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    BML reserves the right to update this policy at any time according to its business needs, and you are hereby invited to visit this page to check the policy each time you visit this site.


  • 听到的死讯一滴眼泪。

    She shed no tears when she heard he was dead.


  • 最终结果持续气体开始星系间的气体结束是一股被称为“冷却”的少量气体,落入星系中央

    The net result is a continuous flow of gas, starting as hot gases in intergalactic space and ending as a drizzle of cool gas called a "cooling flow," falling into the central galaxy.


  • 负电正电的粒子相遇,就会形成一条连接云层地面完整通道

    When the negatively and positively charged streams meet, a complete channel connecting the cloud and the ground is formed.


  • (会话)正面体验——比如短暂沉默——打断,会发生什么事?

    What happens when the positive experience of flow is disrupted by, for instance, a brief silence?


  • 我们完成国际空间站成为轨道上的世界级实验室

    When we finish, ISS will be a premier, world-class laboratory in low Earth orbit.


  • 勒写道:“我们大脑处于放松状态我们有可能关注焦点转向大脑右半球释放出的远程连接。”

    "When our minds are at ease, we're more likely to direct the spotlight of attention towards that stream of remote associations emanating from the right hemisphere," Lehrer writes.


  • 哭泣频率差别很大:有些看小说电影都会有些一生泪。

    Frequency of crying varies widely: some shed tears at any novel or movie, others only a handful of times in their lives.


  • 其他鸟类上升飞行受到的阻力减小了,它们在推动自身前进消耗能量也减少了。

    Other birds flying in the upwash experience reduced drag, and spend less energy propelling themselves.


  • 这些负电荷距离地面不到100,会遇到来自地面正电荷粒子

    When a stream of these negatively charged electrons comes within 100 meters of the ground it is met by a stream of positively charged particles that comes up from the ground.


  • 孩子就能许多唐诗倒背如

    The child could reel off many poems of the Tang Dynasty at the age of five.


  • 提升属性可帮助各个环境中部署级别(不是每个节点的级别)对其进行更改

    Promoting the property helps to change it, at a flow level rather than at each node level during deployments on various environments.


  • 之后,在建立定制COBIT框架工作,您需要进行检查

    After this, you need to check the workflow of your custom COBIT framework as you build it.


  • 不过它们发布,它们被自动隐式确定了版本

    However, they are automatically and implicitly versioned when they are released to the stream.


  • 组织发生改变工作应用程序应该能够很容易更新工作

    The workflow application should have the capability to update workflows easily when processes and organizations change.


  • 部分讨论了实现使用JMS传输节点消息性能因素

    This section discusses performance considerations when implementing message flows that use the JMS transport nodes.


  • 创建中介可以使用一个选项中介保存单个文件多个文件中(见图11)。

    When creating a mediation flow, you can use an option to save the mediation flow in a single file or multiple files (Figure 11).


  • 列表中的所有文件完成处理将返回输入目录查找自从上次扫描以来到达的文件。

    When all files from the list have been processed, the flow returns to the input directory to seek new files which have arrived since the previous scan.


  • 接收新的消息执行解析新的配置然后立即更新执行逻辑

    Upon receiving new message flows, the execution group parses the new configuration and then updates its execution logic immediately.


  • 尝试大幅度改变行为情况下快速进入消息选项非常重要。

    This option is important when trying to quickly get into the flows of the message without significantly altering the behavior.


  • 每次启动执行部署消息静态变量恢复缺省值

    Static variables will return to their defaults every time the execution group is started or the message flow is deployed.


  • 创建调用,有多种方式可以设计面板布置对象

    When you create call flows, you can lay out the objects on the canvas in several ways.


  • 必要检查调试执行数据生成语句

    If desired, inspect the statements generated by debugging or executing your flow.


  • 下面缩略词清单及其用于描述各种场景请求含义

    Below is a list of acronyms and their meaning as used when describing the request flows for various scenarios.


  • 某个地方出错,在追溯确定何处发生错误将非常复杂

    When something goes wrong, tracing back through the flow to determine when and where a failure occurred is complex and time-consuming.


  • 用户在元素命名需要注意一点。

    Be mindful when naming components and streams, so as to avoid this pitfall.


  • 被封装可重用服务这个表示里程碑运行逻辑

    This flow represents the milestone run-time logic when encapsulated as reusable service.


  • 我们稍后介绍里程碑各种系统组件运行交互这个(行为)有意义

    The flow, or behavior, of the milestone will make more sense later when we describe the run-time interactions of the milestone with the various system components.


  • 这些事务型使用的是两阶段提交之类机制这样失败可以整个或者在成功提交整个

    These flows are transactional, using mechanisms such as two-phase commit, so that the entire flow can be rolled back in the case of a failure, or committed in the case of success.


  • 这些事务型使用的是两阶段提交之类机制这样失败可以整个或者在成功提交整个

    These flows are transactional, using mechanisms such as two-phase commit, so that the entire flow can be rolled back in the case of a failure, or committed in the case of success.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定