• 化妆舞会第二场,雷卜曼化身亨利世,沿楼梯而下一幕注定幼小的心灵雷到崩溃。

    The scene in the second masked ball where Leibman comes walking down the opulent staircase dressed as Henry VIII will kill you every time.


  • 我们这样就得到结果因为这些例子中导数是熵。

    And what's fallen out when we do that, because in each case, one of the first derivatives gives us the entropy.


  • 楼梯只有下降的高度已经足够了,以至于最后瓦妮特可以直身体只能弯着腰。

    The stairway was only five stairs long, dropping just enough so that, by the last step, Vanity could stand upright, and I had to stoop.


  • 现代控制理论状态变量提供了一种统一高效的方法来描述具有任意线性非线性系数各种系统

    The state variable approach of modern control theory provides a uniform and powerful method of representing systems of arbitrary order, linear or nonlinear, with time-varying or constant coefficients.


  • 模型控制方法非常适用于实际难以知道难以辨识非线性系统

    The model-free control is especially useful for real nonlinear systems whose orders and modeling are very difficult to be known and time varying.


  • 加纯滞后或二加纯滞后,并且提出系统模型参考自适应控制设计方法

    And a design method of model reference adaptive control for system with pure lag is presented.


  • 本文给出了一种计算噪声具有正弦鉴相器相环捕捉特性方法,求得了每个差频周期的平均角频率牵引量。

    A new method is presented for analyzing the acquisition behavior of second-order PLL with sinusoidal phase detector in the absence of noise.


  • 研究了相对激发度什么范围理论用于分析气体激光器运转

    The region of the relative excitations has been studied, in this region the third-order theory can be applied to analysis the operation of the gas laser.


  • 多谱线分析揭示了色彩一个连续并且没有实际颜料,也鉴定出每一种颜料以及多种颜料的混合的各个层次的像素色。

    Multispectral analysis reveals each successive layer of colour, and enables the pigments and pigment mixtures of each pixel to be identified without taking physical samples.


  • 是因为结构某一模态振动辐射噪声频谱上出现峰值

    Because the structure vibrates at some modal, a vibration peak value will appear at its noise frequency spectrum.


  • 研究了采用抽样水路运输量进行抽样调查第二抽样方法

    This paper studies the second stage sampling methods used in the two stage sampling survey for waterway transportation volume.


  • 应用裂纹柔度计算残余应力插值函数及其选择计算结果精确性有着较大的影响

    In the evaluation of the residual stress by the crack compliance method, different interpolation functions and their fit order had great effect on the calculation results.


  • 当然知道仅仅结构受到个激振,力激起模态所呈现出一个特征形状

    Of course, you know that this is only a characteristic shape that the structure will undergo when subjected to a force that excites that mode.


  • 结果表明,当压电梁振动较高陶瓷横向布置对振动特性影响很小

    The results show that the effects of orientation of piezoelectric ceramic on high order vibration characteristics of beam are low.


  • 根据气动力薄膜自重惯性力之间动力平衡关系获得了薄膜失稳临界风速

    The wind velocity of first order instability is obtained from the dynamic equilibrium relationship between aerodynamic force with dead weight and inertia force of membrane.


  • 手指障碍物接触呈现2机械阻抗特性

    The finger appears as 2 orders mechanical impedance when it contacts with an obstacle.


  • 不考虑可压缩性因素滑移边界条件阻力系数影响较大,对换热系数影响不是十分明显。

    The order of slip boundary condition shows an apparent influence on the friction coefficient but only a slight influence on the Nusselt number if compressibility is ignored.


  • 利用所得损失函数值方便地确定系统的次、系统噪声有色噪声方法党政军确定噪声模型次。

    According to the loss functions, the model order can be easily determined and the order of the noise model can also be determined simultaneously if the model noise is colored.


  • 研究了超高斯光束通过近轴光学系统保持形状数不变的条件

    The condition has been discussed, under which SG beams preserve their shape and order, while passing through paraxial optical systems.


  • 讨论一类次线性微分方程振动性质,建立了三个新的振动性定理。

    The oscillation of a class of second order strongly sublinear delay differential equations is discussed. Three new theorems are established.


  • 这个模型一个微分方程

    This is a six-order delayed differential equation.


  • 研究非线性微分方程,利用变量替换不动点方法,得到了此方程有界周期解存在性唯一性结果。

    This paper deals with the problems on the existence and uniqueness of bounded solutions and almost periodic solution for third order nonlinear differential equations with time lag.


  • 结果表明效应只能反映部分永久环境效应估计方差函数配合多项式;

    The results showed that litter effect only reflected part of the permanent environmental effects and full order fit was necessary to estimate the covariance functions.


  • 阐述了三累积量估计方法基本原理,方法用于断层检测落差估计。

    The principle of third-order accumulation method is used to detect fault and estimate the throw of fault.


  • 本文研究极限方程奇性线性常微分方程柯西问题渐近

    This paper studies the asymptotic expression of solution of Cauchy's problem for a forth order equation when the limit equation has singularity.


  • 隧道通风过程近似认为是一个一系统,系统采用自整定模糊pid对隧道管网风压进行控制

    Tunnel ventilation process is approximately a system of time lag of first order, real time control of wind pressure in tunnel pipe is adopted self-tuning fuzzy PID.


  • 本文的目的基本逻辑建立一个完备性定理

    The aim of this article is to establish the completeness theorem of elementary first-order temporal logic.


  • 模型系统广义系统,鲁棒控制

    Model reduction, delay systems, descriptor systems, and robust control.


  • 由于供水过程近似认为是一个一系统,系统采用了自整定模糊pid管网压力进行控制

    The water supply process is approximately a system of time lag of first order, real time control of pressure in pipe is adopted self-tuning fuzzy PID.


  • 由于供水过程近似认为是一个一系统,系统采用了自整定模糊pid管网压力进行控制

    The water supply process is approximately a system of time lag of first order, real time control of pressure in pipe is adopted self-tuning fuzzy PID.


- 来自原声例句

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