• 如果偏差超出窗口时间那么服务器将开始丢弃客户端凭据并且需要重新进行同步

    If the drift exceeds the window time, then the server starts rejecting client credentials and resynchronization is needed.


  • NISNIS +NFS一起使用时,最好确定服务器之间时间得到了正确同步

    When using both NIS or NIS + and NFS, it can be a good idea to ensure that your time is correctly synchronized across servers.


  • 客户分钟就会服务器进行若干同步上传通话记录位置时间其他信息

    The client would sync with the server several times per minute, updating the system with call history, location, time, and other information.


  • 检查点数据库服务器特定时间磁盘上页面共享内存缓冲区中的页面进行同步

    A checkpoint refers to a point when the database server synchronizes the pages on disk with the pages in the shared-memory buffers.


  • 票据一个时间可用如果主机时钟Kerberos服务器时钟同步认证失败

    The tickets have a time availability period, and if the host clock is not synchronized with the Kerberos server clock, the authentication fails.


  • 为了确保联系精确,将RationalPerformance Tester主机控制器代理以及测试所有服务器时间调至同步化。

    To ensure precise correlation, synchronize the system time on the Rational Performance Tester host controller, agent, and all servers under test.


  • 如果时间超时报告输出就绪那么IBMCognos8SDK应用程序必须等待Cognos 8服务器同步直到输出就绪。

    If this time expires and the report output is still not ready, then the IBM Cognos 8 SDK application must wait and remain synchronized with the Cognos 8 server until the output is ready.


  • 机器时钟进行同步简单方法使用一个时间服务器

    A simple way to synchronize clocks among machines is to use a time server.


  • 如果服务器之间时间相差远,那么需要调整每一服务器使时间同步

    If times are too far apart among your servers, you need to go to each server and synchronize them.


  • 然后其他机器就可以使用网络时间协议(ntp)时间服务器时间进行同步

    The other machines would then use the network time protocol (NTP) to synchronize their time stamps with the time server's.


  • 如果客户机系统时钟不是完全服务器系统时钟同步的话就会得到与两个时钟的时间大小正比特殊结果

    If your client's system clock is not almost exactly synchronized with your server's system clock, you will experience peculiar results in direct proportion to the size of the discrepancy between them.


  • 这些任务包括轮转日志文件避免装满文件系统备份数据连接时间服务器执行系统时间同步

    These include rotating log files so filesystems do not become full, backing up data, and connecting to a time server to keep your system time synchronized.


  • 同步PC系统时钟到了网络时间服务器

    It synchronizes your PC system clock to a network time server.


  • 我们经常控制器作为时间服务器使用有关LotusConnections服务器主机上运行WindowsSchedule任务完成域控制器的时间同步

    We often use the domain controller as the time server and run the Windows Schedule task on the involved Lotus Connections server hosts to do time synchronization with the domain controller.


  • ntpd后台程序后台执行,可以配置为提供时间同步信息根据服务器自动更新本地计算机时间

    The ntpd daemon runs in the background and can be configured both to supply time synchronization information and automatically update the time of the local machine according to a server.


  • 使系统时间与Net workTimeProtocol (ntp)服务器同步然后硬件时钟系统时间同步就是个这样的例子

    An example is synchronizing the system time to a Network time Protocol (NTP) server and then synchronizing the hardware clock to the system time.


  • 通常同步方案是,本地机器时间服务器时间之间计算一个值和参考时间然后传输与参考时间之间的时间

    Common synchronization schemes compute a delta between the local time of the client machine and a reference time, and transmitting a timestamp relative to the reference time.


  • 由于文件时间基于服务器时区使得FTP目录文件同步时有许多的不同因为没有方法获得服务器当前文件的时间戳。

    Since the file timestamp based on the server timezone, it makes more different to doing FTP synchronize with folders and files because of there is no way to get current file timestamp in the server.


  • 电信网管中的时钟服务对时钟的精度要求不是很高但是考虑既本地操作系统时间无关,要考虑同步时钟服务器同步不同类型的设备二种情况。

    It is unstrict with precise in LAN for TMN, but it should have no connection with local OS time, and can synchronize to time server and different devices.


  • 支持网上服务器同步时间以及定制指定日期事件功能

    The server also supports synchronous and online customization specified date and time events and other functions.


  • 如果电脑接驳上互联网能够同步时间确切的时间服务器

    If your computer is connected to Internet you will be able to synchronize time with exact time servers.


  • 软件可以有选择地使用理想的时间服务器同步系统时间

    It can also, optionally, synchronise system time with the optimal time server.


  • 录像机提供质量图像配备内置网络时间协议服务器确保自动可靠系统时间同步

    The recorders provide high quality images and feature a built-in network time protocol server to ensure automatic and reliable system time synchronization.


  • 录像机提供质量图像配备内置网络时间协议服务器确保自动可靠系统时间同步

    The recorders provide high quality images and feature a built-in network time protocol server to ensure automatic and reliable system time synchronization.


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