• 玛丽担心自己演讲头脑短路了。

    Mary had feared the day she would draw a blank during a presentation.


  • 晶体管提供了类似让吊桶倾倒作用——每当被触发使电容短路

    The equivalent of the bucket tipping is provided by a transistor which shorts out the capacitor when triggered.


  • 银丝到达线将形成一种短路从而导致电导发生一种惊人变化。科学家可以容易地对此进行检测

    When a silver filament reaches the gold, it forms a short circuit, causing a dramatic change in conductance, which is easily detectable.


  • 电工解释道如果老鼠线的尾巴金属接触就肯定可以保险丝短路

    The electrician explains that if the rat’s tail touches metal while it’s chewing on the wires, it’s enough to short out the fuse.


  • 一个小型测试环境下,我们演示使用路由信息协议(rip)开放式优先协议(OSPF)各种不同负载平衡情形

    Working with a small test network, we wanted to demonstrate various load-balancing scenarios with Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF).


  • 闭合这些器件则短路因此它们效果只有开关开路才能看到

    When the contact is closed, these are shorted, so their effect is only seen when the switch is open.


  • 这样好处一旦某一线路发生短路其他问题停电范围不会影响其他几路正常工作

    The advantage of this is that once a short circuit or other problems occur, the scope of the power outage is small, will not affect the normal work of other roads.


  • 电阻器阻值要保证被测装置发生故障短路电流不会超过开关卡上任一继电器最大电流指标

    The value of this resistor is chosen such that, in the event of device failure, the short circuit current will not exceed the maximum current specification of the relays on either set of switch cards.


  • 短路、开路测试完成以后在线测试仪需要同一印刷电路板上的一个器件进行测试

    After performing the shorts and opens test the in-circuit tester tests each component on a PCB assembly one at a time.


  • 最后结果发生电线导体短路(有电弧放电现象)电线导体开口暴露的现象。

    Electrical end results occur with the shorting together of the cord conductors (evidence of an electrical arc discharge exists) or with the opening of either or both of the cord conductors.


  • 限制每个电容器充电电流电容器发生短路保护继电器

    It limits the charging current of each capacitor and also protects the relays in case a capacitor becomes short-circuited.


  • 电阻(R)保护扫描测试样板被短路不被损坏

    The current limiting resistors (r) protect the scanner CARDS from damage if the test coupon develops a short circuit.


  • 过热或者电流电压脉冲导致焊接在一起,就发生接触故障形成短路

    Contact failure can occur when excessive heat or a high current or voltage pulse causes the contacts to weld together, resulting in short circuits.


  • 采用基于叠加原理短路电流计算方法克服了传统的对称分量法应用于配电网短路电流计算所遇到的困难

    Furthermore, the superposition theorem is then adopted in the approach, which overcomes the difficulties when applying the symmetrical components to the short circuit calculation.


  • 因此感到大脑短路或许盹儿啦。

    So if you feel stuck, then you might want to take a nap.


  • 本文首先根据系统发生三相对称短路短路电流,给出了三相矩形母线短路动力的解析表达式

    The expression for short-circuit electrodynamic force of rectangular bus bars on the basis of the calculation of three-phase symmetry short-circuit current was fi.


  • 为了限制逆变臂直通短路故障电流上升率,可以装置的直流侧安装称为“环流保护电路”的附加电路。

    In order to restrict the rising rate of fault current caused by short circuit on one arm of bridge of inverter, a kind of device named current loop protection circuit can be adopted.


  • 焊接产生的锡珠减少短路现象的发生。

    Very few Soldering Balls occur and cut down the short circuit.


  • 分析汽轮发电机发生转子绕组短路故障电磁特性提出了基于分析的故障检测诊断方法

    Electromagneic characteristic of the interturn short circuit in turbo-generator rotor windings is analyzed. And a method of fault detection and diagnosis based on wavelet transform is presented.


  • 聚光2.73倍电池短路电流增益2.5 ~ 2.71倍。在低倍聚光下工作的太阳电池的研制,国内尚未见报道。

    Under low concentrated Sunlight (about 2.73 Suns), its short-Circuit current gain ranges from 2.5 to 2.71. The solar cell which operates at lower concentrated Sunlight has not been reported.


  • 根据电磁基本原理推导出空载负载短路电压电流抗的计算公式

    Based on the fundamental of electromagnetics, are summarily derived idle, load and short-circuit voltage as well as current and leakage reactance formulas.


  • 短路过渡焊接,熔滴过渡频率通常作为评价焊接过程稳定性及焊接质量的重要指标

    Metal transfer frequency are usually taken as the criteria to evaluate the process stability of short-circuiting arc welding.


  • 本文主要论述电力系统中母线上发生三相对称短路稳定稳定校验问题。

    This paper discusses the short-circuit verifying of wires in dynamic stability and heat withstand while the wires are chosen in the design of power system.


  • 电源断电或充电电路出现短路过热充电器充电指示灯

    A short circuit, over current and over heat are short circuit, over current and over heat, and the charging indicator light on the charger is not bright.


  • 安定意外短路,安定器自动停止工作避免损坏

    When stabilizer incurs suddenness, standing in short circuit condition, stabilizer stop working automatically, avoid damaging.


  • 串联的电阻器可以得多因为其作用只是防止电压过载以及电容器短路损坏二极管

    The series resistor can be much smaller since it is only needed to prevent overload of the voltage source and damage to the diode if the capacitor becomes short-circuited.


  • 电抗器电抗选择短路电流限制规定值,又不能使电压损失过大

    When the reactance value of current limiting reactor is selected, the short circuit current should be limited within the specified value and the voltage loss should not be too much.


  • 提出一种电网短路故障保持交流励磁风力发电机不脱网运行的新型励磁控制策略

    A new excitation control strategy is proposed for the rotor side converter in an AC excited wind-power generator to allow the system to ride through the grid short-circuit fault.


  • 相对雷电干扰普通短路故障雷击引起故障的行截波特征非常明显。

    Relative to lightning disturbance and short-circuit faults, the chopped wave caused by lightning-induced weak faults is obvious.


  • 系统存在短路断路故障,系统可靠性分析方法研究具有重要工程应用价值

    It is important to research the system reliability which is affected with short failure and open failure in engineering.


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