览图。

    It also gives us the ability to show the user previews of dialogs they could launch as they mouse around the UI.


  • 继续第2之前我们预览一下这个版本中的改变。在写这篇文章,developerWorks模式和样式表的版本是5.8。

    Before moving on to Step 2, let's preview what's changed in recent releases this year.


  • 我们WinForms报表查看器中指定预览使用分辨率图像网页激活打印使用PDF格式预览

    We customized the preview by displaying low resolution image in WinForms report viewer and by using PDF preview when the printing is activated from a web page.


  • 文件指定了activity触发,activity预览视图样式以及运行activity发生内容。

    This file specifies when the activity can be triggered, what the preview of the activity looks like, and what happens when the activity is run.


  • 创建一个提要提要mashupMashupHub客户机服务器通信,以便数据源抓取数据预览部分mashup保存提要或提要mashup。

    When a feed or feed mashup is being created, the MashupHub client communicates with the server to fetch data from data sources, preview partial mashups, and to save the feed or feed mashup.


  • 通常添加菜单因为只想视频播放,我提出DVD英寸的设置简单甚至可以预览菜单。

    I usually do not add menus because I just want the video to play when I put the DVD in. The Settings are straight forward and you can even preview the menus.


  • 通常添加菜单因为只想视频播放,我提出DVD英寸的设置简单甚至可以预览菜单。

    I usually do not add menus because I just want the video to play when I put the DVD in. The Settings are straight forward and you can even preview the menus.


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