• Springbean实现多个接口支持将其公开服务

    Exposing a Spring bean as a service is not supported when the bean implements multiple interfaces.


  • 的是,实现这些语言特性JD K 5.0编译生成特定JDK 5.0更高版本代码时不支持这些特性。

    Unfortunately, the JDK 5.0 compiler that implements these language features will only support them when generating code that's versioned specifically for JDK 5.0 or higher.


  • 应用程序数据聚合排序HQL支持特定业务规则除外。

    The only exception is when your application has special business rules for data aggregation and ordering that HQL doesn’t support.


  • 如果存储库支持通配符,那么遇到通配符LIKE操作符应该抛出异常

    In the case that wildcards are not supported by your repository, you will throw an exception when you encounter a wildcard with a LIKE operator.


  • 6中的参数执行GET方法支持PUTDELETE方法支持任何参数

    The argument in table 6 is supported only when performing the GET method; the PUT and DELETE methods do not support any arguments.


  • Session包含读(级别1)(级别2)方法;使用底层仓库支持功能抛出异常

    Sessioncontains method for both reading (level 1) and writing (level 2); using functionality not supported by the underlying repository will thrown an exception.


  • 撰写本文Firefox最新be ta版支持声明性动画但是Mozilla团队正在为之努力。

    At the time of this writing, the latest beta of Firefox doesn't support declarative animation, but the Mozilla team is working on it.


  • 问题计算机运行IBMSupportAssistantWorkbench代理支持操作系统便携收集器也许用于自动化数据收集理想选择

    A portable collector might be a good choice for automating data collections when the problem machine runs an operating system that is not supported by the IBM support Assistant Workbench or agent.


  • 通常系统中复制重新创建非标准文件类型tar命令更加可靠因为cp命令支持- r命令选项

    The tar command is also generally more reliable at copying and recreating non-standard file types on systems, as the cp command does not support the -r command-line option.


  • 将与版本 5 兼容的应用程序安装版本 5目标支持deployejbdeploywsprecompileJSP选项

    When installing a V5-compatible application to a V5 target, the deployejb, deployws, and precompileJSP options are not supported.


  • Web服务栈用于传递复杂的数据结构,但是传递PHP支持的数据类型必须小心

    However, care should be used when transferring data types not supported in PHP.


  • 撰写本文InternetExplorer支持定位服务

    At the writing of this article, Internet Explorer does not support location services.


  • Castor当前beta测试版(篇文章,该版本0.9.4.1)支持代码生成中进行任何实质定制这种情况有望得到改变。

    The current beta release of Castor ( as of my writing this) doesn't support any substantial customizations in the code generation, but that's changing.


  • 在进行大多数开发Python - aware编辑器(支持代码折叠,但是优秀的语法高亮代码补功能)。

    For most development the Python-aware editor is what you will use (no code-folding, but nice syntax highlighting and code-completion).


  • 使用方法我们必须记住机制支持访问器注入支持基于构造函数参数的注入。

    While using this approach we have to remember that this mechanism supports only accessor-based injection, constructor argument based injection is not supported.


  • 将来创建自己的数据库忘了包括这个参数否则您的数据库支持xml特性

    When creating your own databases in the future, don't forget to include this parameter or your database won't support XML features!


  • 部署服务支持4gl支持复杂数据类型

    Complex data types supported in 4gl are not yet supported to deploy as a service.


  • 客户定义额外索引确定是否正在他们的环境调优一个支持状态

    Sometimes customers are uncertain about whether they're turning their environment into an unsupported state when defining additional indexes.


  • 这个步骤通常可选的,并且OSCAR也可以我们执行这些步骤,但是这个步骤会失败,尤其是一个尚支持发行版本上安装更是如此

    This step is usually optional and OSCAR does this for you, but sometimes this step fails, especially if you are installing OSCAR on an unsupported distribution.


  • 他杀母亲认为末日机器是个发明—支持他的梦想

    When he killed my mother, who never thought the Doomsday Machine was a good idea, he said, She never supported my dreams.


  • 支持12支持输入

    There's no support for 12-hour clocks, or for just entering month and day.


  • 一个设备支持某种类型控件MobilePortal会寻找设备所支持的控件来代替指定控件。

    When a device can't support a certain type of control, Mobile Portal falls back to a control supported by the device in lieu of the specified control.


  • Dillo提供了一个gui默认状态下功能相当有限没有其他插件甚至支持SSL

    Dillo provides a GUI; it is fairly limited in its default state, however, and doesn't even support SSL without an additional plugin!


  • 因此最大挑战支持一种现有应用程序和平台的模式,你如何认识Linux操作系统益处

    So the challenge is, how can you realize the benefits of the Linux operating system if you have to support a diverse set of existing applications and platforms?


  • 使用XQuery连接器支持通过引用传递XML结果因为构造LO b定位器比较困难

    When an XQuery is used, the connector does not support passing the XML result by reference due to difficulties in constructing a LOB locater.


  • 本文的JMenuBar示例所显示的,即使api支持某个任务自己实现虽然一点间接

    As this article's JMenuBar example shows, even when there's no support for a task in the API, you might be able to implement it yourself, albeit a bit indirectly.


  • 真正解决深层下钻保持标题同步问题撰写本文,iuirails_iui支持这个功能

    It's not a full solution to the problem of keeping the header in synch through a deep drill-down, but as I write this, neither iui or the rails_iui plug-in support this feature.


  • 问题安装BusinessEvents v6.2.1使用MicrosoftSQLServer数据库作为存储库,看到不支持的数据库警告,见1

    Problem: Business Events V6.2.1 is installed with Microsoft SQL Server database as the repository, and you see an unsupported database warning, as shown in Figure 1.


  • 你们教导我们下一次制造事物,所有王国都超越支持整体舞蹈一个全新奇妙未来诞生

    You teach us about what not to create next time and as all kingdoms rise out of the dance that has not supported the whole a new and wondrous tomorrow will be born.


  • 你们教导我们下一次制造事物,所有王国都超越支持整体舞蹈一个全新奇妙未来诞生

    You teach us about what not to create next time and as all kingdoms rise out of the dance that has not supported the whole a new and wondrous tomorrow will be born.


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