• 至少达尔文时代开始生物学家一直试图理解定义物种形成机制

    Since at least Darwin time, biologists have been trying to understand and define the mechanisms for speciation.


  • 新的动力机械人工肥料现在已经完全改变了石器时代开始一种生活方式

    New power machinery and artificial fertilizers have now totally transformed a way of life that started in the Stone Age.


  • 时代结束是以另一个时代开始前提

    The end of an era presupposes the start of another.


  • 冰河时代开始大陆冰原逐渐增大海洋蒸发出来的逐渐减少,而这些最终回到陆地上。

    When an ice age begins, the continental ice sheets grow, steadily reducing the amount of water evaporated from the ocean that will eventually return to it.


  • 由于德国传统坦南鲍姆圣诞树,圣诞节维多利亚时代开始流行起来。

    Christmas really took off for the Victorians because of the German tradition of the Tannenbaum Christmas tree.


  • 商业性木材砍伐淘金时代开始红杉树在继续砍伐,在木材公司环保主义者之间引起争议

    Commercial felling of timber since the Gold Rush era, the red cedar is continuing deforestation, timber companies and environmentalists are among the subject of debate.


  • 最初先是海盗来到加拿大东部,此后欧洲人进行探险时代开始一直到近现代,北美大陆的历史此阶段迅速展开。

    The first vistors are a gang of pirates after which , the Europeans have started their expedition and explorations which has been enduring to the contemporary times.


  • 至少里根时代开始人们普遍认为,蛋糕只管实现一点最好办法就是解放市场投资者然后放任自由。

    At least since Reagan, the consensus was that you just had to make the pie grow, and the best way to do that was to unshackle markets and investors, and then get out of the way.


  • 确切地说,也许并不是以这种方式产生但是IBM过去50参与最大数据库开发,而一切都是从卡带磁带时代开始的。

    Well, maybe it didn't exactly happen that way, but IBM has been involved in some of the biggest database developments of the past 50 years. It all began in the era of punch CARDS and disk platters.


  • 这些调查结果起源于试图回答一个更宽广问题,它从亚当夏娃时代开始困扰人们——人们是怎样以及为什么陷入爱河

    Such findings spring from attempts to answer a broader question that has bedeviled humanity since Adam and Eve: how and why do people fall in love?


  • 自从工业时代开始以来,海洋表层pH已经缓慢地下降但是值得注意的是已经8.2下降8.1,而且在继续下降

    Since the beginning of the industrial era, the pH of surface waters has decreased slightly but significantly from 8.2 to 8.1, and it continues to decrease.


  • 接着维多利亚时代开始首次出现银行挤兑直到财政部承诺担保该国第五抵押贷款银行NorthernRock全部存款停止

    Then the first bank run in Britain since Victorian times was stopped only when the Treasury guaranteed all the deposits at beleaguered Northern Rock, the country's fifth-biggest mortgage lender.


  • 要追溯到无法考究古老时代——至少是从希波克拉底(古希腊名医时代开始,年轻的医生们就开始学习依靠辨别病人呼吸气味寻找疾病的迹象。

    SINCE time immemorialor at least as far back as Hippocratesnovice physicians have been taught to smell patients' breath for signs of illness.


  • 结果显示绝经妇女吸烟使患乳腺癌风险增加16%,曾经吸烟的妇女乳腺癌的风险增加9%,风险最高的是那些吸烟超过50年以上的妇女,如果妇女从青少年时代开始吸烟那么患病的风险会很高,即使停止吸烟20年后患乳腺癌的风险也会持续下去。

    The results show that smokers have a 16% increased risk of developing breast cancer after the menopause. The increased risk for former smokers is 9%.


  • 基督诞生世界历史一个重要时代开始

    The birth of Christ was the beginning of a major epoch of world history.


  • 技术时代已经开始

    A new technological age had dawned.


  • 一个新的时代已经开始

    A new age has begun.


  • 小小的棕色拖船里,我们可以看到工业时代开始

    In the little, brown tugboat, we can see the new industrial era starting.


  • 另外发展预示着公路收费站时代结束开始了一交通革命从而促进了区域专业化国家市场经济发展。

    Two other developments presaged the end of the era of turnpikes and started a transportation revolution that resulted in increased regional specialization and the growth of a national market economy.


  • 个人技术时代很多方面来说才刚刚开始

    The era of personal technology is in many ways just beginning.


  • 随着温室气体浓度下降地球开始再次变冷最终回到冰河时代

    Gradually as the concentration of greenhouse gases goes down, Earth starts to cool again, and eventually you slip back into an Ice Age.


  • 维多利亚时代人们开始女性禁锢起来,直到今日,她们努力挣脱牢笼

    Victorians started putting women in a box, and they're still trying to crawl out of it.


  • 考古证据开始指向一个横跨吉利)海峡的青铜时代聚落,它是大海连接的,不是被大海分开

    Archaeological evidence was beginning to suggest a Bronze-Age community straddling the Channel, brought together by the sea, rather than separated by it.


  • 萧条可能已经结束了失业率时代或许已经开始

    The great recession may be over, but this era of high joblessness is probably beginning.


  • 萧条可能已经结束了失业率时代或许已经开始

    The great recession may be over, but this era of high joblessness is probably beginning.


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