• 以色列力图立新政府和平进程逐渐停顿下来

    The peace process has ground to a halt while Israel struggles to form a new government.


  • 件事肯定的,如果英国离开欧盟,英国物流经济障碍没有知道这些障碍会造成多大的分歧。

    One thing is for sure, if or when the U.K. leaves the EU, it will erect new logistical and economic barriers, and no one knows how divisive they will be.


  • 人们感到无聊他们联想思维”会有所增加,想法之间联系过程,这与创新思维有关

    When people are bored, they have an increase in "associative thought" the process of making new connections between ideas, which is linked to innovative thinking.


  • 安装应用软件或者文档,安装什么地方

    When you install an application or create a new document where does it go?


  • 影响力扩大更多国家首都我们每个地区的、更深入伙伴关系加强国际标准机制

    As influence extends to more countries and capitals, we will build new and deeper partnerships in every region, and strengthen international standards and institutions.


  • 肌肉些有难度活动不论是有氧运动还是负重运动,都会让你的身体肌肉组织

    When you use your muscles beyond what they can handle, either through aerobic exercise or weight bearing exercise, it causes your body to build new muscle tissue.


  • 为此测试人员每次测试套件或者决策脚本需要选择这个帮助

    For that purpose, the tester selects this super helper class each time she creates a new test suite or a decision script.


  • 现在欧盟法规来规范这样基金对透明度基金破产投资者保护等问题作出规定。

    The EU now wants to impose new regulations on such funds, involving things like transparency and protection for investors if a fund goes bust.


  • 俄新社(RIA)发表讲话补充称:“一建议旨在让设全球记账单位新的全球货币想法真正成为现实。”

    Speaking to the RIA news agency, he added: "This proposal is aimed at a practical realisation of the idea about a new global accounting unit or a new global currency."


  • 乐观的看是可以基金基本上任何人都可以美国一夜之间创立一支对冲基金可是当事情变糟法律的大锤很快就会下来。

    The optimistic attitude to starting up fundsvirtually anyone can create a hedge fund in America almost overnightis followed by a legal sledgehammer when things go wrong.


  • 所以网络各处,每当个人资料,我开始使用

    So I began to use it a bit here and there around the web as I set up new profiles.


  • 当地国外救援组织还在犹豫是否支持难民营,一场新的争论悄然发生。

    With local and foreign aid groups already reluctant to support the new makeshift camps, arguments loom.


  • 律师助理凯文·尼科尔斯(Kevin Nichols)发现就职的那家旧金山法律事务所有裁员迹象,他知道需要人际关系,好找到一份工作

    When Kevin Nichols, a paralegal, saw signs the San Francisco law firm he worked for would have layoffs, he knew he needed to make new connections in order to find a new job.


  • 人们准备人际关系应该这些发现牢记Williams说道

    People ought to keep the findings in mind as they set out to build new relationships, Williams said.


  • 就是说Greasemonkey只有用户脚本特定url集合之间的关联才会要求用户配置。

    That is, Greasemonkey only requires user confirmation when associating a new user script with a particular set of URLs.


  • 我们仍清楚俄罗斯太空沉落太空站之后的任何计划当被问及是否太空站达维多表示排除任何可能

    Roscosmos' plans for space after sinking the ISS were not immediately clear. Asked whether a new space station will be built, Davydov said "there are several possibilities."


  • 而且重新启动机器,也需要手动会话创建终端再次启动程序CruiseControl才能重启

    And when you reboot the machine, CruiseControl won't restart until you go through the manual steps to establish a new session, create a terminal, and start the program again.


  • 三月份,詹斯特罗姆(Zennstrom先生就表示筹资16.5亿美元以成公司——原子风投(Atomico Ventures)。

    In March Mr Zennstrom said he had raised $165m for his new VC firm, Atomico Ventures.


  • 然而这些无意识改变阻碍我们开始新的恋情联系就变得危险了。

    However, where it becomes dangerous is when these unconscious changes stop us from starting new relationships and forming new connections.


  • 客户必须每次请求数据都要建连接

    The client then must use new connections for each request.


  • 这些冲突应该项目开始通过权衡备选方案来解决

    These conflicts should be resolved at the onset of a project by making the necessary tradeoffs or creating new alternatives.


  • 因此指定与电子商务有关政策法规需要重新审视传统税收政策手段,建有效的税收机制。

    Therefore, in the designated e-commerce-related policies and regulations, there is a need to re-examine tax policy and the traditional means, the establishment of a new, effective tax mechanism.


  • 每当产生这样的情形为了将来人生标的目的未来的成长,你必需和这个你此后的成长互相干注的相关

    Each time that happens, you must develop a new professional relationship with the person you rely on for direction, development, and future advancement.


  • ,我习惯在加仑水中加入茶匙海盐然后后再部份再加入同样比例的海盐新水中。

    I use one teaspoon per gallon when I initially set up a tank, then about once a month make a partial water change, adding the same ratio of salt to the new water.


  • 希杰集团正在努力打破这种传统。如果女性因为家庭其他任何原因离开工作超过许多韩国公司拒绝重新回到工作岗位,连参加额外考试的机会也没有

    If a woman leaves her job for more than a year to start a family or any other reason, many Korean corporations will not allow her to even take the entrance exam to get back into the workforce.


  • 生产任务发生改变生产流程图直接原来基本模型构造出新构形基本网模型。

    While the production mission is changed and new production flow chart is acquired, the basic net model of new configuration can be deduced from original one directly.


  • 客户账户我们进行咨询并且规定信贷限额

    When they open a new account, we take up reference and set a credit limit.


  • 客户账户我们进行咨询并且规定信贷限额

    When they open a new account, we take up reference and set a credit limit.


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