• 此外两个亲戚首次通过我的邀请信登录网站收到了错误讯息

    Also, two of my relatives received error messages when first trying to access the site with my invitation.


  • Vapor文本讯息酒店连锁通过GDS管理一种交互式确认回复讯息预订确认显示旅游代理商屏幕

    Vapor Text Messages: This is an interactive confirmation response message managed by the hotel chain through their GDS and displayed to travel agents on screen at time of confirmed booking.


  • 布朗称,在观众观看本周五9如何控制国家节目将通过"下意识讯息"手段"催眠"观众,使他们无法离开沙发关掉电视。

    The illusionist hopes to leave his audience unable to switch off or turn over when watching this Friday's episode of "How to Control the Nation" at 9pm thanks to "subliminal messaging" techniques.


  • 这份报告除了具有实用价值外,还传达一个特别讯息,即资金紧张提高效率胜于削减服务

    Apart from its practical value, the report delivers an especially timely message. When money is tight, improving efficiency is a far better option than cutting services.


  • 重大行星事件发生,当地球上全体族类需要协助候,伊耶雅利所带回包含CDT讯息盘里的知识就会显现于公众视野中。

    The Eieyani return the knowledge contained in the CDT-Plate records to public view when it is most needed to assist Earth populations, at times when major planetary events are due to transpire .


  • 巴萨说:“已经成为诊断工具我们寻求建立一个全球性伙伴关系打击现代奴隶制我们提供讯息指导我们的工作。”

    "It has become a diagnostic tool that informs and guides our efforts as we seek to build a global partnership to combat modern slavery," said DE Baca.


  • 一旦需要转译技术MCEO的伊耶雅利祭司认可的发言人,便公布由伊耶雅利祭司提供的MCEO的CDT讯息翻译相关资料

    Once skilled in translation, Speakers are then endorsed by the MCEO Eieyani Priests to publicly publish MCEO CDT-Plate translations and related information as provided by the Eieyani Priests.


  • 人们看到造假者依然驾驶豪华轿车,大行其道他们得到一个错误的讯息,”曾国屏

    "When people see the accused still driving their flashy cars, it sends the wrong message," Mr. Zeng said.


  • 什么事也没发生而且地球没有瑞士制造的某个黑洞给吞噬记得讯息吗?

    When nothing happens, and the earth is not swallowed up in a black hole created in Switzerland, will you remember this message?


  • 问到在线工具他们筹款活动有何影响三个最多被选择的选项分别是,“在筹款活动中能更好传达自己的筹款讯息”、“能更好地组织筹款活动”,以及筹集到了更多捐款”。

    The top three responses for how the online tools impacted their fundraising were "Made it easier to communicate my efforts, " "Made it easier to coordinate my efforts, " and "More funds raised."


  • 女人:仅尽情给与,男人得到讯息人分数相等。

    For Women: Remember that when you give freely to a man, he gets the message the score is even.


  • 一则慷慨讯息善良金钱更高价值歌会伴着世界一起觉醒。

    It's a message of generosity - a song to go along with the world waking up to love in a time when kindness has a much higher value than the dollar.


  • 来到意大利讯息不要过于追求灵性拥抱兴旺发达

    When Anandagiri came to Italy in May of this year, his new message was to not be so overly spiritual and to embrace prosperity.


  • 明确同意(完全抗辩理由)——“明确同意”术语,它用于商业电子邮件讯息意味着

    Affirmative consent - The term 'affirmative consent', when used with respect to a commercial electronic mail message, means that.


  • 你的角色一个商店可以使用指令,该指令显示出有关此商店的各种讯息

    Used while standing in a shop, this command will return information about that specific shop.


  • 每当将注意力集中某人缺点,你都会发出讯息他们,而这种讯息绝对不是关于我们如何共事。

    And every time you focus on a person's imperfections, you will send a message to them that will not be about how do we get to a point where we're all working together?


  • 网上付款一定要留意有没有这个个人保证讯息确定为您核身份的是的发卡机构。

    Every time you pay online, you must check your own PAM before entering your password to ensure that you are dealing with your card issuing bank.


  • 威尔面临农夫屠宰命运夏洛特网上写下讯息,鼓励威尔伯说服农夫让自己活下来

    When Wilbur is in danger of being slaughtered by the farmer, Charlotte writes messages in her web praising Wilbur to persuade the farmer to let him live.


  • 威尔面临农夫屠宰命运夏洛特网上写下讯息,鼓励威尔伯说服农夫让自己活下来

    When Wilbur is in danger of being slaughtered by the farmer, Charlotte writes messages in her web praising Wilbur to persuade the farmer to let him live.


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