• 厨房提供24服务通过接待处联系

    The kitchen maintains a twenty-four hour service and can be contacted via reception.


  • 我们义务提供服务信息服务

    Our obligations: to provide you with information within four hours of request, etc.


  • 避寒场所免费提供饮食洗澡住宿服务,实行24小服务接待。

    The cold shelters will provide services like food, showers and accommodation around the clock.


  • 城市交通部门为此安排34条奥运公交专线前往各个场馆,有的线路甚至24服务

    The Beijing traffic authority will arrange 34 special bus lines to the venues, with some offering 24-hour service.


  • 错误概述——当某业务错误发生服务消费者收到业务出错提示,它提供对业务出错的简单描述

    Error textProvides a brief description of the business error that service consumers will receive for a business error.


  • SLA要么非常笼统,要么非常详细通常包含故障发生服务供应商客户应该采取步骤

    A SLA can be either very general or extremely detailed, and it generally includes the steps that should be taken by the service provider and the client in the event of failure.


  • 农户特别是农村企业中所进行的社会经济研究显示只要合理可靠提供24服务他们愿意支付用电费用

    Socio-economic studies among rural households and especially rural enterprises show a willingness to pay for access to electricity, if only reasonably reliable and 24h services were available.


  • 过去几个月,公司雇佣了更多顾问开通了24服务电话并且开设了一个压力工人可以使用球拍假人身上发泄沮丧

    In recent months, the company has brought in more counselors, started a 24-hour phone counseling service and opened a stress room where workers can take out frustration on mannequins with bats.


  • 碰到问题可能使用MQLink消息发送WebSphere MQ队列时服务集成总线所有外来队列定义缺省

    The problem you are hitting is most likely a default value on all foreign queue definitions on the service integration bus when the MQ Link is being used to transmit messages to a WebSphere MQ queue.


  • 他们愿意祖国需要祖国服务

    They were willing to serve the fatherland in its hour of need.


  • 国家政府再也无法提供个人安全粮食保障以及教育医疗基本社会服务国家就会衰落。

    States fail when national governments can no longer provide personal security, food security and basic social services such as education and health care.


  • 他因醉酒驾车判140社区服务

    He was sentenced to 140 hours' community service for drunk driving.


  • NET设计产品考虑到了服务很棒。

    NET has done a bang-up job of designing its products with service in mind.


  • 付账另加10%的服务

    10% will be added to your bill for service.


  • 服务结账了账

    The waiter made a mistake (in) adding up the bill.


  • 需要穿马甲的服务他们就在那儿

    The white-jacketed waitstaff are there when you need them.


  • 欧洲人柜台服务,在窗口排起了长队非洲人一直在等待

    While Europeans were served at the counter, a long line of Africans queued at the window and were kept waiting.


  • 使用图书馆服务,你收到一张借书证

    You'll receive a library card which is needed when using library services.


  • 他们到达服务他们讲述了事件的整个经过

    When they arrived the waiter told them the whole story.


  • 离开服务一张写着一杯咖啡贴到了墙上

    When he left, the waiter put a piece of paper on the wall saying "A Cup of Coffee".


  • 的确服务客户需要启动成本比如信用检查,其成本要高于服务客户成本。

    It is true that when there are start-up costs, such as credit checks, involved in serving a new customer, the costs exceed those of serving a repeat customer.


  • 他们到达服务员向他们讲述了整个故事,包括熊猫的话“查一查”。

    When they arrived the waiter told them the whole story, including the panda's words "looking it up".


  • 恩科西科准备为她服务,她意识到她身上既没有钱也没有卡。

    When Nkosikho was about to serve her, she realized she didn't have any money or cards on her.


  • 育部还要求学校确保在整个三个学年中提供40小的志愿服务

    The MOE also asks schools to make sure 40 hours of voluntary service during the full three school years.


  • 通常考虑从一个组件(客户端)另一个组件(目标)交互服务客户端确定使用哪种类型调用

    In general, when considering an interaction from one component (source or client) to another (target), the service client determines what type of invocation will be used.


  • 首先我们希望通过确保一致性提高易用性编排流程服务最好具有可预测特征

    First, we want to increase consumability by ensuring consistency; when choreographing a process it is preferable that services have predictable characteristics.


  • 现有新的多租户服务设计web交付服务供应商常常面对许多设计选择

    Service providers contemplating web-delivery of existing or new multi-tenant services are often faced with a number of design choices.


  • 收到特定请求服务实现调用 ServiceRegistryRepository 的一个对应方法来进行数据库操作返回数据集。

    Once a specific request is received, service implementation invokes an appropriate method on a ServiceRegistryRepository to execute an appropriate database operation and return results back.


  • 收到特定请求服务实现调用 ServiceRegistryRepository 的一个对应方法来进行数据库操作返回数据集。

    Once a specific request is received, service implementation invokes an appropriate method on a ServiceRegistryRepository to execute an appropriate database operation and return results back.


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