• 第三《歧路灯》教育民俗作者教育观,兼时代小说相比较

    The third part analyses the education concept of author from the education folklore in the novel, and compare with the contemporary novels.


  • 人物形象塑造上,承接明清时代小说男性形象弱化特点塑造了一类型化具有女性阴柔美的男性形象。

    In characterization, the men carry the image of the Ming and Qing era weakened the characteristics of a number of types of mold, and has a male image of female beauty of gentleness.


  • 斯科特驾驿时代小说写作技巧之异同标准于掌之间,运用于自己苏格兰历史深刻感情文物研究传统的知识中。

    Scott gathered the disparate strands of contemporary novel-writing techniques into his own hands and harnessed them to his deep interest in Scottish history and his knowledge of antiquarian lore.


  • 小说属于一个辉煌已逝去时代一句话已经过时了

    His novels belong to a great but vanished age. They are, in short, old-fashioned.


  • 他们处的时代,人们这些小说评价褒贬不一的。

    The critical, as opposed to popular, reception of these novels in their own time was mixed.


  • 最初Kindle尼尔·斯蒂芬森的科幻小说钻石时代》中的一个人物命名,代号为“菲奥娜”,终于准备2007年秋季上市。

    That original Kindle, code-named "Fiona" after a character in Neal Stephenson's futuristic novel The Diamond Age, was finally ready to go in the fall of 2007.


  • 收集维多利亚时代初版小说

    She collects first editions of Victorian novels.


  • 作者童年时代作为这部小说素材

    The writer uses her childhood as raw material for this novel.


  • 通过证明国家利益最终包含不仅仅统治国家公众人物的利益,小说参与那个时代政治对话

    Behan's novels engage in the political dialogue of her era by demonstrating that the good of the nation ultimately encompasses more than the good of the public figures who rule it.


  • 1837年1901年,维多利亚时代大约有六万小说出版

    Some 60,000 novels were published during the Victorian Age, from 1837 to 1901.


  • 小说时代一面镜子。

    His novel is a mirror of The Times.


  • 作者塞万提斯,又一个至于任何时代都毫不逊色伟大小说一定被唐吉诃德桑丘·潘沙的幽默和才智逗乐。

    By Cervantes. Another of the greatest novels of all time, the tales of Quixote and the amazing Sancho Panza will delight you with their humor and wit.


  • 未来成为现实,最早科幻小说里,所以超前未来派艺术家赛得·米起码我们领先两个时代

    Science fiction is where the future happens first, and that puts futurist Syd Mead at least two steps ahead of the rest of us.


  • “蒸汽朋克推想性小说类型,类故事的发生背景通常设定过去未来相结合的城市维多利亚时代发明创造出现一个黑暗的异世界里。

    Steampunk is a kind of speculative fiction that usually takes place in urban Settings where the future meets the past: Victorian era inventions clash with often dark alternate realities.


  • 不会推荐孩子们儿童小说不过那些维多利亚时代童话兴趣异议人来说,这本一定要看。

    This is a children's novel that I might not recommend for the kids, but anybody with an interest in Victorian fairy tales and a bit of controversy absolutely must pick this one up.


  • 19世纪称为维多利亚时代序幕,沃尔特·斯例子说明绅士可以小说

    At the beginning of the 19th century, which you might call the prelude to the Victorian era, Walter Scott had demonstrated that you could be a gentleman and write fiction.


  • 因为这个时代女人被要求扮演一定传统角色的,我们小说开始就看到了

    I want to suggest to you that he did that because a woman is expected to occupy certain conventional roles at this moment, and we see her in one at the very beginning of the novel.


  • 这种对比得恰到好处,且对于两个时代都有深刻见解时,两条线就能够合二为一,编织豪华的迈克尔·坎宁安的“时时刻刻”,以及拜亚特的“隐之书”都是文学小说里的成功例子。

    When the counterpointing is done with care and insight, in literary fiction such as Michael Cunningham’s “The Hours” and A.S. Byatt’s “Possession”, the strands weave together into a rich tapestry.


  • 有时我会想,这样一个信息爆炸时代人们需要小说吗?

    Sometimes, it also occurred to me that in an explosive period of message at present, do people still need to read novels


  • 小说反映时代一面镜子。

    This novel is a mirror of The Times.


  • 时代周刊》罗宁一起谈论了书中灾难把握尺度以及这本吸血鬼小说持久

    TIME talked to Cronin about his scope for catastrophe and the staying power of the vampire story.


  • 自从犯罪小说黄金时代开始,很多事情发生了变化”,

    "I think there's been a huge change since the novels of the Golden Age," she suggests.


  • 勒?凡尔纳小说中虚构的冒险家菲力斯霍治可能我们想象的还走在时代的前列。

    Jules Verne's fictional adventurer Phileas Fogg may have been more ahead of his time than we thought.


  • 他们第一站就是克拉朗斯,他们那个时代受喜爱书信小说朱莉或者新的艾罗伊茨”就在这里写成定稿。

    The first stop was the village of Clarens, where themost beloved novel of their era, Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s epistolary love story, “Julie, or the New Héloïse” was composed and set.


  • 他们第一站就是克拉朗斯,他们那个时代受喜爱书信小说朱莉或者新的艾罗伊茨”就在这里写成定稿。

    The first stop was the village of Clarens, where themost beloved novel of their era, Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s epistolary love story, “Julie, or the New Héloïse” was composed and set.


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