• 什么的,必将民中

    I will destroy from among his people anyone who does any work on that day.


  • 纪念音乐会外,明年831伦敦举行纪念戴安娜王妃的教堂纪念仪式。1997年8月31,戴安娜王妃在巴黎的车祸丧生

    As well as the concert, there will be a church memorial service for Diana on August 31 of next year in London, who died in a car crash in Paris on August 31, 1997.


  • 作为Ohrid夏天部分音乐会之外,这个叫做Interfest的古典音乐年度活动以前Bitola建立

    In addition to the concerts held as part of the Ohrid Summer festival, an annual festival of classical music named Interfest was established in Bitola a few years ago.


  • 签发证书的最《国际卫生条例(2005)》生效前一天2007年6月14

    The latest date that a Deratting Certificate can be issued is one day prior to the entry into force of IHR (2005) or 14 June 2007.


  • 在该签发证书最长有效期6月,2007年12月14

    A Derattting Certificate issued on that date is valid for a maximum of six months, or until 14 December 2007.


  • 2007年8月29世界银行正在400多英里之外外空查看地球上一个重要环境问题天然气—的真面目

    August 29, 2007 - From more than 400 miles in space, the World Bank is pinpointing the true extent of one of the planet's major environmental problems - gas flaring.


  • 6月14中石化北京石油分公司启动了24座奥运定点加油站油品外,提供翻译应急救助、油品鉴定等服务

    On Saturday Sinopec Group Beijing branch opened 24 Olympic-oriented gas stations, providing not only gasoline but also services like translation, emergency help and gasoline identification.


  • 贷款协议书另有注明外,利息累算,按年365基准计算

    Unless otherwise specified in Loan Agreement, interest accrues on a daily basis and is calculated on the basis of a 365-day year.


  • 发表于《英格兰医学杂志》5月14一项研究表明手术手术以及放疗之外的化疗可以改善老年女性患者的存活率

    A new study, published in the May 14 issue of the new England Journal of Medicine, shows that chemotherapy in addition to the surgery or surgery and radiation improves survival among older women.


  • 一次不同的,可以看到胜利必须2010年,木星双鱼座6月6通过9月9(全年)。

    This time is different and you can see victory, but you MUST do it in 2010, while Jupiter is in Pisces (all year except for June 6 through September 9).


  • 这种咖啡馆服务员外,只有可爱猫咪提供服务。顾客只需支付500,就可享受小猫小时陪伴

    In cat cafes, cute kittens accompany the customers who can play with the cats for only 500 yen for half an hour.


  • 永远会员外,其他会员有效期入会起至翌年3月31止。

    All membership valid through 31 March of next year from date of application, except Life membership.


  • 从船舶到达时算起5,船上船员工作需要并且卫生检疫机关许可外,不准上岸

    No crew member is allowed to go on shore within 5 days after its arrival with the exception of those whose work requires them to do so and who are permitted by the health quarantine organ;


  • 本细则所称申请另有规定外,是指专利法第二十八条规定申请

    The date of filing referred to in these Rules, except as otherwise prescribed, means the date of filing prescribed in Article 28 of the Patent Law.


  • 15以上-机票外,团费用手续费,全部退还

    15th Day and up-air tickets are non refund able; land cost will be refunded with service fee.


  • 格局有没有扶,远距离生,别生助,主从弱。

    Set pattern: the main weak day to see if there is no health Rotary, in addition tol distance Chen-sheng, no health assistance, Japanese master from weak.


  • 指甲休息”,要先油液指甲油然后抹上指甲含油量较多的膏、甘油轻柔地按摩指头

    In the 'nails a rest day ", first eliminate the use of nail polish except oil, then add cream or nail oil content of more paint on hand cream, glycerine, etc. , gently massage the finger."


  • 从10月8起,系统不再受理新的进口报关单电子底帐核查业务尚未结案进口付汇报关数据老系统内处理外,新业务必须在新系统中办理。

    Except for those import forex payment declaration data which are not concluded and will still be processed in the old system, new businesses must be processed in the new system.


  • 本细则所称申请另有规定外,是指专利法第二十八条规定申请

    The date of filing referred to in these Implementing Regulations, except as otherwise prescribed, means the date of filing prescribed in Article 28 of the Patent Law.


  • 第一使用此卡购票后卡片开始激活生效。 1有效期1之外,其他天数的卡片的有效期为14天,14天中按照选择的天数使用。

    Please note: Cards are activated the first time they are used at an attraction and are valid for the number of calendar days you have purchased out of a 14 day period after activation.


  • 第一使用此卡购票后卡片开始激活生效。 1有效期1之外,其他天数的卡片的有效期为14天,14天中按照选择的天数使用。

    Please note: Cards are activated the first time they are used at an attraction and are valid for the number of calendar days you have purchased out of a 14 day period after activation.


- 来自原声例句

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