• 不论哪个选择,情人节都看起来注定一个值得留念时间回忆

    Either way, Valentine's Day seems destined for memories that will last a very long time.


  • 让感叹进入时间回忆现在拥有一次次真实事情等待我们完成

    Sigh time to enter the memories, is now owned by one of the real things we have to wait for the completion.


  • 9月21日劫持时间回忆,“即使沉默尽头”——摘自巴布鲁聂鲁达——在14个国家6种语言发行

    On September 21st, her memoir of her time in captivity, “Even Silence Has an End”—a title taken from a poem by Pablo Nerudawas released in six languages and 14 countries.


  • 随着时间流逝渐渐忘记不开心回忆

    As time went by, I gradually forgot the unhappy memory.


  • 然而他们认为那些睡眠时间超过8小时学生回忆知识学习课程完成高质量工作方面面临着最大困难

    Yet they rated the students who have received eight hours or less as having the most trouble recalling old material, learning new lessons, and completing high-quality work.


  • 演奏一首曲子,再次本书,其中的回忆一个时间另一个地方

    Just like playing a song, picking up a book again that has memories can take you back to another place or another time.


  • 注意为了有效执行第二,要自己多一点时间因为面对很多痛苦回忆唯一方法

    Please note that to do step two effectively, allow yourself ample time because you will have to face some painful memories but that is the only way to heal.


  • 亚马逊回家个月开始这时已经把当时的艰难困苦排除在记忆之外,只是选择性回忆这次时间长达两年的充满激情的探险

    When I started writing my book, two months after returning from the Amazon, I was already blocking out the hard times and selectively remembering an excitement-packed two-year adventure.


  • 最近回忆,“至少每周一次医生,他总给医生打电话时间长,愿意电话。”

    "He went to the doctor at least once per week," my mother recently recalled. "he'd call the doctors all the time, and after a while they didn't want to take his phone calls."


  • 从小就很敏感他人的期望,要成为他们要我成为的那种,”女演员莎莉·菲尔回忆:“我用了很长时间学会不要通过别人视角评判我自己。”

    I was raised to sense what someone wanted me to be, and be that kind of person, ” actress Sally Fields recalls. “It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else’s eyes.”


  • 回忆他是怎么正式任务简报下达之前了解什么时间需要危险战区执行任务。

    He also recalls how he knew, before an official mission briefing, when an assignment was going to involve travel to a dangerous war zone.


  • 时间记住回忆觉得生活中想要一切

    Do take time to remember and recollect everything you feel you want from your life.


  • 可能出于各种原因遗漏一些回忆请记住,时间非常高兴过,这些你发现为何你会觉得高兴。

    You may have dismissed some of these things for various reasons, but remembering that you were extremely happy during those times can make you realize why you were happy.


  • 花一些时间回忆记忆沉思它们并且回馈积极的情绪记忆里建立新的连接有助于当前工作挑战

    Spend time with your memories. Let your mind reflect on them and your mind will repay you in positive emotions and new connections from the memories to help you with your current tasks and challenges.


  • 实际上如果命令调用本来上下文中删除,发现自己要花费大量时间回忆事件相关源代码放到哪里

    Actually, by removing the command's invocation from its natural context, I found myself spending a huge amount of time trying to remember where the source code related to the event was.


  • 虽然我们没有下意识地去做记录时间轨迹却是大脑不可或缺功能,当我们回想过去时,回忆感觉行为也是时间顺序呈现

    Though we do it without thinking, keeping track of time is integral to the brain's function, keeping our senses and our actions ordered in a chronology that we then recall in the form of memory.


  • 而且还喜欢长时间地晒日光浴,“炎炎夏日温暖阳光下”她回忆道。

    And she spent plenty of hours sunbathing, "lying in the warmth of the sun in the summertime," she recalls.


  • 接着体育时间家庭会议。 不过此之前,需要沉思片刻,把你听灵魂音乐过程中的感悟回忆出来,在纸上。

    There is a sports period, a family meeting, followed by a period called Reflections, when you must write down what you have memorised from the tapes.


  • 过后的一时间重新发现自己已经一遍遍闪现那些痛苦的回忆长达15分钟了。

    Some time afterwards I would come too and notice that I had spend 15 minutes running a painful memory over and over.


  • 时间的学习中,参与者都要努力记住并且回忆100组图片名字组合

    On each occasion the participants tried to memorise and recall 100 combinations of pictures and names.


  • 很明显这会花费更多时间所有这些工作中做的奇奇怪怪事情最喜欢回忆

    Obviously this takes more time, but all the little strange things I did at those jobs are my favorite memories.


  • 时间消磨对一朵石竹的希望奥斯·特里茨的回忆上。

    He passed his time in expecting a pink or in recalling Austerlitz.


  • 例子,对于一个单词意义进行时间思考有助于回忆但是我们把相同力气花在对它结构和组成的了解上,却往往于事无补。

    For example pondering a word's meaning for a long time did help its recall, but putting equivalent effort into thinking about its structure didn't help recall.


  • 回忆一下自己的童年父母倾诉休息时间陪你感到苦恼时,你的感受怎样的。

    Think back to your own childhood and recall how it felt when you said to your parents you were upset because no one wanted to play with you at breaktime.


  • 影片中经典台词数不胜数觉得这些都是经得住时间考验的金句。一部电影总能让你不断回忆起其中的片段。

    There are so many quotable lines and I think that's what stands the test of time; a great movie that you find yourself repeating constantly.


  • 经过一夜睡眠后的经过相同白天清醒时间更好地回忆一系列有关语句它们之间联系

    People are better able to recall lists of related words and the connections between them after a night's sleep than after the same time spent awake during the day.


  • 朋友一起分享时间,一起体验生活-克。佛罗伊德曾经一个了年纪回忆年轻时候所做过的事情。”

    Share time with a good friend and experience life together. - Pink Floyd once said, "the memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime."


  • 朋友一起分享时间,一起体验生活-克。佛罗伊德曾经一个了年纪回忆年轻时候所做过的事情。”

    Share time with a good friend and experience life together. - Pink Floyd once said, "the memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime."


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