• 时而消失时而出现。

    Now and again, he disappeared only to reappear once more.


  • 是一项好时而艰苦工作

    It was slow, hard work.


  • 时而现身窗口

    And at the Windows seen again.


  • 时而穿梭林中时而又攀爬站立岩石上

    I sometimes shuttle in the forest, but when climbing, standing on the rocks.


  • 时而有点喜欢时而又肯定她不可能爱上我。

    Sometimes I thought she liked me a little, and at other times I was sure she would never love me.


  • 她们时而捧腹时而又哭笑不得,那句“再见不该

    They made him laugh. They made him cry. He never should have said goodbye.


  • 所以生活就是这样,有荣耀也有苦痛时而扣人心弦时而波澜不惊

    So here it is, life in its glory and its pain, exciting and ordinary.


  • 第二乐章第一乐章那么”,使在缓和前面的同不失辉煌

    The second movement is not as "heavy" as the first making it an excellent relief without losing its harmonic brilliance.


  • 因而激越悠扬慷慨奔放时而有如怒涛旋转翻滚时而又瀑布泻直下。

    Therefore agitation melodious, generous unrestrained, and sometimes like a raging billows roll rotation, and sometimes falls and if the plunge Mashimo.


  • 观众时而小猪得前仰后合,时而不禁为质朴乐观的个性而泪盈于睫。

    While the audience laugh their heads off, they also can`t help getting a bit tearful over the unsophisticated but upbeat piggy.


  • 三人时而团结一致,联手对付难缠父母时而又相互争斗,争取自己权益

    Sometimes, they unite to tackle their intractable parents, sometimes they fight each other for their rights.


  • 商务纷繁复杂,但至少必须收支平衡。商务变化多端时而冲至顶峰时而又跌入低谷

    Business is many things, the least of which is the balance sheet. it is fluid, ever changing, living thing, sometimes building to great peaks, sometimes falling to crumbled lumps.


  • 的恐慌感,让作品时而凄厉呐喊时而又潜入“后花园”,醉心里边甜蜜温馨

    For the lack of home and love, she she sometimes shrill cry at work, sometimes into the "back garden"are indulged in the sweet and warm inside.


  • 抬头望着月亮月亮时而云朵后面,时而又我们面前,月亮,多么一个淘气小孩子呀!

    I looked up and looked at the moon, the moon and sometimes hiding behind the clouds, or standing in front of us, the moon, how like a naughty child!


  • 沿途风景随着吊桥起伏而变化发现时而顶端走过,时而又很多美丽树叶你的两旁。

    The walkway changes in elevation along the way, offering a variety of views. You will find yourself above the trees, as well as amongst the trees with beautiful foliage on all sides.


  • 环境方法方面,涉及如何确保最大限度、高效地进行工业生产时而适应日益严格环保要求。

    Environment and legislation: the implications of increasingly stringent environmental legislation and ways in which the industry can optimise performance to meet the targets.


  • 传统上女人必须等待男人求婚实际上,就连约会也是如此。难道不是公平做法吗?

    Traditionally, women have to wait for men to propose marriage - or, indeed, a date. Isn't this out of date and unfair, too?


  • 天空看见月亮淘气孩子,它时而云朵后面时而又露面,仿佛正在躲迷藏

    Looking up the sky, I saw the moon. It was like a naughty child. Sometimes it hid in the clouds and sometimes it got out of the clouds, it seemsed to play "hide and seek" with me.


  • 嘴巴刚毅鼻子俊俏,灰色眼睛异常敏锐似乎看穿一切,眼神时而炽烈时而风趣时而像在沉思

    She had a decided mouth, a comical nose, and sharp, gray eyes, which appeared to see everything, and were by turns fierce, funny, or thoughtful.


  • 是个很奇怪家伙。他常常快乐而且明白事理时而又脾气很坏甚至粗暴。他是个具有双重性格的人。

    He's a strange chap. Usually he's very pleasant and reasonable, but there are times when he gets very bad-tempered and almost violent. He's got a Jekyll and Hyde personality.


  • 以后的四个星期内消息时而部分有所好转,时而又有点不妙,两种情况不断地交替出现,一直没有明朗化

    See-sawing between partly good and faintly ominous, the news for the next four weeks was never distinct.


  • 尽管气象学者清楚地知道有利于雷暴形成条件,但是时而精确地预测雷暴发生地点使他们感到压力重重。

    Although meteorologists know what conditions favour their formation, they are hard-pressed to say exactly where a storm will occur until it is almost too late.


  • 作者经常一个照顾衰老父亲女儿声响表达这些思考这种声响时而充溢愧疚时而手足无措时而喜欢意

    The author often start with a care aging father "s daughter of sounds to express these thinking, this voice sometimes guilt-ridden, sometimes at a loss, sometimes they is full of love."


  • 与往常不同脸上透出淡淡的层红晕,那双时而严肃认真时而又茫然若失灰色眼睛里闪耀出活泼亲热的光芒

    There is a slight blush on her face which was different from the past. That pair eyes was serious, earnest, feel lost. Big gray eyes give out sparkles and lively rays.


  • 时而来了年轻时那些夭折的朋友,还有他那面圣者般的蹙容、须发花白父亲以及在走过时却扭转面孔不理睬他的母亲。

    Now came the dead friends of his youth, and his white-bearded father, with a saint-like frown, and his mother, turning her face away as she passed by.


  • 干扰使工业控制控制程序“飞”后,如何恰当地使控制程序恢复正常运行设计工业控制机必须要考虑问题。

    It must be regarded that how to recover the normal run in time and just right when industrial control computer is runaway with interference in design of the computer.


  • 干扰使工业控制控制程序“飞”后,如何恰当地使控制程序恢复正常运行设计工业控制机必须要考虑问题。

    It must be regarded that how to recover the normal run in time and just right when industrial control computer is runaway with interference in design of the computer.


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